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Everything posted by molan

  1. Still looking good for me Happy to bring any of the basses or kit listed in my sig (including the 5 EBS pedals I'm now up to, lol).
  2. Might be good to include a link to the other post I think this is it? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21806&st=40&p=503863&#entry503863"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry503863[/url]
  3. Sounds like a really fun way to spend a week You must let us know how it goes!
  4. I haven't played a Legend but I did have one of the very cheap Korean ones for a while & it wasn't particularly nice
  5. Here's my Sei J5 (used to be Gwil's)
  6. If you fancy a Spector then you'll easily get a Euro NT for a grand. There was a lovely one here that sold recently for £700. I have a pair of US Spectors that I really like & the Euros push them pretty close for quality (at about half the price!). Watch out for the narrower string spacing though if you're after a 5 string. personally I like it a lot but some people find it not as comfortable. Rebops are definitely worth a try and ought to be cheaper than an NT, in fact you'd get a brand new Rebop 4 for leas than £1,000 if you search around. If you're not in a hurry then I reckon you'd get a Modulus Flea for a grand. The latest incarnation is called the Funk Unlimited & they are about £1,400 new so I'm sure an older Flea would drop below your asking price. I had one of these for a while, definitely a very cool rock / funk bass (it'll do other stuff as well but just seems to 'feel' right to me in a rock funk scenario given its heritage, lol).
  7. Although you say you're not after a Fender J or P copy have you tried a US made Fender J or P? You'll just about get a used one for your money with the huge advantage that if you really hate it you'd be able to sell it on very easily. If you're after a Warwick 5'er this looks rather nice [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=48249&hl=warwick"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=warwick[/url] (well, I like the look of it as I'm a big fan of blue basses!). £450 posted to your door, lol
  8. Perfect - what more could you ask from BC eh? Unless of course you are Carol Kaye
  9. Wow Craig, that's amazing that you play with Paul G. I saw him a couple of years back playing at a charity gig with Vai, Satriani, Lukather, Dweezil Zappa, & a host of others & I thought he had the best tone of the night. Not a bad couple of bass players as well - Billy Sheehan & Dave LaRue! Must be great going on tour with a genuine living legend
  10. Sounds brilliant, you'll get such a buzz from working with someone like him
  11. Wow, that copper one is stunning. I have a faded white one of these and really like it. Overwater do make a nice bass I have to say Hope you get a good price for them.
  12. I'd agree that Time Peace is a great starting out point for Terry C. Probably my favourite of his albums. I'm pretty sure DAve Barnard plays bass on this one as well. He's worked with a few interesting people over recent years like Massive Attack & Zero 7 and some of his newer stuff reflects their themes & sounds. I've only heard a few tracks from the new album, Hidden Conversations, but they sounded like they had quite a Massive Attack influence on them. He sang on a recent Massive Attack song as well: Personally I'm not about the way his voice has been treated a little on this, I think there's a nother version where he sounds better but, as ever with MA, there are a few mixes kicking around I think!
  13. I've been a big Terry Callier fan for years and have seen him many times, both here in the UK (where he usually sells out) and back at his native city of Chicago where he can't fill a small bar! Saw him at the Union Chapel tonight with his usual band including the wonderful Jim Mullen on guitar, Gary Plumley on sax & flute, Bosco D'Oliveira on percussion and the, very understated, Dave Barnard on bass. After a lesson with Jakesbass this week one of the things he told me to work on was economy of effort and Dave B really has this down to a fine art. Everything he played just worked perfectly all evening & he had a wonderful tone from his early Warwick Streamer. Almost double bass-like sound (maybe flatwounds) that really held the whole band together. Here's some Terry from a few years back that features a great tenor solo from Gary Plumley & some nice bass from Dave Barnard - still on that Warwick, the only bass I've ever seen him with! Although this is only the sound, without vision, it's one of my favourite Terry songs played live at the Jazz Cafe (with me in the audience!) that really shows off what a great live band they are. Perfect tasteful bass throughout & a cracking little Jim Mullen solo at about 4:45: And here's some of that crazy Jim Mullen technique on camera
  14. I think you should assume you will have to pay both the full import duty & VAT on anything imported these days. A lot of the old loopholes have been plugged and getting stuff sent as a gift will still incur the full price. Depends what you're after really, some US made 'boutique' basses are still quite a bit cheaper in the US than over here but the difference on a lot of stuff is marginal - unless the £ recovers more against the $ of course
  15. [quote name='wombatboter' post='501262' date='May 29 2009, 09:57 PM']Station Music in Germany sells the footswitch for 98 Euros. That's where I bought the amp and the switch.[/quote] Great, thanks for that
