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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='jonno1981' timestamp='1470945497' post='3109583'] I've got one and really enjoy it. Worth noting that bassgear have these in their clearance sale for a silly price. I would imagine these are shortly to go up in price along with everything else imported from a US supplier...... [/quote] We found them hard to sell - whacked the price down and sold out in a couple of days!
  2. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1470809257' post='3108541'] Will check it out. I really enjoy Danny Baker as a presenter, more so on the radio but still thoroughly entertaining on the box. [/quote] Definitely better on radio or in print - he always seems to 'over-act' on TV. Still enjoy him though
  3. Surprisingly good - lots of performances I've never seen before on this sort of compilation programme.
  4. Post it via USPS - insure at $650 (maximum USPS will accept) and pay the duties on this when it arrives. Better than being nervous at being caught in customs for the entire journey home.
  5. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1470776250' post='3108441'] He means 1870's He means 1770's [/quote] Just checked and it appears my memory fails me It was 1980 not 1979! I am pleased to say that I know more about the gigs I worked on than the main U2 fan site though
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1470772264' post='3108388'] U2 were formed in the 70s. [/quote] I roadied for them in '79
  7. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1470748950' post='3108128'] You know, for the record, I met him just the once and he was thoroughly unpleasant, smug and arrogant. He just had this air of incredulity about him, akin to that of someone who had reached the giddy echelons of a given field without having a credible bone in their body to support where they'd got to. [/quote] I've met him 4 times and he was really friendly and totally unpretentious each time.
  8. How much do the cabs weigh? Just approximately - trying to guess how they'd compare to the, very few, 2x12 neo loaded cabs out there.
  9. I've heard Paul through a wide variety of gear - he always sounds like him. I've often also played through the same gear - I never sound like him To be fair, I've also heard him doing some serious gear demoing and moving across different amps and cabs and you can absolutely hear the difference between each individual link in the chain.
  10. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1470344134' post='3105431'] And that's exactly what's going to stagnate the used prices. Used prices won't increase along with the increased price of new instruments because people need to believe they have that kind of cash to blow. [/quote] I'd say the exact reverse will happen. Potential buyers of new instruments will be put off by price increases and will gravitate towards lower priced used ones. This will increase demand, albeit marginally, and prices will rise correspondingly until they get closer to new values - at which point new ones become more 'desirable' again.
  11. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1470338920' post='3105337'] Are they the import ones from the USA on eBay? because that's just the drop in the pound when the price is converted. Although I guess they may have gone up in price regardless of that, whether they're selling is a different matter.. I'm certainly holding off on any major purchases until I know what's going on, and it sounds like many others are doing the same. Still have my eye on that new Mustang PJ though, but that's under a grand which makes it a less risky buy because of the smaller increase in price. [/quote] Just general used prices of decent Fenders. Not that long ago you could pick up a decent used USA Jazz for £600 and a Precision for a bit less. Very few falling to those sort of prices now and anything from the various reissue series holding value much better than they used to.
  12. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1470298298' post='3104800'] Ah, we're getting somewhere then. I'll try and make myself clearer - Brexit and all the uncertainty about it caused a fall in the pound's value. This fall is insufficient (by a factor of two or three) to account for the entirety of a 30% price hike. Therefore, although Brexit is partly the problem, it's also being used as an excuse to profiteer. [/quote] There's more than just the simple exchange rate at play post the Brexit vote. One simple example is that Warwick withdrew all credit from UK suppliers. Where a UK retailer used to get 30 days post delivery to pay for a new instrument they now have to pay in full in advance before Warwick will even ship to the UK. That can make quite a dent in cash flow and, effectively, increase the unit sale prices simply for the retailer to maintain the same margin The other alternative is to delist some brands completely. It'll certainly be a lot tougher to find a German Warwick in the UK now following this decision.
  13. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1470327398' post='3105188'] Doesn't look like second hand prices have increased at all here on bc or eBay tbh. if anything they're dropping. [/quote] Used Fenders definitely increasing in value. Especially anything remotely vintage - 60's have risen a lot, 70's definitely up for nice examples and early 80's higher too.
  14. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1470217157' post='3104107'] But no surprise that corps react that way... Costs rise 10%, prices rise 30%... = more profit. Twas ever thus! [/quote] I'd love you to find me a musical instrument retailer who's increased his profit since the Brexit vote. Simply because I'd like to shake his hand. All I'm hearing on the circuit is that sales have fallen away badly because of the lack of 'consumer confidence'. Most people reporting that July was the worst single month for years
  15. When I first moved to London in 79 we used to go to a pub near Belmont Circle that had random bands on every Sunday night. Billy Bremner used to turn up most weeks and jam with whoever was there. Always sounded great on both rhythm and lead. I swear most people had no idea who he was
  16. My beater is a '68 Jazz, sunburst, bound neck, maple board pearl blocks. The burst is faded and has lots of dings and knocks, neck is really nicely worn in and action goes as low as I want. It's worth more than other basses I own but it's the one I care least about in terms of condition and the one I drag out for rehearsals and gigs where looks don't really matter. Also the one I lend to people now and then. Basically it's already 'beaten' so qualifies as my 'beater'.
