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Everything posted by molan

  1. Having been an 'ordinary' member for about 5 years I've just signed up as a 'supporting' member by paying $20. Although the £ is nowhere near as strong against the $ these days I thought I'd try selling a European made bass over there as they are relatively so much higher priced - obviously the converse is true of US made basses. I did get one tentative offer within minutes of posting but no actual sale yet. I'm sure there's a lot of suspicion about trading overseas though. Even the most ordinary basses usually get lots of comments about them but I've had virtually nothing. I've also been a victim of the "there's no way I'd ship internationally" comment from US sellers, even when I've said I'd pay all costs and insurances in advance. Having said that I know quite a few people over here who steadfastly refuse to ship internationally so it's obvious some people just aren't comfortable with it.
  2. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='382923' date='Jan 16 2009, 11:52 PM']Lovely bass! What is so great about 5 stings?[/quote] They mean my fingers don't fall off the fretboard when the singer decides to drop a full tone just after we've learnt to play the damn thing Obviously I could de-tune and/or use more than one bass but if I've already learned the core set in one tuning, and some songs are using lots of open strings, then de-tuning is a pain in the butt.
  3. Just a quick note about TB and their bumping policy - one reason they need to be quite tough is the sheer number of users and items for sale they have. The number of 'pure' new posts every day in classifieds moves items to page 2 & 3 very quickly. If they didn't impose stricter rules on bumping it would be a nightmare to find anything. However on BC it usually takes a decent amount of time before something falls right off the first few pages and with an odd bump here or there it's easy to get your item noticed without going crazy on the bumpology. I'd be in favour of some sort of loose 24 hour rule but think it's definitely Ok to respond to questions within a post as and when it appears. I do find it a bit odd when there are some listings that sit with the same price weak in, week out & appear on EBay multiple times at the same reserve price with no bidders. You'd think that the person selling might get the hint that either the item is too expensive or that it's simply not very desirable? Personally I'd prefer it if amps/cabs & effects were seperate forums because I rarely think of these together and the simple unit price of each sector is very different - average price of an effect under £100 so much more of an impulse purchse to relieve mild GAS. Not a big deal though as, again, there aren't really that many posts every day so 'clutter' isn't a huge problem (for me anyway).
  4. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='382903' date='Jan 16 2009, 11:17 PM']The trace pre is fantastic thanks! i recorded bass on The Secret Handshake's latest album with it (Texas based electro band, check them out on myspace!) and they seemed really pleased with the results! The cheque im getting from this album could almost buy this bass!! man i hope it turns up in the post soon! certainly looks like a cracking bass!! [/quote] Both Josh & Rich have played it recently so they are the best sources of independent views if you want to get some thoughts on it Josh had it for a few months on a part trade we did - I'm blaming him for getting me into 5 stringers! I'll chack the recorded stuff when I have some decent speakers - on a laptop without headphones at the moment
  5. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='382857' date='Jan 16 2009, 10:30 PM']It's a pity I didn't like the colour of this instrument[/quote] Please bear in mind that Rich is a jazzer and thus has no taste in terms of colour choice [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='382857' date='Jan 16 2009, 10:30 PM']it's a scorching bass. Everything they say about these is true. It's how you always wanted a jazz to feel, sound & respond, but Fender could never manage to make for you![/quote] But obviously he knows his stuff when it comes to bass quality in terms of plability & sound
  6. [quote name='Marcus' post='382819' date='Jan 16 2009, 09:19 PM']Awwww...... Bloody Hell Barrie !!! Just when you think you've run out of GAS !![/quote] They're all coming out of the woodwork now
  7. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='382792' date='Jan 16 2009, 08:26 PM']ive gotta say this is very very tempting!! once my cheque clears im gonna be a dangerous man!! [/quote] I wondered if you might be back Chris How's the Trace?
  8. [quote name='Josh' post='382750' date='Jan 16 2009, 07:25 PM']I had the pleasure of owning this bass for a brief period. It is a great bass, great modern tones and looks amazing in the flesh, also it is pretty damn light as well. And of course, Barrie = Legend. End of.[/quote] You are too kind Mr D I may just have to go and play it now to remind myself of how nice it is. I've just lugged my old Ampeg cab in from the garage so could be a good time to audition it
  9. I've updated my original listing so just adding a note to say that my blue baby is up for sale again as I've moved on to 5 strings. Definitely consider trades for a 5 and could go with cash either way for the right bass
  10. Josh - what are you like man! Just as you get settled you're on the move again
  11. Loving the look of those pickups. P-T-P is a top man to deal with
  12. molan


    Oh no, this looks nice as well. Why are all these nice basses coming up at the moment (OK don't answer that, I know why!)
