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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='lozbass' post='406204' date='Feb 11 2009, 01:07 PM']At £2k this is a steal - I wish somebody would buy it so I could stop dreaming and get on with other things[/quote] +1 to that. I was the person that traded with John for his NS5XL & it's a lovely bass. Only issue for me is the narrow, 17mm, string spacing as I much prefer 19mm. I just double checked that the 0.675" string spacing on this one is also 17mm
  2. Zero interest = price drop How about £550? This really is a stupidly good amp & in perfect condition!
  3. [quote name='AussieBassman' post='404988' date='Feb 10 2009, 02:31 AM']I've used them several times, straightforward and hassle-free between here and the UK.[/quote] Great, thanks for that. I spotted that they originally specialised in transfers to Oz & NZ but they've branched out into a lot of other countries as well now
  4. Tried one of these recently and really liked it Would go nicely with a PS600 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40410&hl=epifani"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=epifani[/url]
  5. Nice cab, great bloke, good price, what more can you ask
  6. I've had some interest from overseas on a bass I have up for sale and came across Tranzfers [url="http://www.tranzfers.com/index.html"]http://www.tranzfers.com/index.html[/url] Seems like a good service and fees appear to be less than something like PayPal (who also stiff you on currency conversion). Just wondered if anyone had any experience with them?
  7. [quote name='7string' post='403894' date='Feb 8 2009, 10:51 PM']That sounds like a great idea. What happens if the account doesn't balance? Does it mean you have to do the washing up a day for each penny that you owe....[/quote] Nope - got past that one a few years back by buying a nice shiny new dishwasher from the same pool of cash
  8. Damn, nearly sold but buyer hasn't sold his bass coz his buyer has pulled out so the 'chain' has fallen over! It's getting worse than selling houses
  9. [quote name='7string' post='403033' date='Feb 7 2009, 08:39 PM']I'm extremely lucky to be a Sei owner and to have a wife who understands why these things cost so much....[/quote] I have a great deal going with my wife I run a separate bank account with a max overdraft facility of £1,500. All buying & seling has to go through that account and approx every 6 months it's supposed to 'balance' and not go overdrawn After a lot of buying and selling this past year it's actually in credit at the moment [i]and[/i] I have a couple of things up for sale which will take it even further into credit Meanwhile all I have to do with her is forcibly encourage her to buy very expensive handbags now & then - of course 'expensive' on the handbag front is nothing like the cost of even the cheapest bass. This means that if we go shopping and I get her to buy something nice I win on all fronts - she's happy for me to buy basses & amps and I score loads of 'good husband' points by taking in interest in her handbag shopping
  10. [quote name='gareth' post='403562' date='Feb 8 2009, 05:30 PM']+1 for this being probably fender's worst colour![/quote] I must admit that I didn't like this colour when it was new but it's kinda grown on me as it's aged & faded (a bit like me personally really!).
  11. I used to use this set up and really loved it. Eventually traded for an SWR set up purely for something different. I know someone in the States who was looking for a Trace head but not sure if these have switchable voltage to work at 110v?
  12. Could do with some pics - 5000 series not that well known
  13. [quote name='B2.' post='403308' date='Feb 8 2009, 12:12 PM']and no laughing at the posing...[/quote] Are we allowed to laugh at the hat?
  14. [quote name='molan' post='402557' date='Feb 7 2009, 01:29 AM']PX offers coming in already [/quote] But rejected! So still up for sale With new pics to show off the grain - if you open the initial pic then make sure you click on the opened image to get a full size version of the image
  15. Damn - just re- read this and thinking I should get that deep blue Flamboyant built after all, I've sold enough kit this week to afford it as well. . .
