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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='450605' date='Mar 31 2009, 03:30 PM']I'm an incredibly average bass player, but the custom basses I own allow me to be slightly better because I'm not struggling to cope with an instrument that isn't right for me. My priorities in life revolve around music therefore that's what I spend my money on Having nice instruments makes me play that little bit better because it's less of a struggle and therefore that makes me happy and after all being happy should be what life is about. And I take my expensive basses to gigs in order to play them. That's what they are for. I look after them but it's not the end of the world if they pick up a ding or two, and besides if they start looking too scruffy then I can always have them refinished.[/quote] +1 to all of the above Although in my case you can probably add the word 'below' in front of average
  2. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='450393' date='Mar 31 2009, 11:31 AM']Thank god for castors! I read in the user manual that the castors are removeable. Has anyone had experience with taking them off at every gig? is it worth it to get the "floor coupling" effect?[/quote] My Triad had castors, I never removed them once!
  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='450006' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:58 PM']I have to say I was always jealous of people who could afford SWR gear when I was a nipper. They made cool stuff.[/quote] I always remember that the top US session & touring guys always bought SWR gear over with them. Either Redhead combos or SM400's with Goliath 4x10's. I bought an SM400 & a Triad & loved it. Only sold it becuase the Triad was a bit bulky to cart around. I spot the odd SM400 up for sale from time to time & think about buying one for 'nostalgic' reasons, lol.
  4. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='449475' date='Mar 30 2009, 02:08 PM']Through research I've read a bit about pre fender SWR... how am I supposed to tell whether this is pre or post and which is better? I've seen some pictures with the tweeter mounted in a square orientation instead of a diamond shape (mine is a diamond) does this mean anything to anyone?[/quote] Send the serial number to SWR help desk [email protected] and ask them how old yours is & if they have any more information
  5. [quote name='beerdragon' post='449397' date='Mar 30 2009, 12:51 PM']Nah, we are all sheep loving heathen pagans up here. [/quote] I thought you were all Scousers
  6. [quote name='beerdragon' post='449379' date='Mar 30 2009, 12:34 PM']Where's Gods little acre?[/quote] Not North Wales
  7. Forgot to add - even in the USA these sell for over £800 new so £500 in the Uk is a great price! Also - this is one of the SWR Pro range so should not only sound better than the Workingman's range but ought to have a higher build quality
  8. [quote name='soopercrip' post='449305' date='Mar 30 2009, 11:17 AM']AAAARRRGGHHH!!! missed the bugg*r, and it went for £700, 20 mins ago [/quote] I was watching it & there no bids until quite late. Could have been an auto bidder that might have driven it up higher anyway. £700 is a good price for something like this though. Just shows the combination of recession & some dodgy photography can really hurt a bass sale price!
  9. [quote name='BassKS' post='449301' date='Mar 30 2009, 11:13 AM']Yeah, thats true but its only been here for two days. Basses reside here for weeks if not onths before somebody sees their dream come true[/quote] Good point Only other thing I'd say is that some of the comments people have made about the price & relative value don't refer to the current advertised one, obviously not a big deal but could be slightly misleading. Sorry - spot the person who works with the advertising standards authority all the time
  10. [quote name='greghagger' post='447146' date='Mar 27 2009, 01:38 PM']How do i remove topics as i need to get rid of the ones i have in the wrong sections?!!![/quote] Send a PM to one of the mods
  11. It's your to price however you see fit, all I'd say is that if it hadn't sold at a lower price then it's unlikely to shift at a more expensive one
  12. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='449125' date='Mar 30 2009, 12:18 AM']Surprises me the amount of negativity she provokes. I happen to think she's a marvelous player. I read some of the idiotic comments that some people had posted up on the video itself. Some people shouldn't be allowed the internet...[/quote] I'm sure she wouldn't provoke so much discussion if she wasn't a girl / tiny / quite cute It polarises opinion as well - some people think she's great because she's a good player & a female in a predominantly male environment whilst others think she's rubbish for exactly the same reason. Meanwhile everyone else can;t quite see what all the fuss is about either way, lol