  13. Umm, I rather like this Wonder how it compares to my Zon 4. . .
  14. Floor pedal with access to the tuner & the pre-sets seems a clever little idea. I like the look of the vertically stacked 10's as well, feels like having the upper speakers raised would be really good for stage sound
  15. I'd definitely be interested in something like this. My bike club did something similar at an annual party and sold a lovely custom build Telecaster for £1,000. One slight difference was that they fixed the number of tickets at exactly 100 so that everyone knew they had a 100 to 1 chance of winning (unless they bought more than 1 ticket of course!). At the time it was thought that fixing the odds like this would make people more likely to buy a ticket. Might be worth checking if there are any legal issues involved under the various lotteries & gaming acts. Our club event was OK as it was a non-commercial event & all proceeds went towards the funding of that event. Headline stuff about lottery regulations here: [url="http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/Client/detail.asp?ContentId=259"]http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/Clien...p?ContentId=259[/url]
  16. [quote name='High score' post='377746' date='Jan 12 2009, 02:46 PM']For the money, you should try them. Storage conditions are important but if sealed in the packs and never been on an instrument then they won't be corroded or work hardened[/quote] I did & they seem fine 3 sets of Elixirs for £30, can't be bad eh!
  17. [quote name='Yessikris' post='376830' date='Jan 11 2009, 03:20 PM']Isn't this a early prototype bass?[/quote] Yep, quite different from their current models - according to the very friendly Brian Barrett who makes them
  18. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='376826' date='Jan 11 2009, 03:14 PM']Nah, I know most of the bikers from the biker rallies, LOL! I'll just hire Rick Hulse as my bodyguard [/quote] I wouldn't want to mess with him
  19. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='376821' date='Jan 11 2009, 03:01 PM']Hey Barrie, if I had the money I'd have the Zon VB & the Infinity off you in a flash, but that S2 is a keeper as you can tell! You can prise it out of my cold, dead hands if you like, mate Rich.[/quote] Did I mention I know people who can have other people "taken care of"? Better watch your back Rich, especially if you see large tattooed men on motorcycles in your general vicinity. . .
  20. [quote name='99ster' post='376606' date='Jan 11 2009, 09:05 AM']Something along those lines... But in the end 'the market decides' on the price of anything - no matter what the seller, or any of us thinks it's 'value' is.[/quote] Well, it's definitely worth at least a grand as that's how much it's been bid to on EBay already [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/71-Fender-Jazz_W0QQitemZ200297677507QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item200297677507&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2|65%3A10|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/71-Fender-Jazz_W0QQi...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url]
  21. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='355321' date='Dec 15 2008, 07:57 PM']I can do no better than put up Rob's pics of it from the stock pages... Status-Graphite S2-Classic 5-string through neck with myrtle-wood top, mahogany wings & walnut centre tone block. [/quote] Got to play this one tonight & it's really lovely. I made an attempt to lure Rich with a particularly nice Warwick but didn't get very far Maybe I need to try & tempt him with the Sadowsky or the Zon
  22. [quote name='4 candles' post='375472' date='Jan 9 2009, 06:04 PM']Volume, pickup selector and tone pot with another nob on top which if you pull it up give a fantastic slap sound with its own control. The pre-amp and pickups are standard from overwater, I'm unsure of the brand mabye fellow basschatters can help me out there![/quote] Mine has Kent Armstrong pickups and a standard J-Retro which has three stacked pots. When you say the pull up pot has its own control does this mean you can vary the amount of mid cut (either through the pot itself or via internal cavity adjustments)? Reason for asking so specifically is that it's the variable mid control on my Overwater that I use the most
  23. I've been offered some Elixir strings at under £10 for 4 string sets that I reckon are minimum 5 years old ( the box design is different from current ones). Never played & look in perfect condition to me. Can they have lost much in terms of brightness by simply sitting there unused for a long time?
  24. Mark - what pickups & controls is it fitted with? Looks like either vol/vol & stacked treble/bass or maybe vol/pan & then stacked? Do you know what pre it has as well?
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