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Everything posted by molan

  1. Just out of interest - did you only write to the two FaceBook pages / profiles? Facebook message notification settings keep changing and a lot of people don't receive a note saying they have a message unless they specially log in to FB's Messenger app. I see this happening a lot in the many FB for sale type pages. Messages just not getting through to sellers easily.
  2. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1465594241' post='3069603'] What's it sound like?? [/quote] As I was in BassGear for the afternoon I had the opportunity to compare it against a Jule Monique and a Demeter pre - using The Jule M700 as a power amp. The bass I was using was a Suhr J in active mode. It was ultra clean and clear, almost 'hi-Fi' like (and I don't really like that phrase but YT seemed to fit at the time!). Whereas Monique has a lovely organic warm sound the Bassics had a really clean clear snap to it. The Demeter sits in the middle with a very clean sound set flat but it's easy to add warmth by playing with the dark / normal / bright and some bass boost. I should add that this is my regular gigging amp so it's my 'reference' point for trying new stuff. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to really go through all of the tone controls on the Bassics but it appears to have a lot of flexibility and the potential to add low end or mid boost, or both, could be really useful in a gigging situation. I really need to spend some more time with it but it definitely appears really solid and well made and I definitely like the idea of a super clean pre with lots of flexibility that you control on the floor. Felt like it would work well with effects pedals as well because it's just reproducing what's fed into it rather than injecting its own colour.
  3. molan

    Which compressor?