  16. I've flirted for many years about getting a custom build and Martin Petersen would be my choice if I decided to go down this route. Partly because he's local, a lot because he remembers my name when I stroll into his shop every 18 months or so but mostly because I love the feel and 'playability' of everything he makes. The main reason I haven't commissioned anything is that I really don't feel qualified enough to actually know what I want! I'm a complete tart with my basses and swap them constantly. Often not because they aren't what I really want but simply due to the fact that I fancy something new In my head I worked out my perfect Sei years ago: 5 string Flamboyant, fretted, headless, flamed maple top with a deep blueburst finish, ebony board, black hardware & whatever Martin thought would be best in terms of electronics - only thing I'd be keen to spec would be 3 band EQ as I like to fiddle with the mids. Problem is I'm frightened that I'll lash out £2K+ and then decide I want to trade a few months later because I'm so bloody fickle! if I have to vote on anything I currently own or have owned in the past few months - MTD / Spector / Overwater / Status / Sadowsky / Roscoe the Mike Tobias at MTD is winning for me with Overwater in second place closely followed by Roscoe. All of these guys will build to custom specs and all of them build great basses
  17. I've only recently picked this up and it's a really nice bass in a pretty unique wood colour. I was told the wood is Nogal which I think is a type of Walnut. It has a high gloss finish which is difficult to photgraph. The ones attached are reasonable view of the core wood colours but they don't really do it justice. I've had some time to play it this week having been stuck at home with all the snow It really has that great Status snap and sizzle and powerful tone shaping. Also has a passive / active switch which bypasses the tone circuit. I took it as a PX on another bass but I'm really trying to stick with 5's these days so would like to either sell it outright or maybe trade for an interesting 5 string. Previous owner told me it was '93/'94 but I can't confirm this. I can say that it's in absolutely fabulous condition with not a mark on that I can see. Looks like it's never been gigged and only lightly used. Plays really nicely and action seems to go as low as I'd ever want it! Happy to ship anywhere I don't really have much idea what this would be worth but thought that it ought to fetch somewhere around the £900 mark given the amazing condition.
  18. [quote name='Marcus' post='401735' date='Feb 6 2009, 07:52 AM']I'd only "choose" to listen to one Guitarist...... Frank Zappa (although to merely pidgeon0hole hims as a Guitarist wouldn't do the man justice) I only tolerate other guitarists [/quote] I love Zappa as well. Saw him a few times and he was great each time, one gig he had some young 'second' guitarist with him called Steve Vai, seemed very good at the time - wonder what happened to him. . . The Zappa plays Zappa gigs were great as well. Really spooky to watch the big screen showing Frank playing the lead guitar but with a live band synched up to him. Also to hear Dweezil playing note for note perfect copy of some of the original parts.
  19. There's a cheap listing option called something like 'picture pack' which gives you about 5 pics plus enlarged views etc. Looks really nice by the way
  20. This a great price for such a beautiful bass. USA prices for these with a figured top are around the $4,000 mark. It's hard to describe but photos don't really do this bass justice, the translucent colour combined with the figured maple looks fabulous in the flesh and great under stage lights. The fingerboard wood is lovely as well. This really is a bass you can hang on your wall as a piece of "functional art" When I owned it I only gigged with it once and had people come over to ask what it was & to say how nice it looked - these were not particularly musos, just ordinary people in the audience. I can honestly say this has never happened to me before or since!
  21. My slightly 'off the wall' vote is going to be for Zal Cleminson. I just love some of his simple chord work. Although I love lots of great soloists it's the rhythm guys that get me the most - Nile Rodgers has to be the man for funk of course :0
  22. Sold a bass to Seb this week and couldn't have been more impressed! Received my first message early Monday morning and by lunchtime we'd traded a few meassages, spoken in person and the money had been transferred direct to my account. This, in turn, meant I could book shipping and get the bass up to him in time for his next rehearsal He also let me know as soon as it arrived & kept me posted as to how he was getting on with it - what more could you ask eh?
  23. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='401626' date='Feb 5 2009, 11:09 PM']Nah it's just the value of the pound has collapsed. [/quote] Possibly just in the Midlands? Could be a regional variation fluctuation? Rest of UK sees prices falling but Birmingham bucks the trend. . .
  24. I've looked at this a few times and it doesn't look like Martin's best work. I can't imagine him wanting to hack a hole in that beautiful top & then plonking a chromed control plate on top of it! Have to assume it was specced by Paul Turner?
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