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Everything posted by molan

  1. May have a buyer but as I finally got round to taking some pics I thought I might as well get them uploaded Apologies for the flash glare on the first pic but I wanted to highlight just how perfect the front panel is
  2. [quote name='Rasta' post='421298' date='Feb 27 2009, 08:07 PM']ooooh you beauty-i have nearly exactly the same bass + 1 string, 5 string JO in Lake placid blue...probably the best 5 string bass i've ever played-a lifer for sure me thinks - i often have impure thoughts about selling/trading my USA 75RI Fender Jazz 4 to get either a JO 4 or The DJ4...hmmmm-must repent! Good luck with JO buddy [url="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2009/post-3360-1235765247_thumb.jpg"]http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2...65247_thumb.jpg[/url][/quote] Nice shirt Lee - what is it about bass players, always the most stylish person in the band
  3. [quote name='Dan_Nailed' post='422394' date='Mar 1 2009, 02:40 PM']I've always wondered if some sort of sprayable foam could be squirted into the limiter..window sealant or somesuch that isn't exactly noticeable. Even if it only gives you 3-6dB extra that would be enough to get by.[/quote] It had some sort of sign on saying it could 'detect' if the mic had artificially been blocked - not sure if this was just a trick to make sure no-one tried to tamper with it though!
  4. [quote name='flychris' post='422243' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:27 AM']Nothing completly done for the JP for the moment, so here the link for he pictures. [size=3][color="#4169E1"][url="http://cid-3e3944535eaeadd4.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/BTB%20-%20JP?authkey=b0ZciyuiHCE%24"]Pictures[/url][/color][/size] tell me if the link works or not...[/quote] Working Ok for me Chris Pics of the BTB are clearer than the Zia though - maybe because of the dark woods & the stripey background. Still looks quite funky though
  5. Well - the postscript is that we didn't actually trip it once but certainly triggered the entire christmas tree of lights several times. It had indeed been carefully set up to rob all the fundamentals from any low frequency source. Bass, obviously, but also lower end of vocals, kick drum, low tom etc. I ended up having use just the Genz 1x10 combo stacked as high as I could get it. I also had to pull some bass out of the signal but luckily the Genz has a semi-parametric mid & I found the lowest frequency I could get away with boosting in order to get any lind of volume just to hear what I was playing. The trip meter quite liked my auto-wah though - I knew it pulled a bit of low end from the signal but it must have been right on the sweet spot of the limiter as I could snap strings really loudly with the wah on! There was a bass player in the audience who came up to me at the interval and said he could barely here anything I was playing. He knew there was some bass in the mix but not enough to distinguish much. Thing that really pissed me off about it all is that the bloody venue is absolutely in the middle of nowhere. The only person within any kind of earshot just happens to be the owner so he obviously set it so he doesn't get disturbed much - meanwhile he's hiring the place out as a wedding venue with live bands for thousands of pounds a night!
  6. Someone's offered me a Conklin GTBD 7 in a PX deal and I really don't know a thing about them! It's something like this: [url="http://bass-guitars.musiciansfriend.com/product/Conklin-GTBD7-7-String-Bass-Guitar?sku=512706"]http://bass-guitars.musiciansfriend.com/pr...itar?sku=512706[/url] I would be taking it purely as a PX & then looking to sell it so any thoughts on what they are like plus an idea on value would be great
  7. [quote name='RayFW' post='421341' date='Feb 27 2009, 09:20 PM']Good idea except the one in the link can only supply 550W Total. Not much use for anything but the smallest of bands. I suspect the person who posted the link on the pubgigs forum has never actually used one.[/quote] That's funny - I'm in the process of registering on that forum right now to ask that very question!
  8. [quote name='tombboy' post='421334' date='Feb 27 2009, 09:13 PM']How about a separate 'petrol' one? IE, a generator?[/quote] I think they might spot it if we ran a generator somewhere - apparently we get inspected before the gig. I've had a quick hunt & loads of places sell the battery backup option so may go hunting for one in the morning
  9. Now that looks like a really clever option Not enough time to try one for tomorrow but I didn't even think about a separate battery powered UPS!
  10. [quote name='Hamster' post='421295' date='Feb 27 2009, 08:04 PM']Whatever you do, don't let anyone in your band make a big issue about it - the day belongs to the happy couple, explain about the limiter and do your best to keep them happy.[/quote] Totally agree - We've got a female lead singer who's gone down with Scarlet Fever so we have a dep singer. Singer #1 wanted to call the groom & let him know she wouldn't be there and he'd have to be happy with singer #2 or we'd pull out of the gig! We politely pointed out that the groom probably didn't give a toss about a change of singer & that the last thing he needed in the week of his wedding was to hear the band might not be 100% and/or could pull out!!
  11. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='421262' date='Feb 27 2009, 07:30 PM']Thanks chaps, I appreciate the sentiments. Man the life boats. Women and bass players first.[/quote] Obviously at a ratio of 2:1 - so that you get a modicum of choice. . .
  12. Really sorry to hear the news CK. There seems to be a lot of it about at the moment but that's sod all compensation really. At my band rehearsal this week two of the band were facing possible work problems in the shape of either redundancy or pay cuts. That's a third of the people who were there! Beautiful bass, if was a 5 I'd be on the bidding line right now. Hope it goes for lots of money