    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1465405142' post='3067972'] For that money you could get a used Diamond BCP-1. Not a 'remedial' compressor as such, but evens out your playing a treat without losing attack or dynamics. More importantly, it makes your bass sound like the Bass of The LORD, which is a very neat trick. [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/diamobass.shtml"]http://www.ovnilab.c...diamobass.shtml[/url] [/quote] The Diamond would be my first choice too although I also quite like the Aguilar. Ovni Labs is a great resource for advice!
  4. I had a play with one of these on Wednesday, really quite cool and love all the pretty lights - really useful on a dark stage
  5. Tried to watch this - found it to be absolutely as dull as ditchwater. The whole programme seemed to be about the presenters rather than the bands - cheap, cheap broadcasting
  6. Do you know if this is for the classic thinner headstock or the modern thicker version?
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1465317151' post='3067085'] I don't like the Sadowsky preamp at all. Yet in a band situation, they always seem to sound amazing (mostly with other people playing them!). I'm the same with a P bass. Played solo, I find that they sound utterly miserable. In a band... they are always thunderous. [/quote] I concur - on both points Well, to a degree anyway, lol. I don't use my Sadowsky pre very much playing at home and often just go passive. Live I will always boost both lows and highs by the same amount. Equally, I rarely find P basses that nice played solo but stick one in a live band with loads of volume and they can sound great.
  8. Just heard the offer is live again - may not last long though!
  9. If it's brand new then get it back to the retailer for a once over
  10. Have you tried a Gramma pad? My Berg AE210, rear ported, can get boomy but I've found lifting it off the floor and isolating it seems to help quite a lot (especially with suspended wooden stages!).
  11. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1462116953' post='3040381'] Thanks for all the replies chaps. Yes, something that's just a power amp is what I'm thinking, so the Demeter is just right, albeit pricey! [/quote] It is a great little unit. I've heard a top pro (you can guess who) testing it back to back with the Aguilar TH5 power stage only and with a Monique as the common pre-amp. The louder we turned it up, and the faster he played, the more you could hear the difference in quality. The Aggie is no slouch but the Demeter had greater note to note definition and a faster attack. To be honest, if it was me playing I'm not sure you'd hear the difference though!
  12. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1465120176' post='3065373'] Really useful replies guys!! 😀😀 [/quote] There's a thermal protection circuit in there to stop it overheating. Sounds to me like you've got the master volume running to high for too long and that's making the whole unit overheat. Pushing the pre gain shouldn't have this result so it's the master you need to watch. There's a fan in there to help I think. Could be this isn't working properly and that's causing overheating as well. If it happens again maybe feel the amp chassis to see if it's running hot.
  13. I think 'social media' killed the offer - I saw it on Facebook and it worked fine but soon after they killed the code so it didn't work any more
  14. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1463143107' post='3048969'] So there's different kinds of relicing? It's OK if it was done at the factory but not OK if done by the player? That's a new one on me! [/quote] A luthier I know had a Fender CS Strat in for repair. It was a heavy relic version and the customer wanted one of the paint surface dings retouched. When the luthier asked why, as the guitar was covered in marks and dings, the response was "yes, but those are from the Fender factory and I did this one myself so I want it fixed". . . True story 😂
  15. Great little amp. Perfect backup to keep in your gig bag but enough power to handle a lot of gigs too!
  16. Maybe it's like a decibel meter but works on how many notes per minute you play - too many slapped notes and it slaps your wrist, saying 'enough is enough my friend, I'm turning myself off until you calm down a little' 😂
  17. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1464908436' post='3063794'] I can now report that the 801 has held its own in the following situations: (1) Acoustic gig with vocals, acoustic guitar and cajon through PA, electric guitar into Blues Junior, uke bass into 801 (volume at 1 o'clock). (2) Big band rehearsal in smallish function room - drums, saxes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones all unamplified, keys into small combo, vocals into small PA, Precision into 801 (volume at 2 o'clock). [/quote] I've gigged one with a drummer, unmiked and two acoustic guitarists, both into amps. It was easily loud enough for me to hear myself onstage and projection into the room was pretty good. I know this because I let another player use both my bass and amp - for which he never bothered to say thanks but that's another story. . . It obviously wasn't a high volume gig but I had the option to DI so thought I'd give it a try and it was fine one its own. I totally agree with comments about bands using more and more power and getting ever louder. We played a recent gig and the landlady offered to rebook is based purely on the sound check. She said we had a really professional sound and when we asked what she really meant by this she told us that she could the words, all the instruments individually and wasn't deafened as soon as we started playing. I think it was the latter that got us the next gig rather than any of the former comments
  18. Too many knobs for me! I like active basses (although get on just fine with passive ones too) but there's just too much going on with an East for my ears. Reminder to self - find that one you have buried away and stick it up for sale
  19. I use a Harvest leather one. Specifically designed for Alembic SS basses but works perfectly with my Ritter. Stunning quality and loads of protection along the neck - party because Alembics have that back angled headstock so they need to be really secure. Big money but I don't think they come any better
  20. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1464947267' post='3063965'] Not any kind of dig at all, but this kinda illustrates the gulf in "the rules" we assume about the instrument we all enjoy, its amplification, and the applicability of our experience to anyone else's - I've tried to gig that exact setup in a 'loud rock band' (my quotes for me, obv), and it was fartily, hopelessly inadequate. How any of us'd ever agree about anything more abstract, such as, erm, 'heft' is beyond me… Horses, courses…I think the default answer to the question "Is it just me…?" should really be 'probably' [/quote] Wow, I'm amazed. I checked my amp settings from Wednesday's gig - bass & treble flat, slight boost to low mids, little more boost for high mids (carpeted room) both filters off completely and master volume more or less on half way. I'm always next to one of our guitarists so I've got his Orange Terror & 1x12 to deal with all night and a drum monitor facing the pair of us. I was easily loud enough to hear myself completely clearly and discovered that, although DI'd, there was virtually no bass in the FOH because it was chucking out enough volume into the room without additional support!
  21. Not since last night. . . My 'second' rig is a Markbass LMII with a CMD112H. I've gigged with this loads of times in a loud rock band setting. Easily handles the volume and adjusts to lots of room types without much hassle
  22. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1464760513' post='3062180'] Troke is indeed a fine player and the nicest of dudes! [/quote] I'm looking forward to seeing him live
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