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Everything posted by molan

  1. The Jule Moniqe has just 4 knobs (although two have boost-type options if you pull them out). http://www.juleamps.com/shop/viewitem.php?productid=8 It's a pre-amp only but adding a power amp shoul only be one extra knob There are also integrated rack and standalone versions with a power amp pre-installed. Monique was designed, to a degree, to deliver a classic Ampeg type tone but to be married with a lightweight power amp. The two Demeter heads are also worth a look for classic clean valve tones but low weight because of the class D power amp. I have the 800w version but I'm particularly into the 'baby' 400w at the moment. It's bloody loud for 400w! http://www.demeteramps.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=98 Monique and Demeter both made in California though but by very nice small independent companies and all hand wired stuff
  2. I use the Poly white one as well. Best one for reading notes accurately and quickly that I've found so far.
  3. Are they ok for bass? I've tried a couple of cheap tuners that really struggled with E and B strings Edit - actually, I guess for £2 it doesn't really matter, lol
  4. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1473288931' post='3128838'] Some great bargains if you're quick! [/quote] I went over to help today as well - had to be extra-nice to the courier to send him away for an hour so I could finish packing stuff with Phil, lol
  5. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1473261044' post='3128452'] So, on thinking for a few more seconds - you might be better off with the Traveler 121 Ninja - [url="http://markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=256"]http://markbass.it/p...tail.php?id=256[/url] - which has 800W handling. [/quote] The Ninja is a much higher spec all round than the NY121. Bigger, goes louder, more low end, higher handling capability and much better tweeter. You can pick them up for £475 if you search around too
  6. As a dealer I must have ordered about 25 or so I know exactly how the system works so happy to help. The only real things to watch out for are that certain options don't go with others. Their option list is so vast that you can, in theory only, have 96,000 different options!! The trick is to use their bass builder and work through methodically adding things as you go. It should generally start removing options based on your choices as you move through the builder. Lots of little things tend to be dirt cheap so don't be afraid to add them and ask for a pricer per option to see what is affordable. From memory a simple example is a birdseye maple board is about £25 more than plain maple. You won't get the super highly decorative birdseye at this price but little things like this can make a real difference to how you feel about the bass when it arrives. The other thing is that there are no returns - if you specify a 'custom' bass (even if it's all CNC) then it falls outside of general return policies if you don't like it. Obviously if there's a flaw then that's a warranty job.
  7. My favourite bass in the for sale section at the moment
  8. My favourite of the Carvin range. Big old lumps of clean power with no fussy graphics to pig around with
  9. Bloody mail response server still down - apparently it's "only affecting users in the UK". . . Here's a [url="http://tinyurl.com/zj5rdru"]web link[/url] to the email where the links appear to be, mostly, working OK (one has an incorrect re-direct to basses and not cabs): Hope this isn't breaking any forum rules - just trying to supply some info that I think people are looking for.
  10. These are such great little amps. Fits in the front pocket of many gig bags so you've always got a backup if your main amp goes down and it's surprisingly loud too
  11. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1473188200' post='3127871'] Spent a few bob in there myself in recent years I've had the email but the links don't seem to work. EDIT: Can still get on the site the usual way. [/quote] Looks like the external mail server went down somewhere after 18:00 - maybe we crashed it with all the responses Apparently it's now on 'priority' to be fixed. Site should be fine though and the discount stuff is pretty much across the whole store not just clearance
  12. I must admit that I was really sceptical about these when they first came out but they've really grown on me. Fun to play and a good range of tonal options. I think the 5 is prettier than the 4 but the 4 is amazing value given the build quality. If you shop around you can get one for under £700 now.
