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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1481493169' post='3192730'] That's what I thought Barry. I was embarrassed with how bad they sounded. I had taken some friends along, telling them how much they would enjoy the show. [/quote] My local venue used to be The Torrington in Finchley. Fairly decent PA there and most bands used the house sound guy. Piss him off or treat him badly and he'd make you sound absolute sh*t. I saw a guitarist give him stick in a very uncompromising and public way once because he was struggling with his monitor volume. Sound guy sorted him in the monitors, then pulled him out of the front of house mix completely. . .
  2. I've seen Limehouse Lizzy a couple of times and sound was always excellent. Sounds like a dodgy sound man to me.
  3. Great piece of kit. I use one for rehearsals and smaller gigs. It goes very loud and really comes into its own at gig volume
  4. 36lbs sounds about right. The Traveller 2x10 is 28lbs and the heads are 5-6lbs. The 802 is 28lbs or so. Again, this means that an extra 8lbs for larger drivers and a slightly bigger amp would be ok.
  5. Should be around £695. There's a cool new 1x12" cab as well. The Standard 121HR has a tilt back option so it would be perfect for on-stage monitoring. Has a 'proper' compression driver instead of a piezo too. Est price for these are around £480.
  6. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1481390678' post='3192020'] Adam Clayton said we're all ****s [/quote] What does he know. He's only one of the most successful professional musicians in the world. . .
  7. [quote name='John_P' timestamp='1481240784' post='3190987'] For typical small/medium functions/parties with decent pa support. [/quote] Doesn't fit the bill at all for this type of gig. You really don't need a big heavy rig. Absolute bitch to sell if you decide to move it on in the future too. I'd walk away, rapidly. . .
  8. I'm not sure the 33rd ever made is early enough to make it particularly collectible?
  9. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1481146868' post='3190121'] Slightly off topic but +1 on bikeparts.de, particularly for tyres. [/quote] I've been buying all my (motor)bike parts and clothing from German shops since around 2002. Good prices, best quality gear and, mostly, great service - they generally speak better English than a lot of UK biker companies too
  10. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1480756236' post='3186879'] Stunning. This is the bass Prince is playing at the pearly gates. [/quote] The first Cora was built for Josh Dunham who was Prince's live bass player at the time
  11. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1480963804' post='3188489'] I certainly don't open up with "Are you a BC'er", but I've yet to come across a bass player that I've wanted to compliment that refuses to talk about their gear and how their signal chain is put together. The gear thing inevitably leads to titbits picked up from BC and I am constantly surprised by how many Gear Heads have not heard of BC! [/quote] Having spent many an hour working in a dedicated bass retail environment I can confidently say that less than 10% of our customers had ever heard of, or spent any significant time on, BC. Simply didn't register with most of the people we came in contact with.
  12. Bax has been around for quite a while. I remember they cracked the €50M figure back in 2013. Prices tend to be all over the place and change rapidly. They often have 'headline' deals on a couple of products from a brand that will kill all competitors but then the rest of the range are more expensive than some local suppliers. Sometimes this also means they have very limited ranges from some brands. They've created havoc on pricing for some products / brands across Europe and caused big price wars even against massive buyers like Thomann. This has sometimes meant that those products have virtually disappeared from other retailers because Bax are selling at virtually zero margin. I saw a lead product from a big brand recently selling at a £9 margin on a £600 product. We de-listed it the next day. Great if you want the low price but not so good if you want to try one against a variety of other products to make an informed decision. I've been watching GAK closely as they are being beaten on price by Bax on all sorts of things and GAK used to be my 'benchmark' for consistent good pricing in the UK.
  13. The new(ish) Aguilar Chorusaurus is pretty good. Aguilar just seem to have a knack of making pedals that work well in a gigging situation
  14. None of the combos have an attenuator for the tweeter/horn. Even the high end Alain Caron model is 'always on'. Meanwhile I think all of the extension cabs do have the attenuator so you can cut the piezo on the baby 1x12 or the 2x10. I've never really understood this, the parts cost virtually nothing compared to the value of the individual cabs and combos and having an option to reduce a bit of high end hiss can sometimes be really useful.
  15. Really pleased you like the 802 I completely agree about it sounding 'bassier' too.
  16. I have a stack of 70's dub albums and 12" singles. King Tubby, Augustus Pablo, Joe Gibbs etc plus quite a few white label dub versions of vocal albums that I picked up from Daddy Kool. I was spending £5 on 12" import singles in 78/79 when I first went to Uni in London
  17. Most of my gigs are Hampshire / Berkshire / Surrey. I guess average fee is £250. A few places hit £300 and one is £350 but there's a couple of small places who don't go over £150. We play the little ones because we know the managers and they are usually a nice crowd. Oh, and we play one place for free in exchange for free rehearsal time. Every ten rehearsals = one free gig
  18. Oh my, the Cora is my favourite Ritter body shape (I have three!) and I love my white one the most. If ever I was going to buy a 5 this would be the one for me. Let's see what's in the 'trade corner' at home. . .
  19. If it helps I know a man who can fit a genuine Jensen DI for about £150. He's the only stockist of the correct parts in Europe
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1480411984' post='3184074'] I suspect the recent drop of the £ and the increases in prices has made instruments very difficult to sell, even if it is indirectly, e.g. the price of the instrument hasn't changed, but people have less spare income or are being much more careful. [/quote] I know we're not supposed to mention this, and that some people refuse to accept that it had any effect, but our sales dropped 42% in the 6 weeks post June 23. In the 6 months before that we were up about 6% year on year (and this was from a high base in 2015).
  21. If it's a really nice bass then I'd buy it because it sounds great and is wonderful to play. I wouldn't pay a high price for a refin with replacement pickup and pots.
  22. Two basses and two amps for every gig just in case. The second bass is little Status Streamline that stays in its gig bag and the amp is an even tinier GK MB200, also in a minute gig bag. I don't think this is anything to do with professionalism, or lack of it, on my part. Simply avoids a pain in the ass if were to break a string or battery inexplicably fails and / or a valve goes in my amp or I blow a fuse. Having a spare will get me through a gig without hassle and without inconveniencing the rest of my band
  23. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1480184776' post='3182386'] try the ebay shop [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dean-Markley-Helix-Stainless-Steel-bass-guitar-4-5-string-sets-select-gauge-/222189574507?var=&hash=item33bb87d96b:m:myyxptcHhDIzisYWT_Wp97Q"]http://www.ebay.co.u...hDIzisYWT_Wp97Q[/url] there is a few types on there [/quote] Thanks for the link It was potentially a bit 'sensitive' to list on the main site so eBay is sometimes easier (although the fees are a killer!).
  24. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1480148661' post='3181947'] That is were I ordered mine from I did not know it was your shop anyway I am a happy customer and delivery was good now get some more 45-105's in stock lol [/quote] We bought a random job lot of Dean Markley strings because they were either being discontinued or the distributor wasn't stocking them in the UK any more. All we have left, in this design, are the two gauges above. There's all sorts of other types & gauges etc. though
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