  16. [quote name='jakesbass' post='489404' date='May 15 2009, 11:29 PM']Can't believe I haven't added mine to this thread. [attachment=25317:resized_20.jpg] [attachment=25318:resized_21.jpg][/quote] I had the pleasure of seeing this baby yesterday - realy, really nice bass. Everything I thought an Alembic should be really
  17. [quote name='Golchen' post='500741' date='May 29 2009, 11:54 AM']Anyway, I was kind of hoping someone around here might have an idea of what it might be worth, I really can't recall how much I got it for now? It's in pretty good nick - no dings (I think!), headless, and with blue front LEDs.[/quote] I can let you know what my early '90's 4 string headed SII NT went for if that's any help
  18. I did post some of this previously as part of some questions about Maceo Parker but thought I'd re-post a few words about 'Skeet' Curtis who I was privileged to see on Tuesday evening. He's just a great groove based funky bass man, early pioneer of 5 string Alembics with Parliament & Funkadelic & obviously still having a great time playing live with Maceo Parker. I loved how effortlessly he held it all together through Maceo's extended funky jazz songs & even kept an impossible groove going whilst Maceo held his jacket across 'Skeet's' face so he couldn't see anything he was playing Well worth checking the man out. . . Here's a great groove of his from a Maceo gig in '03. I have no idea how he keeps this up for 9 minutes! You only get to see him briefly at about 8:45 Here's him live with Dr Funkenstein himself (you have to bear in mind that Funkadelic Live is a pretty stretched out experience so these 'go on a bit' lol). A different side of him on his trusty Alembic from '78 (I think last time I saw him live was from this tour in '79) And this is a lot more how he looks these days:
  19. [quote name='wombatboter' post='500360' date='May 28 2009, 10:32 PM']I'm afraid not... it was expensive as an extra feature but it came in very handy and I used it a lot. Especially the mute switch, although the two channels-option was also very neat. The mid-cut option I found a bit useless.[/quote] I think I'd definitely use the channel switching option but agree about the mid cut. I'll have to do some hunting and find out how much they are new
  20. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='500340' date='May 28 2009, 10:17 PM']Jake, come to Harrogate for a weekend and get free B&B at my place!!![/quote] I don't think 'free' is enough - I'd glady pay to watch Jake improvising over the top of some funky soul songs
  21. I've also joined the Jakesbass fan club today Full details of my thoughts here : [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=50324&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=50324&st=0[/url] Basic summary is that in only a couple of hours he helped me work on some technique stuff that will be really useful & inspired me to want to learn lots of new things. The best part really was that he got a feel for what I was looking for very quickly & set about giving me help and advice on how to achieve it in a practical & inspiring way without me feeling that I was being 'preached' at. Really made me want to pick up my bass & play, play, play
  22. Not sure if I'm allowed to put recommendations in here but I'm sure one of the mods will move me if I'm not I've just finished a 2 hour first session with Jake & was blown away with both his playing and the way he worked with me today. We nattered for a while so he could get a feel for what I really wanted to learn and how I might want to apply it. This made such a difference in allowing him to set me some goals that were practical, achievable and, most importantly, actually fun. I can already see how some of the things he showed me will allow me to do the things I was asking for. He then got me to play a few things and immediately set about showing me some exercises that would help improve my technique to make things more playable - probably my chief aim from taking lessons. We also spent a while working on some general theory stuff - at my request, he certainly didn't try to ram theory down my throat, lol. What was great was that he asked me to pick any song I liked & he then worked out the bass part in a bout 2 seconds flat & played along with it & filled in some nice solo parts. The reason for doing this was so he could bring together the various things we'd been working on & he could show me how I might be able to use my learning in the future to do something similar. Really inspiring way of teaching and gave me some goals to aim for - although I think it might be a while before I can get close to some of them Obviously we finished off with some more nattering about basses & players & music we both liked All in all a great way to spend a couple of hours, I recommend him very highly if you live anywhere near him. . .
  23. [quote name='JohnnyLightyear' post='499949' date='May 28 2009, 03:25 PM'][quote name='molan' post='497978' date='May 26 2009, 01:37 PM'] Can't beat an NS5XL [/quote] Glad you think so Barrie! [/quote] I have two of them now Your old one is main rehearsing & gigging bass & a rather nice 'water cured' redwood one is sitting at home
  24. Sounds like a cool gig to be involved with! I certainly interpreted it that you were on the tech side from the outset as well Definitely interested to hear more (so long as no journos from the Sun are listening. . .).
  25. It used to be mine I bought it with a set of Nordstands which I had fitted so it looks like the current owner has removed them and put the original Barts back in. It's very much green rather than teal. I loved it actually & only sold becuase I wanted to move over to 5's rather than 4's. Josh had it after me & I think he sold it to the current owner.
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