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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='455390' date='Apr 6 2009, 01:19 PM']Now on the Bay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=130297584509"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=130297584509[/url][/quote] For some reason I can't get the Ebay link to work - keeps giving a page not available message The bass is definitely there thoough as I can find it by searching on Ebay
  2. I know this may be a bit obvious but keep your eyes open on EBay & Gumtree. Someone I work with had his bicycle nicked & it was on EBay the very next day!
  3. [quote name='cgordonfreeman' post='455034' date='Apr 5 2009, 11:43 PM']Yup that's the one. I bought it from tayste_2000 last year but it's been usurped by macdaddy's carvin. Cheers, John[/quote] That is rather nice - I was looking for a straight sale for a change but I've quite fancied a Valenti for a while & he seems a really nice guy Can you let me know what the string spacing is at the bridge? I'm really getting into narrow spacing at the moment!
  4. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='455016' date='Apr 5 2009, 11:30 PM']Half of all BC Rich basses Does Lorne know? Lovely Esh, if I could I would [/quote] I'd love to see Rich with Zombie or a Warlock trying to nail some intricate jazz The Esh really is quite special & the workmanship is excellent. The neck is especially nice & the electronics are genuinely innovative. I have to admit I was suprised when I contacted Esh for a valuation on it a couple of months back & they quoted the 5,000 Eu figure (I was guessing maybe 2,000 or so) but it's certainly a very high spec piece of kit
  5. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='454980' date='Apr 5 2009, 10:35 PM']I've played this! Best of luck with the sale, Barrie [/quote] I reckon you've played half the basses on BC Rich
  6. [quote name='xverminate' post='454978' date='Apr 5 2009, 10:34 PM']We played a few mins of suppers ready (Vocals & Guitars!) then whilst holding in the same key we introduced the Cosmic Lawnmower, The rest is history? I am using a few synth sounds and it sounds great, Once we have Keys it will be fantastic? Strainge realy, you can practicaly hear evey note from the keys without it even being there? Had to De-Tune to get a lovely deep drone in SQUANK! Realy need someone on keys ASAP! Cheers Justin.[/quote] Was there a lot of Moog Taurus for the drone on the original Squonk? I'll have to get an old copy out, lol
  7. This is a really interesting bass up for trade with a little history behind it Originally built for Portugeuse player Theo Pas'cal and with his signature inlaid. If you look at his MySpace page you can see a YouTube video of him playing this very bass [url="http://www.myspace.com/theopascal"]http://www.myspace.com/theopascal[/url] He had it built to his specification by Esh in Germany when he had a sponsorship deal with them. This is his actual bass, not a signature copy so would have been worked on to a very high standard. If you're not familiar with Esh basses this is their site [url="http://esh-bass.com/component/option...mid,1/lang,en/"]http://esh-bass.com/component/option...mid,1/lang,en/[/url] I'm not sure what the woods are but the grain is really nice and it's been beautifully built. It has a set of really nice Kent Armstrong pickups, a very funky bridge, and the "Esh-tronics" pickup switching system instead of conventional tone controls. There are controls for volume, tone (No separate treble and bass controls) and one pot with four detents for: bridge Pickup only; parallel, bridge with mid-boost; and, series. The fourth control pot also has four detents: studio (which bypasses volume and tone and is a direct signal from the pickups); passive; passive with piezo; and active with piezo. The piezo is adjustable from inside the cavity. There are 16 possible variations and once you get used to them it's fairly easy to change quickly between them. My personal favourite is the studio setting which is so clear & precise. Slappers would love the bridge with midboost / active options. It's very nicely balanced, the neck is comfortable and fairly shallow, much easier to play than any other 6 string I've tried. The only issue with the bass is that it had some headstock damage which has been professionally repaired. Personally, this has never bothered me, and others who have seen the bass haven't even noticed it! The neck volute and rest of the neck is perfect and the only damage was to the top of the headstock. It's quite an inspiring bass to play but I'm no Theo! Only reason for selling is that I've settled on 5 strings and never use the high C on this so it seems a bit of a waste to leave it sitting around not being played much. I checked with Esh recently and they reckoned it would cost something around 5,000 Euros to re-bulid a bass to this spec! Happy to ship anywhere really
  8. Are we talking the entire Supper's Ready here? That's quite an achievement to get all of that lot sorted already Must have sounded a b it odd without keys on some of those some of those? So were you stamping and shouting a lot
  9. I worked with a guitarist/band leader for a while who might as well have just shouted "go" at the start of each song for allt he good his counting did. He used to do stuff like shout "one. . . .two.three . . . . . . .four". Eventually the band fired him I work with a drummer who has every song written out & plays with a click feeding into his in-ear monitors. His timing is great & he often tells us that the tempo we want to learn something is faster than the original - he's ALWAYS right about this too!
