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Everything posted by molan

  1. Damn, that's a good weight. The question now is whether I 'really' need a pair of new Celinders or not. . .
  2. I'd get it in to a top pro luthier to look at the frets that are causing the problems. Sometimes a full set up with neck shims etc can reduce the worst of the issues without damaging the resale value of the bass.
  3. These are great cabs. They had one as the house rig at the Jazz Cafe in London and I've seen some top soul and funk guys there using it and it always sounded really nice.
  4. We use Dr Ducks in the shop - it seems to work on anything and lasts for ages! Be sure to use sparingly though
  5. For flexibility, starting with a really clean core tone, I'd look at the Demeter integrated head. The 800 is my personal preference but the 400 is very good and it's smaller/cheaper but still with plenty of grunt. I use the 800 for most gigs these days. It happily works with pedals in front of it as well. I generally have a compressor, envelope filter and octaver, sometimes a distortion as well.
  6. I'd love to try one of these. I bet it's great fun to play!
  7. New order about to go in if anyone fancies anything 😁
  8. Is it a 1.75" or 1.5" nut? Generally 1.75" but I had a lovely '72 with a 1.5" for a while
  9. Serious class here and a big discount over the new cost (both of these are about to jump in price again because of the exchange rates). Easily portable, light weight and sound amazing. Proper pro level gigging gear 😄
  10. Jens Ritter offers a 34.5" as an option on 5's - best of both worlds? Also his 4's are often 33.3" - I love this on a 4. So much so that I have 4 of them 😂
  11. I really like US Laklands. Different world from the offshore models. Great colour too!
  12. £36 in stock, free delivery and if you ask nicely you get an extra £1 off for being a BC member http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/dr-lo-rider-nickel-5-string-medium-45-125/
  13. [quote name='rmcki' timestamp='1467360151' post='3083030'] Cheers, just founds some 125's at Thomann [/quote] Looking expensive now following last week's referendum. 10% more than UK price (plus they charge for shipping and lots of UK people offer shipping for free)
  14. I've seen 45-125's around. They generally sell faster than the 130's so most people either don't stock the 130 or just order in small numbers
  15. I've done all of these places - will try to gather my memories. As a fairly experienced US road trip person I can say that the journeys from place to place aren't the most interesting. On a lot of my trips the journey itself has been fascination but the roads and countryside in this area get very samey very quickly I'd plan to move from each one to the next as quickly as possible but add in more time at each destination to get a proper feel for the pace
  16. Lead guitarist in our band had a nice Epi LP that was lacking a bit of 'oomph'. Our guitar tech fitted a pair of Fatboy pickups and changed all the pots, switch, Jack, caps wiring etc to quality parts at the same time. Totally transformed it. It sounds absolutely huge now and has great sustain. Makes me smile every time I hear it 😄
  17. molan

    Bassics BPA-1

    There's an older thread here about this: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/286544-bassics-preamp/page__fromsearch__1
  18. The new PJB BG400 is cool. I tried one of these recently and it sounded pretty good. With the matching extension cab it'll handle a lot of gigs too
  19. [quote name='zomnius' timestamp='1466142151' post='3073588'] So apart from the looks, the triplebuckers are amazing. At passive, the sound incredibly good. But it is not only the buckers and electronics, to me it is the combination with string tension and playability. I tested it at a rearsal studio when i first got it in to spare my fam. And i tested it together with a Wal. It really blew the Wal away (wal pro 1 that is). The wal was a fat sounding bass, but this was something else. To my opinion, it even sounds better than it looks, but that is just a matter of (my) taste i Think. [/quote] I own four Ritters at the moment and even I, who've been known to 'splurge' a bit on basses, wouldn't sink this sort of money into things just because I liked the looks I love how they sound and regularly gig mine. Each one sounds a little different - alder/maple, solid maple/ebony, swamp ash maple, cedar/ebony. My regular gigging bass is the alder body maple board one which will sound like nice J (for want of a reference point) but with a bit more onboard flexibility. The cedar/ebony one is the darkest and 'woodiest' sounding of the bunch and can almost replicate a classic old school Fender in passive mode with the tone wound back. For me it's tone and simple playability that wins the day over the looks every time
  20. Great bass. I was close to buying this a few times myself!
  21. Yep - the big question to ask on a late 70's bass is 'how much does it weigh'. Not only does it effect how it feels to wear/play but it has a big effect on value. Selling a boat anchor is way harder than a 9lb beauty
  22. I got a chance to test an ex-demo Markbass Alain Caron combo on Saturday. Full 500w into the 4 ohm 12" driver and another 300w into the compression driver horn. Sounded huge with a passive Lull P bass - pre on about 12;00 and master at 11:00. Had to cut volume on my octaver and envelope filter as the low end was overpowering! Very impressed indeed
  23. It's all about supply and demand - very good '60's Fenders have been in high demand recently and prices have risen a lot over the last two/three years. As an owner of a '63J, a '68J and a '64P I'm quite pleased about this
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