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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='smaz' timestamp='1464736267' post='3062129'] I've been meaning to pop there for ages after buying a rather nice Harvest leather strap at last years LBGS. Maybe I shall make a visit at long last! [/quote] Just checked and it's 45 mins by car but only 35 mins by train - the store is right next to the station too!
  2. Ok - so I'm biased but BassGear is in Twyford which isn't very far from Hampshire at all and has a big range of amps and two demo rooms
  3. I've been let down by a friend who was going to see Beverley Knight and I now have two spare tickets for the Symphony Hall on Thursday 2nd June. They are in the 10th row of the stalls and towards the centre side of one of the wing blocks. Looks like they are pretty good seats. I'll be there but on the opposite side of the stalls - same row, same position from centre! Beverley Knight is usually really good live and she always has a very good band. I believe the current lineup includes Dave Troke on bass who is a lovely guy and a fine player The tickets cost me about £40 each but face value is £35 so I'm happy to sell them for that. It's a pretty much sold out gig and there's certainly no other tickets in such a good location available at list price. Timing is tight so will probably have to meet up before hand but I also have an option to post registered for delivery pre 13:00 on Thursday. This will add about £5 to the cost though.
  4. molan

    N Sadowsky BD

    [quote name='bootleg' timestamp='1464647175' post='3061184'] Have the same bass and it is no. 1 gigging bass. One thing, though, I usually mix both pups, but if I favour the bridge it gets quite thin, loses bass and mids and I have to compensate with amp EQ. It is slightly better in passive, but the VTC is a subtle beast, so wondering if I am doing something wrong. [/quote] How do you get on if you boost bass on the instrument pre-amp? I'm sure you already know this but the Sadowsky pre-amps are boost only circuits. If you are generally boosting both treble and bass on the pre then you are effectively cutting mids. Maybe try keeping the bass bosted but pull back a bit on the treble boost with bridge pickup only.
  5. I first saw Bootsy live in '79 with the full Parliafunkadelicment Thang line up - Brides of Funkenstein, Parlet, Horny Horns, Bootsy's Rubber Band, Parliament and Funkadelic. Of course, all of these were more or less the same band but with different singers coming and going and random additional instruments too. At one point I counted 23 people on stage including 2 bassists, 2 drummers, at least 3 guitars, 2 or 3 keys, 4 horns, percussion and a host of vocals. Throughout it all it was Bootsy's playing that held most of my attention. On some songs he was just in charge of the groove and in others he played all the funky fills whilst the 2nd bass held things together. One of the best live shows I've ever seen - so much so that I went back the next night and bought a ticket from a tout outside to get right down the front Last time I saw him he didn't even play bass though. He purely sang lead vocals. Mind you, he had Vic Wooten and Verdine White behind him so he didn't really need to pick up a bass, lol
  6. These really are great cabs. One of the best sounding I've ever heard. I agree that they like to be cranked up but they handle the power without any trouble at all
  7. Is the CS a classic 'chunky' P profile Chris? I think most 55's from the CS have the thicker neck style but the CS will obviously tailor these things for people in a custom basis when required
  8. molan

    N Sadowsky BD

    [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1464383372' post='3059145'] Cheers Barrie. Gigged it last night. It's great. The low notes below E are fantastic and I found myself using them more than I have with other basses! It's such a joy to play. Loved the VTC too, found myself using that more than I initially thought. You're right though, it just had its place in the mix. Our guitarist used a beautiful old Strat - and the whole band sounded better than it has before. Everything sat in its own space. The Sadowsky pre is outrageous, and the whole instrument is so responsive to how you play. [/quote] Excellent! I really like the VTC option with a push / pull active passive bass. On one of my basses I have the passive tone set up to be really 'old school' with the tone wound quite far back and then using the pre more on the active setting. I spent a lot of time talking to Roger about his pre. He spent ages perfecting it based on real user input to get it just 'right' for gigging players. My Sadowsky is the only 34" scale bass I ever gig with these days
  9. Having seen a lot at BassGear i'd agree that '08 was the beginning of a better standard across the board for USA models and from 2010 onwards things got a lot more uniform. The Vintage RI models stepped up a notch when the new models were introduced in 2013. Oddly there were a few models from the RI range with slightly dodgier QC before this. '13 and onwards basses were definitely better with upgraded pickups and a more authentic tone. Non USA standards are probably a little more wayward and you sometimes find a bass with sharp frets, some bridge issues and the odd dodgy neck but these are a lot rarer than they used to be. Overall you still need to try and try before you buy, especially in terms of getting the sound you want, but the USA instruments shouldn't really have any basic QC issues now
  10. molan