  10. [quote name='leschirons' post='454576' date='Apr 5 2009, 11:36 AM']You got it right there, a blaze of electrocuted or heart failure glory, on stage. Sad thing is, I played a rock gig a few years back and the vocalist said (over the P.A.) "This will definately be the last song as our bassplayer has a Bowls match in the morning" And he wasn't lying.[/quote] We played an 80th birthday party in a local bowls club a few years back. The guy who's birthday it was joined us for one song on vocals, danced all night long & was caught, more than once, trying to touch up all of our three female vocalists. He also told us to turn up becuase weeren't loud enough and complained that we weren't playing enough rock or faster dance songs Great inspiration and a real top gig - most of the band were dreading it beforehand but everyone had a great night! A good dose of rock every now & then will keep you young I reckon
  11. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='454771' date='Apr 5 2009, 04:47 PM']Any recommendations?[/quote] Find a good psychiatrist - do you have BUPA? I think they cover 'jazz fever' these days. . .
  12. Unless I've missed it somewhere the other thing you need to think about is a sound man. Having even a half decent out front set of ears can make a huge difference to what the punters actually hear out front. There's the simple benefit of controlling the mix so everything is properly balanced but he can also turn up a soloing instrument, compensate for your guitarist repeatedly turning up during the evening & pull out any nast frequencies if they start to inexplicably feed back on you. Even having the benefit of getting signal levels adjusted in the monitors can make a world of difference between a good & bad gig experience. I know a lot of 'pub' bands don't think it's necessary to have a sound man & some of them are so experienced and know exactly how to set everything so their foh sound is OK but I've seen a zillion pub bands with buried keyboard player who might as well not be there, a guitarist who overpowers the vocalist and a poor old bass player who's reduced to a dull background thud. Don't even get me started on some live drum sounds (although for a lot of pub gigs tyou're stuck with whatever the kit sounds like acoustically as it's too damn loud to even think about micing up!). Potentially it's another mouth to 'feed' but, on the basis that you're not earning a lot for pub gigs, then you might be lucky enough to find someone who really enjoys live sound work & will survive on a share of any income & a few beers. There are definitely some old pros kicking around who don't mind doing the odd pub gig for fun & beer. I've 'worked' with some with a lifetime's experience, even a few who spend maybe 6 months every year on the road with a full pro touring band but fancy keeping their hand in whilst not touring. Really helps if they like your music and/or simply get on really well with you too! I'm lucky to have a sound guy who owns a good quality, and flexible, PA plus a decent lighting sytem. He loves the job & even comes along to lots of rehearsals to try out equipment & often to record them for us on a portable digital unit. He's very much an equal member of the band and ges an equal share of all income. We're pretty democratic in terms of song choices and he gets a shout on choosing songs & stuff as well. People like these are gold dust so if you do find a friendly pro then it'll be a real bonus
  13. Bravewood looks nice I'm not sure I understand the logos etc - is it a Bravewood made neck with a Fender logo or a Fender neck that's been worked on by Bravewood? Wouldn't bother me either way - just curious!
  14. [quote name='lowregisterhead' post='453540' date='Apr 3 2009, 05:22 PM']The Tele/Precision beastie didn't sell, but I was secretly rather relieved... sorry, I'm keeping it now![/quote] Good for you - it looked great
  15. I've got one of these for live work & really like it. Have to keep your eyes/ears open for sucking some lower frequencies & overall volume level in front of house in a gig situation but both of these are easily fixable if you've got a decent set of ears behind the mixing desk at soundcheck time
  16. molan

    PA monitors

    I've got a pair of Trace PA cabs stashed away that sound pretty cool with a bass fed into them. They have a 15" & 10" concentrically mounted - should also ahve a horn but mine were removed before I sold them. I once used both of them at a gig - 2 x15's & 2x10's stacked on top of each other sounded great mmmm - note to self, dig out PA cabs from shed & have a play with them. . .
  17. [quote name='NJE' post='452510' date='Apr 2 2009, 03:48 PM']I bid too, could only go to £1350 and was secretly praying that would meet the reserve ( i was deluding myself) Anyway lovely looking bass, and good luck with the sale.[/quote] I think I was the one that bid it up to about £1,200 or so as well I rather looked the look of that Telebass as well - did it sell on EBay?
  18. Nice one Dave, Shame I'm out of the area on Saturday I could have come over to see you - make sure you keep us posted on how you get on & any future gigs
  19. I keep plugging this for a great little funk bass line - Brick by the Dazz Band: and a nice little vid showing how one way to play most of it:
  20. Great cab, great guy, what more can you ask eh
  21. It seems to have disappeared from all of my local shops - and I'm talking Denmark Street area here. I haven't seen a new copy for quite a while?
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='450652' date='Mar 31 2009, 04:31 PM']I guess that's true, but [i]I [/i][b][/b]would know. How did you react?[/quote] I said that the MTD was quite a nice bass & that he should look out for one to give a try & casually let slip that the USA ones like mine were about £3K new but if he shopped around he might find one for about £2,250 on the used market. His jaw dropped and he quietly slid into the background. . . Bit crass of me really but I couldn't resist
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='450630' date='Mar 31 2009, 04:09 PM']If I strapped on one of these I would be thinking people would want to see me live up to that bass and play like Victor Wooten. I would die.[/quote] Unless you are planning on playing a bass clinic somewhere i reckon the average audience punter wouldn't know a 'boutique' bass if it jumped out & slapped him/her in the face They certainly wouldn't know who Victor Wooten was :lol In fact I played a gig recently with my, pretty expensive USA MTD 535, and had the one person in the audience who was a bass player told me that I could get a decent MIJ Jazz bass instead as I obviously couldn't afford an American Fender.
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