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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1480074812' post='3181448'] Where? Can't find any. [/quote] We have a batch at BassGear #2610 are 45-100 @£11.99 #2610B are 45-126 @£14.99 Usually only available on eBay but we can supply direct for BC members
  2. Interesting little article here about Class D amps: http://www.bassplayer.com/amps/1166/max-mini-a-roundup-of-ultra-lightweight-class-d-mini-amps/59557
  3. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1479841913' post='3179740'] Check out the TGI Extreme - I paid £37 from Bassgear, but I'm not sure they do them now they are online only. [/quote] Out of stock but we can get them quickly. Best case quality we could for a decent 'everyday' bag. Not as tough as a Mono and doesn't have the amazing Mono warranty but a fraction of the price.
  4. I did the piezo lead swap on a 121P and really liked the way it sounded. Sent the full signal through the 12" driver.
  5. It'll be interesting to see how the new Sadowsky system sounds. He has a custom pickup built by Carey Nordstrand with a twin single coil pickup at the bridge. One coil is set in the classic 70's position and the other in 60's. Switching allows either one to be used individually or both in tandem. All basses slated to have this configuration will also have the Will Lee mid boost circuit fitted too. I don't think the aim is specifically to get that fat MM sound but knowing Roger this will have been in development and testing for quite a while so ought to work really well.
  6. Last set of 76 P pickups that I saw sell went for £165. Using the same ratio of exaggeration would value the bass at £1,030 😄
  7. I'm going to say what I always say - get a decent PA and put as much as possible through it. Take control of your sound rather than letting room acoustics and layout cause you so many problems.
  8. Is it still under warranty? Polar are the UK distributor and really helpful.
  9. Played this a few times when it was fretless, lovely sounding bass
  10. If Mr Slutsky really wrote about the act of killing the moon in his treatise on Jameson and Kaye then I guess he may well have been delusional. I must admit I've read through his works and not noticed this lunar obsession but maybe it's buried deep in the subtext somewhere. . .
  11. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1460094266' post='3022444'] Just out of interest what do you all think this is worth on the second hand market for a quick sale ? [/quote] 8x10's are near impossible to sell these days. We recently sold a brand new Hartke for £195 and were pleased to get that much for it!
  12. Ouch - that was the last thing I needed on a Sunday morning 😂
  13. For many years I tended to put Carol down as a fraud because of her claims to have played on some Motown classics that all the evidence appears to prove were false. I guess it still rankles a little but I've grown to really appreciate a lot of her work and, alongside Jamerson, her role in making the bass a more prominent instrument in popular music. Some of her basslines, especially some of the simpler ones, are just absolutely perfect for the songs. I quite liked this recent video demonstrating some of her lines and techniques: https://reverb.com/uk/news/the-bass-sounds-and-techniques-of-carol-kaye
  14. I spoke to a pub manager about this one night and he said the fact that he has live bands every week means that his customers keep coming back. Many of them come on nights that bands aren't playing and he believes that if he lost the bands he'd lose these customers completely. By 'investing' in music once a week he keeps his loyal customer base happy and, in a very competitive local environment, that's his livelihood.
  15. Apologies - my comment was because I expressed an interest, sent a message, asked some questions but no replies. Wondered if the seller is checking the site at all
  16. My favourite leather strap Also Paul Turner's if that's a positive recommendation.
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1479560993' post='3177474'] I can only speak about the area that I know and the kids I've met. So your experience is different. It doesn't make either of us totally wrong. The truth is neither of us has done a national survey. [/quote] To prove what? Teachers and educators are the closest to today's children and they seem universally in favour of trying to develop an interest in music amongst their pupils. Maybe we could ask 100 schools if they think this is a positive move - I think we could easily predict the result. . .
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1479547129' post='3177338'] What a bunch of f....ing moaners. Wind it in guys! £3000 a school A YEAR buys a lot of equipment that can be SHARED between pupils. Imagine what you'd buy with gas if you had £3k a year to spend. As for the moaning about all kids want to do is play on computers, you're the parents, stop them! I get sick of this getting trotted out in the media. Then when the kids play in the streets all the grown ups complain about the noise and whether their precious cars are going to get scratched. Unbelievable. Kids are not all stuck at home on computers all day. I spent a whole day at Olympia last Saturday at the drum show. Plenty of talented kids there playing drums and testing kit and bugging their parents to buy them £800 worth of cymbals (no son lets just get the hi-hats for Christmas and a set of sticks today.) Electirc drum kit for under £300 excellent for learning on. . [/quote] Couldn't agree more
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1479529193' post='3177274'] With what? [/quote] The entire comment really. The attempt at an analogy using Russian dictionaries isn't relevant and simply doesn't work. Kids are not listening to music we grew up with - There's lots of new music around that's incredibly popular. May not be to your taste but it's readily available. Just turn on any radio station (or check YouTube or FaceBook music channels) listened to by school age kids and you'll hear some. Sure there's a lot of vocal biased music but that's always been the way. Young kids now are using modern instruments and these will include sampling, synths, drum and rhythm tracks etc. That's just progress, a bit like musicians using a 'Fender bass' in the 50's & 60's instead of an upright. Try going to a concert where acts are performing that are popular amongst younger people - the passion and feeling for their favourites is palpable and exciting to witness. You may not like the music but you can't question the passion at these events. A secondary school local to me has really put some effort into generating interest and participation in music. Their main music room is now really large and has at least 20 decent quality Yamaha & Casio keyboards, quite a few laptops with recording and sampling software, a drum kit and lots of percussion and a couple of guitars. The walls are plastered with all sorts of inspiring and educational stuff. The school now has a great reputation for musical performances and the music room is a popular place. They even let it out to people like our band to rehearse to keep it being used as regularly as possible as a music place. All of this is really inspiring and great to experience. Putting more money into schemes and progressive thinking schools like this can only help to inspire more young people to enjoy music more.
  20. Hello, is there anybody here. . . ?
  21. 301 is passive and 401 is active I think. Easy way to tell is to open up the rear cavity and see if there's a battery in there
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