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' post='449061' date='Mar 29 2009, 10:46 PM']Big smiles, lots of joy, playing music is the best. [/quote] This is really what does it for me when watching her play. Far too many of the, technically amazing, bass playing fraternity pulling serious faces whilst playing. She just always looks like she's having the greatest time on stage Not sure I could really listen to much of her stuff on cd though
  14. Is it one of these? If so then I really like these I don't think they've been desperately popular because they don't have the 'typical' parametric eq of the SM400/500/900 and the internal speaker is already running at 4 ohms. SWR say it'll happily run down 2 ohms but a lot of people are wary of running anything below 4 ohms. Personally I would think it's gonna cover most gigs as a standalone unit so that shouldn't be a problem anyway
  15. Only bass I've ever owned that had people come up to me and say how nice it looked was my Roscoe SKB in a rather fetching shade of flamed maple dark greenburst. I actually had three different women ask me about it at the only gig I used it at! As the pic shows - they obviously weren't interested in me, just the bass, lol Shame I traded it when I decided to go all out to 5 strings
  16. I'm sitting here in a vaguely mellow Sunday night mood & listening to Laura Nyro's last album - Angel in the Dark - which has some great songs, both original & classic covers. Bass duties are mostly covered by Freddy Washington & Will Lee & I've been really impressed by Will Lee's near perfect studio tone that just fits some of Nyro's songs so well. There's a couple of intros where the bass is really high in the mix &, to my ears, the recording of the bass is near perfect, plenty of depth but with crisp highs & some nice finger noise so you know it's all live & not nastily processed. I've seen him featured in Bass Player & stuff but never really listened to him before. I'll have to dig some more of his stuff out Quite liking the look of his new signature Sadowsky as well:
  17. I hadn't seen this clip before - really like it Bit of a condescending git of presenter though. Very happy with that wrist angle - that's not far off what my wrist looks like & I always think it looks a bit odd!
  18. This is now residing in a new home
  19. What a funky looking amp If used for lead guitar will it generate heavy distortion if required? What are dimensions & weight (approx)?
  20. Feels to me like there's something of a polarisation of standards amongst younger musicians. The good ones are phenomenal technically, the stuff I hear being played by some everyday '20 somethings' is nothing short of amazing compared to what I remember from about 30 or so years ago. Meanwhile the ability of a decent engineer & a Pro Tools expert means that a lot of stuff can be 'fixed in the mix' and there are some musicians recording stuff that's not well played, or even remotely in time, but that can be made to sound great after some serious processing. Of course both of these examples have been around for a long time but it seems to me like the extremes are more pronounced now than they've ever been.
  21. [quote name='elsharko' post='442139' date='Mar 23 2009, 12:43 AM']Sorry about that. Try it now.[/quote] Sorry forgot to say that's all working fine now
  22. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Overwater-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ220382907027QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item220382907027&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2|65%3A10|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Overwater-Bass-Guita...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url] This ought to be worth £600+ of anyone's money? If it was a 5 I'd be bidding on it already
  23. molan


    My current drummer is a machine He reads every single song we play & has a click running in the background through his in-ear monitors. He's a jazzer at heart & still manages to throw in little odd time signature fills every now & then & copes with temp changes seamlessly. The whole band relies on him for stops / starts / endings etc. He cocks up now & then but it's so rare that the rest of the band usually think they've made the mistake if an ending isn't quite perfect
  24. I used to run a single bi-ampable twin channel head with lows into a 1x15 & highs into my 2x10. To be honest I never really liked the sound up close. The 15 always seemed to be too muddy & the 10's lacked enough punch. I had a variable frequency control on the amp & the only way I ever got it quite how I wanted it was to run most of the frequency range through the 10's & leave the 15 as more of a sub cab. In the end I just the whole set up in stereo &, to my ears on stage, it sounded much nicer.
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