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Everything posted by molan

  1. Keep coming back to look at this, such a pretty bass
  2. That's a lot of bass for very little money!
  3. You just have the best basses Rainer! I love the MG shape, just about the only 5 string I'd play these days
  4. We've got a new one in the store. I think our scales go up to 20kg so we can weigh one for you tomorrow
  5. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1426107540' post='2714582'] aaah poop! Having seen Ethan Farmer's masterclass on Sunday I really would love to have gone, he adds something really special, but I'm gigging myself Hope someone snaps them up! [/quote] Wow, I hadn't realised Ethan was on this tour. I loaned him a Sadowsky for his Masterclass on Sunday but was too busy to go and see him. I've heard lots of good reports about him. Top, top session guy!
  6. We had a bit of a family outing planned to see Lionel R on Saturday but now can't make it We've got 4 seats in block O2, row F. It's the front side block so should be pretty good tickets. Cost us £75 each so trying to get that back for them if possible. Happy to split into two pairs if required. I never particularly liked him until my daughter took me to see him a few years back and he puts on a great show. Incredibly natural performer with wonderful voice control - what I'd call a 'proper' singer A friend of mine, who's a real rock fan, went to see him last week and has been raving over what a great show it was! EDIT - two now sold and price reduced to £65 each with free delivery.
  7. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1426085336' post='2714181'] And here is the Markbass team! [/quote] I was really pleased to hear that they are now holding MarkBass stock in the UK rather than having to wait to get everything from the European warehouse. Quite a big investment to do this but it'll really help us to get things faster in the future Anyone else try the MultiAmp at the show? I couldn't resist bringing one back to play with but haven't had a chance to even turn it on yet!
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1425840344' post='2711341'] The best I've found in the UK is DJM Music. They sell Elixir Nanoweb Bass Guitar Strings Elixir String Guage-Medium/Extra Long Scale 45-105 for £29.99 £1.99 Delivery http://www.djmmusic.com/p-13410-elixir-nanoweb-bass-guitar-strings-elixir-string-guage-medium-extra-long-scale-45-105.aspx?gclid=CjwKEAiAg_CnBRDc1N_wuoCiwyESJABpBuMXjwshFScsPQT6XWanQiX8rLha5nIlwcD0B8kskeg9_hoCE7Xw_wcB [/quote] The link is showing £37 and out of stock with 14 days order time
  9. I always think EMG pickups have a distinctive sound so you're hearing the pickup rather than the bass itself. I haven't been able to try a GZR though so maybe this one is different. I have heard the Aguilar in everything from an original 64P through to a very modern American Standard and it sounded really nice every time. I'm a bit of an Aguilar fanboi though so maybe I'm overly biased, they just never seem to make a bad sounding product (maybe the Agro is an exception - never really got on with that!).
  10. We have an ex John Giblin Aria in the shop. I play it every now and then in the pathetic hope it might make me sound like him. It never does. . .
  11. I have to admit I'm still buzzing after spending the weekend working alongside Roger Sadowsky. He was just such a nice guy and had a really refreshing attitude to producing a bass for a 'working' musician. Of course, I now have major Sadowsky GAS - just when I thought I was more or less happy with my basses!
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1425684722' post='2709839'] Barrie - I bet you could sell that red bag a gazillion times over! I have no use for it... but I want it to hang on the wall! [/quote] It did indeed sell! I've never seen a humble gig bag generate so much interest. People kept going up to it and stroking the leather Eventually one guy couldn't resist. He got a few friends to vote on which one to buy and it was a unanimous decision to go for the red one. Only 5 ever made in this colour but might be some more. Paul Turner was getting very excited about it as well and Mark King came down to chat to Hermann Gerlach, the manufacturer, seemed to need a pair of shades on just to look at it though
  13. [quote name='graham1945' timestamp='1425890018' post='2711734'] Spent a bit more time in the concert hall and master class room and saw Lee Rocker, Stu Hamm, Doug Wimbish and Ethan Farmer - Sunday. All entertaining, agreed, not displaying everyday bass playing, but showing just what can be done with a bass. [/quote] How was Ethan Farmer? We loaned him a Sadowsky Metro for his performance but I didn't get a chance to get over to see him. He's played with some top people over the years!
