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Everything posted by molan

  1. As this looks like it's a bit of a 'dead' for sale thread I thought I'd add that new Alembic prices in the USA are, unsurprisingly, way, way, below the massive list ones they quote. If you want a custom build then you could certainly be looking at very high prices against their ratecard but if you track down a dealer with something in stock then even top of the range stuff that lists around $12K is trading between $6K & $7K. At today's exchange rates that's around the £4K mark for something brand new. Obviously you'd have shipping & duties on top but if anyone is in the market for a high end Alembic then this is a good indication of what's available
  2. If i can liberate it from my guitarist I'll have to lend you my baby Zon some time Jake. It's absolutely tiny but has a huge sound. Would be great to cart around on tour as it's so small & light yet flexible in what you can play with it. Mine is only a 4 but they do make a 5 as well
  3. [quote name='voxpop' post='509571' date='Jun 9 2009, 09:26 PM']It really is a bugger as I love that Spector sound....................................thats life. Time to start saving for another one in the future.[/quote] If you ever need to borrow one for recording or something Marc just let me know - I'm sure we could work something out as my maple one lives in Fleet most of the time so not far from you
  4. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='509429' date='Jun 9 2009, 07:41 PM']Her studio efforts never seem to reach the heights of her live stuff. More due to the tendency of neo-soul producers to opt for the clean electronic sound rather than her I think; oh well Jay[/quote] There appears to be a new live album out dated 2009: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Live-Erykah-Badu/dp/B001NFR2VQ/ref=sr_1_4"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Live-Erykah-Badu/d...R2VQ/ref=sr_1_4[/url]
  5. Jake is a very accomplished 5 string player and has a particularly gorgeous Alembic 5. I think he was more looking for some thoughts about how a Fender jazz 5 played and sounded compared to other well know 5's. Maybe stuff like how the low B sounds etc. N.B. Only saying this as I'm guessing Jake is gigging tonight and would appreciate any other thoughts about the playability and sounds etc.
  6. I could do with a standard male to female XLR lead - maybe something like 2 metres
  7. This is indeed a really lovely example of an NS5XL. It's in great condition, plays beautifully, not as heavy as some & has the perfect Spector tone A great buy for whoever ends up with it! What a bugger about the car though Marc, so sorry to hear that
  8. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='509464' date='Jun 9 2009, 07:59 PM']That style of music always sounds like a piss-take to me. I half expect to see Norman Pace on bongos.[/quote] But I bet you'd like to meet Annie?
  9. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='509429' date='Jun 9 2009, 07:41 PM']I always wondered who the bass player was on that record. Absolute groove monster and my favourite album of hers. Her studio efforts never seem to reach the heights of her live stuff. More due to the tendency of neo-soul producers to opt for the clean electronic sound rather than her I think; oh well Solid playing here- Jay[/quote] Liking this one a lot - hadn't heard it live before
