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Everything posted by molan

  1. Just a quick note to say that the wonderful Youtubedownloader will first save the flv file for you and then convert it to MP3 in the quality of your choice so you can transfer to iPod etc.
  2. I'm sure I have a Motown tab book kicking around somewhere. I'll be back home on Sunday and can see if I can find it then. If no-one beats me to it then zap me a message on Sunday to remind me
  3. Checked out some of the bars last night but every single one had just an acoustic guitar playing solo singer. The Bull had what amounted to bad karaoke with one tuneless girl 'singing' listlessly along to backing tracks. Hopefully it'll pick up as the weekend kicks in!
  4. Taking a day off at the pool in 30 degree Key West and plugged into my iPod. Bought a clutch of Mastercuts Funk albums with me and, apart from being great poolside music, there's some really cool bass grooves going on. Brass Construction, Ohio Players, Brothers Johnson, Kool, Dazz, Eddie Harris, Donnie Hathaway, Teena Marie etc, etc. Just waiting for the bar to open and my day will be perfect Although all this bass heavy stuff is making me miss having a bass around to play along
  5. I have three basses that all list up in the £2K plus bracket. Sadowsky NYC, Roscoe SKB and a Warwick Infinity NT. I didn't pay that much for any of them though. Ironically the Warwick probaby has about the highest full list price but is probably worth about the least of the three!
  6. [quote name='bass_in_ya_face' post='285547' date='Sep 17 2008, 08:23 AM']IS there anyway of slowing down youtube vids![/quote] You can download them to your hard drive & I think you could use some video editing software to slow them down. I've got something that slows video down but loses sound whilst doing so but I bet there's something out there that will do this. Downloading is easy [url="http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/"]http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/[/url] will save any YouTube file &/or convert it to MP3 for you.
  7. This might help with Rock Steady - not the funkiest version but slightly slower than the original and bass is pretty prominent in the mix: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7gPYVyBzL0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7gPYVyBzL0...feature=related[/url] I quite often hunt around on YouTube to see how people have covered songs I want to learn, gives an idea of how other people have interpreted the original (especially if the original is tough to play!)
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='285211' date='Sep 16 2008, 04:52 PM']Surely not the Roscoe already [/quote] No, I'm enjoying it too much at the moment The Laklands aren't getting out of the house much though
  9. I picked up a nice Spector Fretless for under £100 at one in North London a few years back. They had a Tom Anderson Guitarworks Drop Top Strat up for sale at about £400 - £500. At the time these were retailing for over £2K, unfortunately I din;t have enough available to cash to buy it but sent a friend to have a look less than an hour later & it had been snapped up
  10. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='285216' date='Sep 16 2008, 04:58 PM']you can get them from axesrus (but make sure you get the right ones) or you can also get the proper schaller ones from wdmusic.co.uk -actually, I daresay that's your best bet - I can't remember how much they are if but if you're looking at spending 7 quid on a pair of buttons, you might as well buy the whole thing.[/quote] I bought a pair of full Schaller sets - black were £12 & nickel £8.50. You were right that I was being a bit of a skinflint trying to save £4 - £5 by just buying the buttons and/or not sticking to the same brand. Given that each bass is worth over £700 then spending a tenner on some straplocks isn't exactly going to brake the bank!
  11. [quote name='richardd' post='285193' date='Sep 16 2008, 04:30 PM']Would take an interesting trade of about £600/£700 plus cash[/quote] Do you mean a trade for another bass worth £600 - £700 plus cash?
  12. And they come in some crazy colours as well!
  13. I have a couple of straps that I use regularly and both are already fitted with Schaller straplocks. However I have a couple of basses without the corresponding inserts and wondered if I can just buy the buttons on their own? I've seen some chrome ones on EBay for about half the price of the full system (which seems to make sense) but I also wanted some black ones & can't see them anywhere. Also - I've seen some made by a company called Boston that claim to be fully compatible with original Schallers - I wondered if anyone ahd tried them and thought they were any good?
  14. I thought it was going to look more like this: As it happens this looks very similar to my old one, although mine was fretted, & a bit rougher around the edges.
  15. [quote name='edstraker123' post='284146' date='Sep 15 2008, 12:25 PM'][b[size=5]]Never Say Never[/size][/b] 2 Guitar purchases at the weekend mean the Shuker is back on sale at £1045 . Is there no cure for this addiction!!!!![/quote] 2 at the same time - now that's just greedy
  16. [quote name='richardd' post='283913' date='Sep 14 2008, 09:28 PM']If you cannot download images it's because of too many hits imagecave will reinstall them at midnight CST[/quote] Yep, worked fine for me today, very nice looking it is as well
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='283014' date='Sep 13 2008, 12:48 AM']If it wasn't me I might have known it would be thou [/quote] I really need to sell something now or the wife will remove various parts of my anatomy with a set of rusty pliers And I'm off to the USA next week as well, Shuttle 6.0 has a switching power supply, looking very tempting Enjoying the Roscoe very much, great growl & punchy tone. Angled pickups catching me out a little but just need to spend more time with it I'm sure Eubassix - do you know any of its history at all?
  18. Not sure what the 410T is - maybe an older version of the 410 XLT or XST?
  19. [quote name='dangee' post='282583' date='Sep 12 2008, 01:00 PM']Sold, pending the usual...[/quote] Looks like the ever sufferin' wife is getting a trip to Southend into the bargain as well
  20. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=300256084671"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=300256084671[/url]
  21. As this is only a feeler I think it's Ok to make a comment on the price of the Eden head. Brand new ones are listing at under £900 in the States and because the transformer has a switching power supply they are a good purchase for travellers wishing to bring one back to the UK. £100 discount for an older model type probably isn't going to attract a lot of interest.
  22. Steve Lawson is a regular solo gig man - check his site for more details, vids, MP3's etc: [url="http://www.stevelawson.net/wordpress/"]http://www.stevelawson.net/wordpress/[/url] Last time I saw him was with Michael Manring - top solo bass night
  23. Might be worth sticking a price you'd want for it - will make it easier for people to think about how interested they might be
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