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Everything posted by molan

  1. Is a Stanley Clarke significantly more expensive than a Mark King signature deluxe? Just asking as £6,500 is a fair bit more than the MK's are new so I wondered what the extra cost was spent on as I know the MK's are pretty nicely finished off
  2. Hi Ian, what's that hole cut into the back for? Looks like a battery cavity?
  3. I've just picked one of these up in a PX deal and I have to say I'm really impressed. Great feel & action, really nicely put together. Much more flexible in terms of sounds than I would have thought from a passive instrument as well. I love the everything full on' tone, again I was surprised they weren't some fancy aftermarket pickups fitted! I'm not a real Fender veteran but this is by far the nicest Fender I've ever played
  4. I've spent a lot of time in the last year buying and selling but I also seem to have really settled on one bass that just 'works' for me (well, actually I'm cheating a bit because I liked it so much I immediately bought a 2nd one!). I sat down yesterday for a quick noodle and got up again over 3 hours later, no bass has ever done that to me before Hope you have many happy hours with it
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='507085' date='Jun 6 2009, 05:13 PM']Id ove two AE112s...but wow, the prices are so high now. Thanks![/quote] If you can hold the GAS for a while then some might come up 2nd hand. I think mine were about £650 for the pair including a nice set of original Berg covers Really great little cabs. I can use one for small gigs or rehearsals & the pair covers anything else I'd ever need (I'm in the foh PA mix as well but often only just adding a little high end to the bass sound depending on the room). They weigh sod all as well & I can fit both of them in the boot of a 3 series Beemer!
  6. [quote name='Josh' post='507308' date='Jun 6 2009, 11:56 PM']The Gap Band. Fantastic synth driven basslines, they dominate the songs. Anyone know who their bassist was?[/quote] I love some of the Gap Band's stuff. Saw them live in Hammersmith once, Charlie Wilson was great, full on 'sex God' kinda stuff. Women were going crazy & doing all the stuff that people talk about, but rarely actually happens, like throwing underwear etc. at him! Robert Wilson is generally credited as the playing bass Wilson brother but I'm they had session guys on a lot of stuff as well. My personal fave is the full 12" version of Outstanding, not desperately funky but I love the groove & Charlie is on good form on this one P.S. Just found Outstanding 12" on Spotify & listening to it right now (I have it on vinyl of course but Spotify is quicker, lol).
  7. Always thought this was a real 'looker'
  8. I have to say that normally I have a real problem with single cuts, they just look 'wrong' to me somehow However this design looks like it just works somehow Do you know what the string spacing at the bridge is? Also - roughly how much does it weigh?
  9. Ok, so I'm not playing at anything like your volumes and only against one guitarist but I can certainly give a big thumbs up for the deep bass response of a humble little Berg AE 1x12. I'm running with a pair of them and have had to cut low bass in the eq at some gigs. If you position them near a rear wall they really chuck out a heavy old bucket of bass
  10. [quote name='umcoo' post='506497' date='Jun 5 2009, 05:13 PM']This is driving me crazy. I'm making a fender/warmoth jazz and it's all set to go apart from tuners and pickups. Tuners are from Sussex and were shipped 2 weeks ago, first class. Nothing yet. Pickups were shipped 5 WEEKS ago from the US, and nothing yet. I'm getting a feeling they're somewhere at the bottom of the Atlantic. Anyone have really bad experiences with shipping or really long times? I just wanted to vent sorry, it's time like this you realise how much you just sit and pick up a bass when you're hanging out. Oh well, there's always tomorrows post![/quote] Where are you based - I'm sure there's someone here who could lend you something if you're having withdrawal symptoms, lol.
  11. [quote name='jwbassman' post='506667' date='Jun 5 2009, 10:08 PM']EDIT for the octaves - I've never played so many in a single show... ever![/quote] That's disco baby - if in doubt chuck a few more octave runs in
  12. haven't seen one of these playlist links before - quite liking some of the stuff he's got there but it's a bit of an odd mix - good idea though. ooh - just spotted Rick James - GIve it to me Baby down the bottom of the list - made me drag out the Overwater J to play along, haven't heard this song in years
  13. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='506752' date='Jun 6 2009, 12:53 AM']Mistakes happen. I think I had an ordered mung years ago when they were pincotts, but they sorted it out with the minimum of hassle. I don't know what their gold parts are like 'cause I've never ordered any - I don't like my basses to look like Hyacinth Bucket's bathroom fittings. Did you contact them to give them a chance to sort it out? If not its a bit odd to post here first. [/quote] I'm waiting for a response back. I was more concerned with the quality of the metal finish than the wrong items being sent. Just worried that if I fit them and they start flaking in the future then it'll be more of a pain to get them replaced.