  13. Thanks for all this guys! We do get an official ban from the venue if we are caught trying to tamper with the limiter power feed or place anything over the sensor. To be honest we are unlikely to get invited back as we're playing as personal guests of the groom who's a singer in a band we've worked with in the past. However we really don't want to be worried about management having a fit on the night and/or spend all evening fiddling with stuff. I'm currently thinking of travelling very light & trying to go for a really pure stage monitor only approach. Of course - one of the reasons for initially thinking about taking my best rig was because I know there's a bass player in the audience from the singer's band & I wanted to show off
  14. I've got a reasonably flash wedding gig tomorrow (Saturday) & the organiser has just let slip that the venue we're playing in has a number of difficult sound problems! First off it's a huge converted barn with high vaulted ceilings and a flagstone floor so it's going to be very reverby. Secondly the wedding party is only about 100 people & the venue will seat 250 so there's not going to be a lot of bodies to soak up the sound. Thirdly - and by far the biggest pain in the ass - it has a very sensitive sound limiter that trips all the power on stage if set off. I've played in venues with limiters before and it's generally been higher frequency stuff that's set them off but the organiser has said that this one is often tripped by deep bass volume. So - I'm looking for advice on general sound settings so that I get a decent out front sound without tripping the limiter all the time. I'll be going through the PA so there'll be plenty of external sound reinforcement. My options in terms of stage kit are: Epifani PS600 with an Epi UL310 Epi 600 with a pair (or one) Bergantino AE 1x12's Baby Genz-Benz Shuttle 3.0 combo with the 1x10 speaker My original plan was to use the Epi with the 3x10 because the room is large. My sound guy is suggesting maybe I try to use the Shuttle purely as a stage monitor & let him handle all foh sound. My worry with this was that the bass is going to be very thin with such a small on stage presence. My vague compromise was to take the 2 Bergs but probably only use one (with the second just being used to raise the first one higher). I have an Auralex so I'll take that for a bit of added isolation. Any advice greatly appreciated around rigs and also general sound settings. I tend to leave things pretty flat in terms of eq but it sounds like this place might need some assistance!
  15. Great news - I love it when rehearsal gives everyone a buzz rather than simply treading over old ground
  16. I think I was bidding against you at an early stage of the EBay auction Lovely looking MTD
  17. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='419237' date='Feb 25 2009, 01:31 PM']If you were to state your location, you might find someone nearby will let you have a go on theirs. I've just scored a Sei Flamboyant headless. I'm near Oxford, if that's any good to you. Jules[/quote] And I'm in Henley so not far from Oxford (or London) if you fancy trying a Zon like this one: outtoplayjazz has played mine briefly & could maybe give a view compared to a Status
  18. Apologies if anyone's been caused offence by an observation made in good faith & without malice. I've deleted all comments. A bass is worth what someone will pay for it - end of story.
  19. I got to have a quick unplugged noodle on this round at Nick's recently and, to be honest, I was really unimpressed. I'm thinking of trying to persuade him to sell it as it's really not up to his high standards of playing - I thought maybe £250 would be a good price for it & I'd even offer to take it off his hands for him so he doesn't have to go through the ignominy of sticking it up on EBay & having to explain to a load of oiks that it's not some dodgy Taiwanese P bass copy. . . Ok - so it's lovely & a joy to play, damn, looks like my 'cunning plan' isn't going to work
  20. I recently bought an Epifani can from Nick & not only was the cab in absolutely perfect, as new, condition but I had a very nice afternoon at his place nattering about bass stuff & drinking tea What an all round nice chap he is
  21. [quote name='whizzzy' post='416509' date='Feb 22 2009, 10:01 AM']Molan, if you are planning to get over there make sure you put Memphis on your list of places to visit. It's a muso's paradise. You've got Stax, Sun Studios, Gibson factory, Gracelands, Beale Street, BB Kings, the list is endless.[/quote] We have that planned for a 2nd trip Fly into Atlanta, over to Memphis, then to Nashville, up through the Blue Ridge mountains, across to the coast, down through Myrtle Beach, Charleston and Savannah back across to Macon for the rock hall of fame & home via Atlanta Gonna take about 3 weeks though!
  22. molan

    MTD 635

    [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='416365' date='Feb 21 2009, 08:54 PM']what strings do you have on that? they are gorgeous btw[/quote] Look like MTD strings to me?
  23. I took my Kubicki in for Martin to set up once before a particularly big gig (for me anyway!). I gave him a very tight deadline as I wanted the bass back quickly to practice on beforehand as it was my only bass at the time. He called me the day after I took it in to say that he'd recommend a different gauge and make of string to the ones I'd specified as the Kubicki had a seriously narrow neck and he thought a set of DR's (can't remember which ones) would just work much better on it. He even gave them to me at the same price as the cheaper ones I'd asked for as he was convinced it would make a difference. He was 100% right and the bass came back in perfectly set up state and was sooo much nicer than when it went in. He asked me to call after the gig to let him know how I got on as well (which I did). Can't speak highly enough of him and his levels of service
  24. I saw the Funk Brothers at the RFH when they plaed here about 4-5 years ago. Great gig all round & definitely the most celeb audience I can remember (outside of an awards show!). I'm seriously thinking of going over to Detroit to have a look at what's left over there & maybe zip down to Cleveland for the Rock museum as well.
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