  17. [quote name='eubassix' timestamp='1469529502' post='3098992'] Thanks again Barrie - some really interesting / illuminating background info. Hadn't thought about Thomann - will have to checkout their site ... although doesn't sound a nice way of doing business with existing / established dealer/s. Intriguing re. the YYdlx. itself - sounds like it's Fodera's VW-Bugatti Veyron (I think they cost in excess of £1-million but VW lose money on every one built). Working on a simple + % (and correct me if I'm wrong) that would make the AJ-6 models into the UK in the region of £21 - 29k ?!! [/quote] You'd have to be careful buying a full custom from Thomann because the returns policy may be invalid on any sort of custom order - it's buried in the small print of most standard distance selling policies. A lot of the additional costs on a Fodera are fixed so an AJ would be: Base price $20,250 Ag & Fish duties $125 Shipping $300 Total $20,675 U.K. Taxes and duties $4,825 (approx) Total $25,500 Again there's a huge amount of build time in these but the bulk of it is hidden inside the body - the internal bracing is a work of art
  18. [quote name='eubassix' timestamp='1469527262' post='3098964'] Crikey - that's £12,275 on todays rate ! Does it include their case?... I wasn't impressed with the Fodera case(s) TBH. I recall Overwater having a couple of Foderas (back in the old 'Jam Factory' outlet) years ago - was there a dealership more recently? [/quote] Yes, that includes the leather bound case. Slightly higher grade than the one that comes with the Standards but not much different really. They aren't very robust and few people use them for gigging. BassGear was the official UK dealer for about 5 years but had to withdraw from the dealership after Fodera authorised Thomann to sell Fodera into the UK. At one point their Monarch Standard was available at retail at just £50 more than the UK dealer price and with a minimum investment of £3K per instrument it just didn't make any financial sense stocking them The price history of the YY is interesting because they used to be 'too cheap' - the build time on these is much longer than a regular deluxe Monarch because of all the intricate carving. However, they used to sell them at a relatively small premium over the regular deluxe models and were, amazingly, making zero profit on them. Under a new 'front of house' management team the production was restricted to around 6 per year and prices have risen about three times up to today's $12,700
  19. [quote name='eubassix' timestamp='1469448494' post='3098332'] Thanks Barrie (although I'm not sure if you meant 'of these' or 'off here ?) - it is an exceptional bass, but certainly should be considering the price !.... although $12,700 doesn't sounds quite as bad as the $22750 - 35000 for the Anthony Jackson 'Presentation' model/s. Only these plus the Mike Pope Viceroy Signature (12,600) come into the 'Fodera Direct Sale only' category, for which you can also expect at least a 9-10 month delivery time (!). [/quote] It should have read 'one of these' That'll be my iPhone autocorrect at work again! UK price on these is now $16,100 including duties, shipping and US dept of agriculture and fisheries payments (I kid you not on this last point!). If there was a UK outlet for Fodera they probably could order one of these but as there isn't any more it would have to go direct to Fodera anyway.
  20. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1469397488' post='3098032'] I'm surprised there are that many rules for taking things with you!! But yes, none of this applies to using the postal service to send items home, which I think is the OPs main query. [/quote] There are lots more rules - this was just a brief summary The import guys are fairly hot on ex-pats returning with goods (either shipped or posted). With a lot of products being cheaper overseas than in the UK it's very common for people to try and 'fund' their move home by bringing things over purely to sell. Jewellery is very common and, unsurprisingly amongst musicians, guitars. I know someone who brought three expensive basses back with him from the US and sold each one for around £1,000 profit over here. As the pedals have been owned and are not intended for sale I'd be tempted to check all the govt regs and maybe post them and make the declaration stuff first. If the import guys decide to tax them it's a nightmare getting the money back
  21. Official govt line is: " You can bring in your personal belongings or private vehicle free of duty and tax so long as you: are moving your normal place of residence to the UK only have had your normal place of residence outside the EU for a continuous period of at least 12 months have possessed and used the belongings for at least 6 months outside the EU before they are imported did not get them under a duty/tax free scheme (but see paragraph 5.3) declare them to us as explained in paragraph 3.2 will keep them for your personal use do not sell, lend, hire out or otherwise dispose of them in the UK or anywhere else in the EU within 12 months of the date of importation, unless you notify us first and pay duty and VAT on disposal"
  22. I had one of here for a while, stunning basses!
  23. That's a great price for one of these outside of Korea. Really nice basses!
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