  14. We arrived early and set up in record time today. A big delivery of Harvest leather bags and straps arrived and the sexiest ever red leather gig-bag is calling my name! Douglas Mullen turned up with 8 of his Eve basses and painstakingly explained every single piece of exotic wood contained in one of them - almost all of which will be forgotten by tomorrow I'm genuinely excited to be spending some time on the stand with Roger Sadowsky. I love his philosophy of making basses for 'working' musicians. He must have a lot of instruments out there being used night after night on the live gigging circuit. I've certainly gigged a few over the years and they just always seem to sit nicely in a band mix - I'm absolutely going to be quizzing him about how this works! Of course I'm supposed to be very professional and talk to him as a 'business partner' by I know I'm going to be a bit star-struck and gushy Not enough time to really scope out many other stands but we're next to Hartke and saw Stu Hamm going over every single item on the stand and, on the other side, the MusicMan setup looks really cool with a little live stage, the new amp/cab range and a huge stack of basses! We also got a last minute offer to take a little pop-up stand in an empty space so we're going to clear out some really cheap strings, t-shirts, pickups etc. as well. We don't usually get the chance to do this so we've stocked up on a lot more smaller items than in previous years I generally spend the days before the show dreading all the logistics and hassle of setting everything up and then being on my feet for 2 days surrounded by slap-monsters but this year I'm feeling really up for it! Plus we have a wonderful offer of some BC members, and customers, who are going to buy us coffee, lunch and chocolates
  15. Ive lost count of the number of times I've tried a pair of DB's against CN's, SL's and TKS. I really like 12's and would love to settle on the 'perfect' pair for me but can never quite make my mind up! The DB's sounded fantastic with the DB750 head and I gigged that a few times. Eventually it was all too heavy for me. There is a lovely low end thump to the DB's that the two Neo cabs struggle a little to replicate. However a decent amp and some experimenting with eq can get pretty close whilst also adding a bit of clarity and brightness. The TKS cabs sit nicely between the DB and the neo cabs. I have a feeling this might be partly due to the ceramic speakers. If you don't need a tweeter then they are a great price compared to all the others (Still good with a tweeter just not as exceptionally low priced) and very well made indeed.
  16. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1425464776' post='2707521'] I really like the Tech21 VT Bass-DI into a poweramp. I think I actually prefer it to my actual Ampeg pre! I reckon that would be a great match for the Demeter power amp. I have emailed Demeter and they inform me that for an extra $50 the poweramp can be built into a standard 19 inch rack unit. I'm rapidly running out of excuses! I might have to dig through my Trunk of Things to see what I can off load to raise some money. [/quote] I heard someone using this setup yesterday afternoon! Only low volume but sounded very nice. Especially on a bass with flats.
  17. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1425379978' post='2706631'] I just joined the Demeter club. It's a stunning amp, super quiet (the very very tiniest hint of transformer hum when my ear is on the casing!) and it sounds brilliant. I wanted a powerful amp without a fan for orchestra use and this really fits the bill. It is also very light weight. I'm actually so impressed I'm wondering about selling my Genz heads now and getting the Demeter poweramp to go with my selection of preamps. [/quote] I'm looking at exactly the same option! I've been trying the power amp with different preamps over the last week. Nothing big money, all pedals rather than rackmounts. So far I've used: Sadowsky Tone Hammer Lehle Classic Boost Lehle Clean Boost EBS Micro Sansamp No clear winner yet though. The EBS is really very clever for such a small package. Great 'get out of jail' options for gigging and home use. Not sure if the core time is really 'me' though. One of those and a Minnie power amp would easily fit in the front pocket of a bass gig bag. Very handy that the power amp has a switchable fan as well. It needs one because it doesn't have the big heat sink of the integrated head. I think it'll be happy to run for hours without the fan at home or in a studio but just flip the switch and you get a bit of a safety blanket for live work at greater volumes
  18. I saw very basic Gibson Les Paul sell for nearly £5K because it had Clapton's signature on it. It was a £1,500 guitar so the sig added £3,500 to the value! At least it was a decent guitar though.
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1425038449' post='2703227'] Sounds interesting...might keep an eye on that [/quote] I'd think it'll sell out given the limited capacity of the Half Moon.
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1425035175' post='2703165'] Really took notice of him when I heard him with Chapman years back. I wore the album out.. Can't recall where I saw his name relatively recently....??? [/quote] He has a gig in London on 17th March at the Half Moon in Putney, a benefit concert for Henry Mc Cullough. Guests Singers: Andy Fairweather Lowe, Carol Grimes, Nick Lowe, Paul Carrack, Graham Parker, Suggs McPherson Band featuring: Tim Hinkley - Keyboards/Vocals, Mel Collins - Saxophone/Flute, Bob Tench - Vocals/Guitar, John "The Admiral" Halsey Drums, Steve Simpson - Guitar/Vocals
  21. I asked someone about these who's tested them recently and his principal comment was that it would survive being dropped down a set of stairs Didn't mention how they sounded though
  22. just wondered if anyone had seen him play - he's been around a long time and has a pretty impressive CV: http://www.philbrodieband.com/muso_jerome-rimson.htm
  23. You can't go wrong with Oly White and a matching headstock - always looks great and the binding really finishes it off nicely
  24. I'd ask for a lot more pictures before even considering this. Could easily be an aftermarket bass put together with parts that have never been near a Fender factory. Something looks wrong with the case as well but I'm not exactly sure what without better pics. Should have som Fender logos either on the side or in the gap between the grab handle. Have you asked the seller for more information like a serial number, close up of any decals, rear of headstock, neck pocket and nck plate etc. All these will give you a clue as to provenance
  25. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1424893228' post='2701691'] With regards earphones: They are convenient, they take up very little space in your pocket... but that's about all they have going for them. I use a pair of Sennheisers that are considered to be pretty good - IMV they're ok, but I wouldn't call listening to music through them a[i] "[/i]particularly enjoyable experience". [/quote] Really good earphones can sound amazing. Fantastic clarity, lush tone and rich bass. I wouldn't use them all the time but if I really want to have a quality listen to something new or just enjoy an old favourite I reach for my iPod and earbuds every time. Like so many things, there's an element of 'you get what you pay for' but an iPod that isn't using massively compressed files and a set of high Ultimate Ears, or similar, buds will deliver a very good listening experience
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