    N Sadowsky BD

    [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1464213846' post='3057714'] Nice one. I just love the natural look. I have 2 Metros, a PJ and a UV70, both natural 4-stringers, and they are without doubt the best basses I have ever owned. They feel and sound just right. I'm always getting good comments from the band. [/quote] Natural UV70's are great funk basses - they just nail that sound perfectly and the natural finish adds a really authentic late 70's vibe
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1464213079' post='3057704'] I don't get it? Are these new Barefaced cabs? [/quote] Build quality looks to be an improvement if they are 😂
  12. molan

    N Sadowsky BD

    Sadowsky basses really come to life in a live gigging situation. If you like it in he shop and t home just wait until you hear it with the band at volume
  13. It's still here and June 23 is only a month away - if the UK votes 'stay' then Sterling will improve massively and this might move closer to being available to me
  14. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1463489235' post='3051735'] Oooh dream amp. These were made by Koch in Holland, they are mega rare and are that highly regarded Roger S has just ordered another 100 to be built. GLWTS! [/quote] New ones being made by Koch too. All 100 are pre-sold to dealers I believe. Only 2 coming to the UK! Means this one will remain very rare indeed
  15. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1463480528' post='3051620'] I have to say this is something I've never understood. My basses don't go, and have never gone, outside the door unless in a hard case. They're too precious to me. [/quote] I'm completely the opposite - My basses leave the house all the time and their hard cases never leave my loft. In fact I have two custom built full flight cases that came with basses when new that have never been used
  16. Just for fun I took the, slightly strange, route of re-stringing my old '63 Jazz with Thomastik Infeld flats, using an all valve Monique pre-amp and then making myself play with a pick for an evening of rehearsals. Sounded great and was fun to use a pick as I haven't used one for years. Didn't spot any change in action but the TI's are a slightly lighter gauge than my rounds and are definitely lower tension. Nice for the old girl to have an outing as well. Hasn't been used for ages
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1463414486' post='3051169'] 5-series is the way to go ... [/quote] Believe me, I've thought about it I reckon a full sized gig bag will go in the boot. Mind you, I once had 15 basses in the 3 Coupe and a lot of those were in hard cases!
  18. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1463391792' post='3050884'] However, I could get my bass behind the seats if it was in something thinner...hence my curiosity was tweaked by the Mono M80 bag. Noticed the do a Vertigo at £50 more.... [/quote] There's usually not more than £10 between the price of an M80 and a Vertigo. The Sleeve is roughly £50 cheaper than either but it's quite different from the M80 and Vertigo. I've used the M80 a lot. Works well for me, nice big pockets and not too bulky. Just moved to Harvest leather but that's a lot more money Part of the reason for this is purely because of the 'car boot' syndrome. Harvest make a shorter scale bag that takes my Ritters perfectly and it just fits inside a BMW 3 Coupe boot. The M80 laid across the back seat OK though.
  19. If only the £ weren't so weak against the € at the moment
  20. Ooh, this was mine for a while. Great bass!
  21. [quote name='OutSpoon' timestamp='1458595849' post='3009016'] Thanks guys - solid advice. I'm working with their team at the moment on the best options to get my baby home! [/quote] They can sort all the paperwork for export. Costs about $125 (but you'll have to pay VAT on top)
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