  13. Rehearsed with mine tonight. It sounded great at volume. Took a new MarkBass Alain Caron combo along (a new 'toy' for me) and they worked very well together. Interestingly the band didn't really notice the bass at all. When I took my '63 they showed some interest and the knackered looking '68 got loads of interest. The Flea got nothing, literally not a single comment
  14. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1473093534' post='3126867'] This is pretty common here in the Warwick/Leamington area... Been locking up for years without any issues [/quote] Same with me, I've done this loads of times. Always made sense to me because otherwise the poor key holder would be sitting around for hours listening to bands rehearsing and, as I'm sure we all know, that's a very dull thing indeed 😂
  15. My old, 13 piece, soul band played a few of the big Park Lane hotels. They have capacities of between 1,000 & 2,000. My favourite was Price Waterhouse Cooper's summer ball at the Natural History museum. Pretty big venue and we even got our own chef and barman in the backstage area
  16. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1473072618' post='3126514'] Build quality, QC? [/quote] Can't fault my one
  17. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1472637969' post='3122777'] The Warwick LWA500 is very small - no idea how they sound though (only ever picked one up, not played through it), Molan might know as I think they stock them in the shop. [/quote] To be honest I've not heard one as I'm not in the shop very often. Might get a chance tomorrow. You can pick them up very cheaply, also the big brother 1000w version (but that's about double the size).
  18. When you find a really good Lull they are excellent basses I have a gold flake one (originally custom ordered for Adam Clayton) that's still my favourite P bass after a couple of years of ownership - I'm really not a P bass person so it takes a lot to make me hold on to them!
  19. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1472824086' post='3124561'] Awww Barrie man, why that Sea Foam jazz (where's the tears emoticon ) [/quote] It's a lovely thing, beautiful neck & board and sounds great. I've currently got flats on it just for a change but it's a bit of a slap monster (in the right hands - which certainly aren't mine!) too
  20. Obligatory 'basses on sofa' shot. . .
  21. Picked up a very nice bass from Latif at Paddington Station today. Great communications, very easy to get on with and arranging to meet up couldn't have been easier. Really nice guy all round
  22. I've got one now as well - will try to get some time to compare it to the original '63 and '68 I have sitting here. First thoughts on tone was that it was a lot more 'mellow' than either of my vintage ones. However both of them are relatively bright (Paul Turner said my '63 had a better slap tone than his beloved '66 when he borrowed it for a while). I've been playing relatively quietly through a Monique Dove Cage, Demeter 800D power amp and a Berg AE210 & it sounds lovely. I've been looking out for an 'older' sounding, reasonably lightweight J for a while so first impressions are that I'm pretty happy
  23. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1472722754' post='3123607'] It's wrong, (in my opinion), to pay tax on something that started in EU/UK, and was then exported, and is now coming back. Like you say, VAT has already been paid on it. I believe that there's no import charges made on USA built items that are being re-imported into the USA. I think I'd be frantic with worry and stress. Hope it gets all sorted out for you. [/quote] US import tax duties can change from state to state (usually regulated by the state the item 'lands' in rather than the final destination). It's a bit of a lottery to be honest There are worse places though - South Africa and Israel can depend on the arrival point and even the person who fills in the paperwork. Some South American countries are a whole other world - we had some shipping companies who would only insure as far as the destination airport and then removed all cover as soon as it reached local handlers. Anyway - back on topic - hope it arrives safe and sound
  24. Really well put together. I was super sceptical when we first ordered some but they've really grown on me
  25. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1472637064' post='3122765'] No loop on the TH350 either, I guess it's one of the first things to get the chop when they downsize! I found the fan on the TH500 to come on too unnecessarily early and loud to use for noodling at home though, although I'd hope the TH350 fared better in that department. MarkBass looks like a good bet as long as you don't mind your amp looking like a Tonka truck. [/quote] I always forget the little TH350 when I'm thinking of Tone Hammers. I know a guy, with absolutely excellent ears', who swears the 350 sounds sweeter than the 500 but I haven't really noticed a difference. I can definitely hear a difference between the LMII and the Th500 when using an external pre-amp into the effects return. Need to listen to them a bit more closely against my 'reference' Demeter 800D power amp.
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