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Everything posted by molan

  1. A pair of Berg AE210's sounds huge - too much for me in fact so I only use a single one. Haven't had a chance to try the new CN210 yet but have heard good things from someone I know who's gigging one.
  2. If you do decide to try some alternative pickups then the Aguilar AGP4 Hot is great. Really punchy and excellent if you want to drive an amp a bit harder with a passive bass
  3. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1430844915' post='2765135'] Thank you for this review. No need for 800W for me but they are bringing out a 400W version. Seriously need for one of those! [/quote] I think it's a few months away yet. Final design stuff to be finalised yet but a lot of the core work is all done now
  4. I know a pro player who uses this set up in a pretty heavy rock band without any problems. The gain and drive controls are interactive so if you have both wound up high then you could be introducing distortion right at the front end of the pre-amp.
  5. They are great. Really nice people and super efficient. Shipping is in the lap of the Gods though. I've received things in just a few days and others that have taken weeks. It's not their fault, just the combination of US/UK postal services and customs. I've always been hit with customs and handling charges so don't forget to take those into account.
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1430858151' post='2765388'] From what I`ve read the Tonehammer is a warmer more rounded sound than the SC, with the SC having a more modern sound and attack to the notes. Not heard the SC but having the Tonehammers warm/rounded/vintage is a good way to describe them. [/quote] AG500 sounds quite different from the TH series. Much cleaner and crisper. I've owned, and liked, both but I wouldn't recommend moving from the AG to the TH unless someone was looking for a warmer, rounder tone. I found the AG partnered the DB112's really well but got a bit harsh with SL112's. The TH works well with both and I wanted to switch to lighter cabs so unsold my complete AG & DB rig.
  7. Demeter Compulator is a fine, musical, compressor that works on a 9v battery. I ran a test yesterday of the Aguilar TLC vs Demeter vs Diamond. I really like all three of these and they all do slightly different things in slightly different ways. The Aguilar runs on a 9v battery as well.
  8. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1430815093' post='2764705'] This is one of those rare amps where I keep thinking about selling off some of my others so I can get a spare Demeter. [/quote] I know someone who did this, bought one, liked it so much he promptly bought another so he'd have a pair to take on tour with him
  9. [quote name='thebassman' timestamp='1430759099' post='2764340'] Great review, looks and sounds like a nice bit ok kit. Any news on when these will be available in the shops? cheers thebassman [/quote] I've been trying to get a release date from the Orange UK HQ as well. No reply yet though
  10. I gigged mine at the weekend and, even up against a very loud drummer, I had to turn the volume down to about 10:00 because the bass was becoming overpowering! The little Minnie amp stage really helps to generate not only a lot of power but also to clean up the note to note definition. We've tested this as a simple power amp with a variety of pre amps and front end pres of integrated amps and it was universally a significant improvement on anything else we could find. I was always really sceptical about power amps doing anything more than just adding volume to a pre-amp signal but this one really changed my perceptions of how a good one can work tonally. As an integrated head with a lovely valve based pre-amp it's just about my perfect package My one is also available for testing if anyone wants to pop along to the store. There's a batch of new ones arriving in a few weeks as well
  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1430772755' post='2764505'] I've got a Dementor VTBP -201S. Well, a modelled one on my Digitech BP 355 [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Is that part of the Harry Potter series of custom patches?
  12. I've just spent some ore time with a much higher output active bass and I can get it start hitting the threshold with a little bass boost and hitting an open E pretty hard. I'm running it side by side with a Demeter Compulator and an Aguilar TLC and neither of those are affected by this setting on the bass so I have to assume the Diamond does need that 18v power supply if you're boosting your signal at all and hitting low notes fairly hard. The 18v power supply should sort it for you
  13. I've just been checking mine and it seems to be working fine off a simple Diago 9v power supply with the red cable used. Plenty of power and compression available at 9v and I can't get it to distort
  14. The red cable is used to reverse the polarity I think. I've got a Diamond kicking around, I'll check it out ASAP!
  15. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1429629225' post='2753407'] A Super Twin will play louder than every other cab mentioned in this thread. [/quote] Knowing what a whiz you are with the physics of cabs, but also an exponent of 'real-world' listening tests as often being more important than just 'numbers', I'm guessing you've been running some head to head tests of your cabs against those of the competitors mentioned? I'm sure people would be really interested to hear your conclusions
  16. I use a Bergantino AE210 and it's easily loud enough for me. I'm generally running a Demeter 700w head into it but sometimes an Aguilar TH500. Even at 8 ohms I don't need any more volume on stage. In fact I used it on Saturday standing rammed up against a very loud drummer and was asked to turn it down as there was simply too much low end bass! I was running eq fairly flat and volume at about 11:00. Turned down to 10:00, cut some bass and slightly boosted mids and it was still very loud on stage.
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1430730034' post='2763983'] I wouldn't discount TKS but you'll need to get to BassGear which is about an hr or less south of Bass Direct, I'd say. IMO, the very interesting thing about them is that not only do they make great cabs, they do both ceramic and NEO ranges and you could get 2 S112's for your budget... which I rated above the SL and CN. I agree, you do need to hear the Vandelkley as well... A 212 is going to be heavier, of course, but the ceramic s112's come in at around 10kg Of course, with all these shops, call ahead to see what they will have at the time of your visit..especially if you make a special day of it.. [/quote] The S212 is a good cab and the addition of the 6" mid driver in the S2126 makes it really smooth and has, unsurprisingly, great mids
  18. Maybe Behringer bought TC so they could start using their power rating methods as they quote even higher differentials. . . Sorry, couldn't resist
  19. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1430732070' post='2764021'] It's a winning combination, as both you and/or the drummer can use the angled Cub as a bass monitor. [/quote] I took a demo unit of the new BG400 (in red!) to a rehearsal last week. Smallest cab I've ever rehearsed with when playing with a drummer using an acoustic kit and it worked amazingly well. I could imagine one of these with the C4 extension can would cover most gigs for on-stage sound and throw a fair bit out front as well
  20. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1430722190' post='2763891'] I've been running a Cub with a PB300 for quite a while now, although I've recently been taking out the 300 with just a Bass Buddy. With the Cub I run the EQ dead flat, but with the BB I have to have a distinctive push in the mids on the graphic to get the same tone. Great pieces of kit. In an ideal world though, I think I'd like a Flightcase with the 300 so I could take just the head combo for smaller gigs (the Cub just isn't powerful enough/have a big enough cab for gigs) and the entire rig for bigger venues/loud drummers. [/quote] I don't know why I've never thought of trying a Cub with a PB300. It's taken me quite a while to get my head around the PJB sound and philosophy and I was very sceptical about them. They are beginning to make sense to me now though - just need to try a few more combinations The little C4's are probably my favourites and they have the piranha speakers as well
  21. [quote name='Legion' timestamp='1430693287' post='2763838'] Thanks anyway, the red ones seem to pretty rare around here [/quote] And they're more expensive
  22. [quote name='Legion' timestamp='1430691331' post='2763822'] Don't suppose one of those is in red Barrie? Been considering the upgrade for a while now [/quote] Both black I'm afraid
  23. Good review - I must admit that I prefer the ceramic driver PJB cabs but I know a lot of people that prefer the Neos so I guess it's just a subjective thing. We've just received a pair of PB300's in part exchange so I must test one with one of the baby combos to see how it sounds
  24. If the CN212 is too expensive then the CN410 is going to be too much as it's about 20% more expensive?
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