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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1428069418' post='2737725'] White and oxblood grill is getting my attention just now.... but I'll probably end up with classic black with the silver blue cloth in the V frame.. Love the sounds of the S112's so I use a horn in one of them. [/quote] I had white and oxblood DB112's for a while - looked great!
  2. The new facility is up and running with no less than 120 cabs in production! There's a few changes coming with some more vinyl and grille cloth options, steel grilles for the H115 and some other design changes. Prices on some cabs are rising from 6th April. This is principally due to currency fluctuations adversely affecting production costs ($ is pretty strong at the moment and some components are US sourced). We've got quite a few orders in the production schedule so people should be able to see / hear a few more of these around in the coming months
  3. In my experience with Behringer amps it's a complete lottery if you get one that works or one that blows up half way through a gig. Obviously if it's a new one and it dies then you're covered by warranty but if it goes mid-gig then the warranty isn't much help Buying used might be safer because, as suggested above, if it's survived a few gigs and been around a while it will probably keep going. If they are going to blow it's often quite early in their life.
  4. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1428078194' post='2737894'] Stupid question possibly, what's the tension and tone like on these ? [/quote] More tension than Thomastiks, which are what I use if I need flats, but not as high as some I've tried. Tone is pretty round and fat to my ears. Quite a vintage sound that works well on a P bass with the tone pot backed off. I'm not sure if there any left in a 6 string set because our shop isn't placing any new Carvin string orders. They come from the guitar division who only sell direct from San Diego now (amps are now a separate division and still available here).
  5. The thing with the SVT2 Pro (as opposed to the earlier 'non'-Pro) is that it had both a gain and volume control. This means you can set up your core valve tone using the gain control and the pre-amp eq and then simply use volume to turn it up or down. I never gigged mine but will always remember it as one of my favourite ever sounds at home volumes - although I have been known to play relatively loudly at home I always think everyone should own a full valve pre and power amp at some stage in their lives just to experience the glorious tone from the pre-amp section and the sheer 'heft' of a valve power amp
  6. Billy Apple's SVT2 Pro for sale here is a cracking amp at a great price. Best amp Ampeg make as far as I'm concerned. Pair it with a used Ampeg 4x10 and you've got an amazing rig for your budget. All a bit heavy of course but nothing really comes use if you're after that Ampeg sound
  7. Personally I'd go for a 4 string version of your Lakland - especially if you really like it but just not sure about the B string
  8. I took one home to try at the weekend and there are some seriously good sounds in there. Very simple amp choice, based on an SWR I think, with compressor just sounded very nice straight out of the box. There was cracking preset in there that gave a great O Jays 'For the Love of Money' tone. Needs some work to build personal presets but that's because of the huge level of control over each effect. I could imagine this working really well for a functions band player who needs a lot of really solid core tones to cover multiple genres at a live gig.
  9. Yep, my tinnitus started quite a while ago. Most of the time I don't notice it but holding a conversation in a loud pub or restaurant can be a challenge.
  10. Great fun playing with the looper and Lehle combination today. That Lehle is so cool for running three different instruments and two different amps (or amp and external tuner etc). I may just have to buy one now' We haven't really spent a lot of time with GK and TKS combinations - so many amps and cabs, so little time - but they really did seem to match up well
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1427747718' post='2733899'] Weight, S/P/SC switching, slimmer neck and down-sized body... what's not to prefer about the Sterling. 5.7 is pretty light, what is it? [/quote] Ritter R8, 33.3" scale, super slim neck profile, tobacco burst, solid silver oval fret markers. https://ritter-instruments.com/item_info.php?i=695 The body is cedar and it has an ebony board. Jens says it sounds like a really nice old jazz bass - just weighs half as much. . .
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1427745921' post='2733858'] Nope I prefer the Sterling to the Ray as well ! [/quote] Is that because we are both wimps In fact, I've got a bass weighing just 5.7lbs arriving tomorrow!
  13. Worth a trawl through Ovni Labs for reviews of lots, and lots, of compressors
  14. Perfect for the Flintstones themed band I'm thinking of putting together. . .
  15. We ship heavy stuff all over the country and use APC couriers. Always helpful and friendly and a very good record as far as damage is concerned. Need to get some of that white tape with fragile all over it. Any post office or Staples should have it.
  16. Neck is definitely different on a Sterling vs a Ray. Very loosely it's a bit like comparing a P to a J but there are lots of variations (from both brands). Personally I much prefer the Sterling but I'm definitely in a minority here!
  17. Roger Sadowsky's email signature always bears the footnote: "Honest Weights, Square Dealings". Weight has become a major sales tool,for some brands, obviously Sadowsky is one, Mike Lull is another and Jens Ritter always proudly displays exact weights of every instrument. Obviously it's easier for smaller companies like these.
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1427565209' post='2731805'] Tread with caution, this thing happens all over the London scene, bands get there, play to each other - aside from the headliners who play to the bar staff - and that`s about it. [/quote] Been there, done that, massive waste of time and energy Although the bar staff were very friendly and liked it when we took requests
  19. These really are great amps for people who want a lot of power. I remember Alex at BF saying how well the big power Carvin amps worked with his cabs. Loads of flexibility in terms of tone shaping as well!0
  20. I know someone who works at GG in Epsom and he's a top guy. Call the manager and explain, without getting overly emotional, what happened. If you've got the name of the guy who served you then that's even better. They should really give you a big apology and sort things out amicably and have a quiet word with the sales assistant. In a perfect world they sort out your problems, the sales guy gets a lesson in customer service and doesn't act like this again and hurt the store's reputation
  21. I own one of each but they are incredibly different a KS 5 and a Streamline 4. KS are great basses but, to my ears they have a really distinctive tone. If you like that tone then it's great and can work really well in a band. The Status is simply the easiest bass to play I've ever owned. Amazing neck profile, action is super low and it has a huge sound for such a tiny bass Definitely need to play both though.
  22. I always liked the, wonderfully named, Leon F Sylvers III with both Shalamar and The Whispers in the 80's. There's some live 80's footage kicking around where the bassist is using an Ibanez Blazer but whether that was just for live use I couldn't say - also, because during ha time he was in demand as a songwriter and producer he may not have played live. Doesn't sound like a Rick on the albums to me though
  23. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1427405412' post='2730115'] With regards to the TH500, any one run out of headroom or find it gets hit if driven moderately or hard. There just does not seem to be enough metal in there to keep a 500W (even a Class D) cool at those power levels. [/quote] Could be because Aguilar appear to 'under-rate' the power module. I really have no idea how the physics of this works but the power module they use is generally rated at 800w by many people (and 900w by Genz). It feels to me like Aggie designed it to be wound up to 500w without overloading it and driving it to get really hot. Certainly goes pretty loud with the right cabs and running at 4ohms.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427377121' post='2729580'] That looks the business. Is it of a similar ilk to the Mesa Prodigy? [/quote] JapanAxe is the man to ask - he tested the Demeter vs The Mesa recently
  25. Nothing wrong with a Daisy Rock in my book. Unashamedly targeted at teenage girls and if this brand gets more girls out there taking up bass then that can only be a good thing
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