  14. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='506677' date='Jun 5 2009, 10:15 PM']Never had much of a problem with Allparts (exept for timing) as long as you get the order number right - better description (by pics) would help. Now , altogether now ......[/quote] Sounds like a cue for a Frank Zappa song They did have the right parts number. Even the invoice had all the correct information, they just sent the wrong bits.
  15. I seem to have a vague recollection that Out to Play Jazz has been in this show (or something very similar) and was up on stage playing a Status Streamline? Rich - are you out there, did you play a Streamline in something like this or am I dreaming?
  16. I ordered two sets of replacement gold knobs for my Spectors as I thought the plain black plastic ones looked a little boring. The stacked knobs for treble & bass arrived first & looked Ok. About a week alter the single controls for volume & balance arrived. Got the basses out, removed the plastic knobs and. . . . Well - first I discovered they wern't matching sets. The single knobs are domed, push fit with a paler gold colour. The stacked ones are flat topped, allen key locked & darker. Then when I looked closer at the stacked sets I noticed both of the upper knobs were tarnished where the gold finish hasn't taken properly! Neither are awful but I don't know whether this is a sing of dodgy workmanship & will mean that if I get replacements then they will tarnish easily. Plus I now have to put the bloody original knobs back on again, grrr. So - just wondered if anyone has had problems with fit & finish of parts, especially gold, from Allparts in the past?
  17. [quote name='obbm' post='506089' date='Jun 5 2009, 07:49 AM']Yup although I don't have any monsters for sale. Oops I might get sued for using that word..[/quote] Maybe some Monster cable. . .
  18. Woah Dave, what are you up to? Having a bit of a monster clearout!
  19. To be really honest I don't think anyone in the audience is going to take much notice of what bass is being played. In fact most of them would only notice the bass if it wasn't there
  20. I used to have one of these with an SM400 - great cabs
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='504822' date='Jun 3 2009, 04:34 PM']"Any inspection is welcome and i also prefer collection." Don't normally get that from rip-off people though ..[/quote] Yeah, that bit confused me too! I reckoned he was going to go for payment in advance of collection. EBay obviously discovered it was dodgy though - not even a decent attempt at a rip-off. . .
  22. Just a quick note to say that I've played this & it's seriously nice Lake Placid Blue with maple board & block inlays - what more could you want eh?
  23. Alembic Stanley Clarke listed by someone with zero feedback: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270398749657"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270398749657[/url] Listing says: [i]This Alembic Stanley Clarke Signature Model Bass was made in 2004 and is in Dead Mint condition except for three miniscule (barely perceptible) impressions in the finish (two on the top and one on the back). Seriously a 9.75 out of 10 condition.[/i] I aksed a question and the person answered: [i]I'm terible sorry but i didn't received anything from you. Please resend your e-mail. Sorry for my late reply, i am extremly busy.[/i] Looks like this was not the same person who wrote the listing. . .
  24. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='504247' date='Jun 2 2009, 09:44 PM']Gaaaaaaaaahhhh...[/quote] But at least you're nice & safe CK: [i]New Zealand is now officially your best bet for a risk-free destination, according to the new Global Peace Index (GPI), an annual ranking of the world's nations on the basis of how peaceful they are. Despite the much-vaunted progress on security, Iraq remained bottom of the list, below Afghanistan, Somalia and Israel, which found itself listed as more dangerous than Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the top, the usual Nordic suspects clustered below New Zealand: Denmark, Norway and Iceland came second, third and fourth, followed by Austria and then Sweden. Britain was 35th: better than last year, and one position higher than Italy, but still below most of Europe and countries as diverse as Botswana, South Korea, Malaysia and Qatar.[/i]
  25. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='504227' date='Jun 2 2009, 09:25 PM']I would really liked to have attended this Minus 2 outside when I woke up this morning.[/quote] Only 27-28 degrees in London today. . .
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