  10. Very pretty - shame I can't play fretless!
  11. rbigman has one for sale & he's based in Hampshire somewhere - maybe you could zip over & give it a try out
  12. I saw Soft machine with HH on bass about a zillion years ago. From what i remember the sound at the gig was really rough apart from the bass which sounded really smoth & controlled
  13. I really like the old live album from about 10 years ago with the, wonderfully named, Hubert Eaves IV on bass I like her version of Stay (Chaka Khan song) from this album. Edit - just checked Hubert Eaves IV & discovered there's a Hubert Eaves II & III who are all musicians as well
  14. [quote name='Maxcat' post='508627' date='Jun 8 2009, 10:13 PM']Welcome. Another RG here tho via Gods Country[/quote] You're from Oxfordshire as well then
  15. [quote name='ian' post='508339' date='Jun 8 2009, 05:07 PM']sorry what i meant to say was when i bought the bass from the gallery it already had the battery compartment as it use to have a j retro fitted .but when i bought it it had the original control plates .and a proper batt compartment but it broke i will put a new one back in soon anyway like i say its all original apart from the battery compartment many thanks[/quote] Ah ha, that makes sense Don't suppose you have the bridge cover as well? It obviously had one fitted as the screw holes are there
  16. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='508342' date='Jun 8 2009, 05:10 PM']I emailed that guy asking for photos. I had a very badly worded reply telling me how pleased for life I would be if I bought the SC from him. But all went quiet when I asked him if I could try it and pay cash on collection. I just hope no one actually fell for it.[/quote] I asked him the rather tough question about what scale 'short' was and whether it really had six strings as per his item listing when most SC's are 4's. He went very quiet after that & EBay removed the listing soon afterwards! Anyway - just to show that I'm not trying to hijack this thread - I'm pretty sure this isn't the same person listing and that this is a genuine 'for sale' ad for what I'm sure is a very nice bass. Just one without any pics yet
  17. I know this might sound a bit obvious but are the rooms you're gigging in at all similar to the rehearsal space? If the room is substantially different (and most gigging venues are going to be very different from a small closed rehearsal space) then you'll need to eq for the room rather than your regular practice venue. The suggestion about a long lead or wireless is great to test just how you sound at different parts of a gig venue (especially if you're not in the PA). I've certainly played in rooms that have had hideous low booming frequencies on stage but sound just fine out front & vice versa. I'm now lucky in that I only really need to concentrate on eq setting for stage monitoring most of the time. Having a live sound man to mix you out front is such a bonus (so long as he has good ears!).
  18. [quote name='LeftyJ' post='507646' date='Jun 7 2009, 06:41 PM']you could also look at the American Vintage '75 Jazz Bass, they're incredible basses. I believe there's one for sale on this forum right now.[/quote] I've just picked up one of these & am very impressed. Worth a try to see how Fender are 'copying' their own vintage basses. Only comes in natural though I think
  19. My absolutely mint Perception Pro Deluxe 5 sold at £895 (both on Ebay & then here) if that's any help
  20. [quote name='bassace' post='508249' date='Jun 8 2009, 02:50 PM']The Stones at the Town Hall and a very young Rod Stewart at the Uni. Those were the days.[/quote] Reading Uni was a great rock venue in the late '70's when I lived there. I saw a whole string of people there. Often a bit of an odd gig though becuase everyone used to sit down all the time - lots of head shaking going on but not much body movement, lol.
  21. [quote name='ian' post='508192' date='Jun 8 2009, 01:42 PM']yea thats right mate had a j east in when i bought it thanks mate[/quote] Does that mean the controls now fitted aren't the original ones? Also - did you re-fit the cavity cover or just leave it as per the photo? It's a shame in a way that it's had work done on it. I'm sure it was done for good reasons &, hopefully, made it work better for whoever did it but that'll hit your resale value a fair bit unfortunately.
  22. [quote name='stevefletch59' post='506202' date='Jun 5 2009, 11:13 AM']Welcome to the forum, thats not a bad amp for a 17 year old, well for anyone really ![/quote] You need to be that sort of age to be abe to lift one I just about qualify under the RG postcodes as well - Henley is, confusingly, actually in Oxfordshire but has a Reading postcode! Last time I lived in Reading (well up St Peter's Hill in Caversham but pretty close!) was when I was 18 as it happens - God that was a long time ago. . .
  23. They used to be great when in Wapping, best customer service I've ever had from a music shop. Gone downhill since though which is a real shame
  24. [quote name='Marky L' post='508191' date='Jun 8 2009, 01:37 PM']Hate to say it, but I don't mind a bit of a wander through the market actually! I can usually pick up a couple of pairs of cheap and unpleasant sun glasses when I go there. Yes, that's another of my problems - "My name is Marky and I have a cheap sunglasses problem."[/quote] Get some star shaped ones, wear them indoors at the Gallery, ask to try out a couple of auto-wah pedals & start playing some p-funk, you'll find that the glasses make all the difference to your sound & you'll always be right on 'the one'
  25. If your other half wants to go shopping in Camden there's loads of places to go. You could go to Camden tube, drop her off on Camden High Street on the market side and then arrange to meet in one of the many bars or restaurants afterwards. It's a short stroll to the Gallery from the market area
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