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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1424842376' post='2701007'] So we all grew up with access to good hi fi ? I certainly didn't , don't think B B king did either [/quote] I grew up with a Fidelity mono record player, jammed on 45rpm with a cheap autochanger like a basic jukebox. Only one of my friends had a 'stereogram' - and he was only allowed to use it on a Sunday My first attempt at getting a better sound was to find loads of old valve radios, which often had 6" or even 8" speakers in, and to wire them all up to my mono record player. Unsurprisingly the whole setup eventually went bang (God knows what sort of ohmage it was running at!) during a the loud bit on Yours is No Disgrace All my mates used to come round to listen to my primitive surround sound system and we'd sit listening to music and talking about it for hours. I am absolutely certain the sound quality was atrocious but it didn't deter our love of music and quite a few of us were inspired to play. I'm pretty sure the sound quality people are getting today through a set of basic Apple earbuds and an iPhone is far superior to what we were hearing.
  2. Peavey are now distributed by Barnes & Mullins in the UK. They also distribute Aguilar and have done a brilliant job in sorting out all the supply chain problems previously experienced with Aggie cabs being shipped from the States. They really are a 'gold standard' distributor. Superb service, great stock control, fast delivery and solid back-up for warranty issues and spare parts. They are already contacting dealers and arranging trade displays of all the new Peavey gear available.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1424775392' post='2700226'] Maybe because they are always expected to do the former and never get the chance to demonstrate the latter..? [/quote] I once saw Vic Wooten backing Bootsy and he just sat back and kept a really tight groove going. No slapping, tapping, popping, clever chordal stuff etc, just a deep low groove - sounded great and just perfect for the gig!
  4. My wife loves it when I'm out of the house - the more practices and gigs the better as far as she's concerned. Gives her a chance to watch whatever she wants, read a book without me bothering her etc. The only thing she misses is that I do all the cooking so when I'm out she has to make do with something pre-prepared
  5. Signed Sealed Delivered works really well straight into I Was Made To Love Her. Check out the live version of I Wish, Stevie plays wih the rhythm and timing a little and it's great fun to play!
  6. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1424592441' post='2697988'] Thanks for the advice so far guys. Looking at a miniak for sure.....think you got a steal on the Mininova Molan. [/quote] Watch EBay like a hawk and look out for 'collection only' sales. I missed out on an even cheaper one at just £137 before I got the £150 one.
  7. I picked up an immaculate Novation MiniNova for just £150. Great little synth and has some nice squelchy bass sounds on board
  8. Just realised the Nordy pickup is still sitting on the shelf - anyone interested?
  9. Quite a long time delay on the order books at the moment. Earliest possible delivery is August but could be longer
  10. Wow, great colour! The German Fender guys spec up really high end CS basses and always specify the lightest weight bodies. Their base prices come in way higher than 'regular' CS instruments
  11. Your gigging bass is a 5 string version of mine (or mine is a 4 string version of yours!). Mine will be out tomorrow night There's an R8 on the way soon too. . . but then you already know that
  12. My daughter regularly flies to the States purely to see her favourite band. She's flown in and out just for a gig with only an overnight stay and has also followed them around on 15 - 20 night tour.
  13. The singer in a band I've been doing some work with is recording at the moment with Ben Mathews. He says he's a great player in the studio and everyone else in the band is in awe of him
  14. I'd go Aguilar as well, I can't see the TC working well with the PJB C4. I know someone using an EBS Reidmar with C4s and that sounds really nice as well
  15. These have been around since late '13 but I've seen very few reviews anywhere. I'd love to see one reviewed against the original MuTron!
  16. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1424087192' post='2692358'] Perhaps it could be said that X-Factor, The Voice, the TV talent shows are a new culture. Not one that I particularly approve of myself, but they are widely watched and perhaps have hoovered up a proportion of consumers who otherwise might have been screaming at The Beatles. [/quote] Reality/Celebrity endorsed music must be the biggest sub-culture for a long time. There are hordes of people out there who only ever buy music from people who have appeared on these TV shows. Their concerts sell out in minutes and they can be huge exports into other 'territories' as well. It may not be very 'sub' but it's definitely a big cultural movement.
  17. I loved my old 535 but this one is just stunning. Such nice instruments!
  18. My first ever bass was a 79 Musicmaster. Bought brand new from the Soho Soundhouse in Leicester Square. Kept it for many years and, foolishly, sold it to buy a synth
  19. I use a Compulator on my board but I actually think the Diamond is a better, more 'organic', sounding unit. My choice of the Compulator is simply because I know James Demeter quite well and think he's a really nice bloke (and an amazing engineer) so wanted to support him a little by using one of his pedals
  20. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1423944977' post='2690790'] Diamond Bass Compressor. Not the cheapest but an excellent unit. I don't think there's any UK stockists yet - Thomann have them. [/quote] We've been selling them in the UK for quite a while now
  21. I met him a few times at Billy's, pre-Blitz era, when I was friends with George O'Dowd and Peter Robinson (later to become 'Boy' and Marilyn). He wasn't that strange then and seemed a decent bloke. Always had great clothes though! A lot of the original clubbers from that era said he was bit 'fake' but I always assume they were just jealous that he achieved some fame and they just remained strangely dressed nightclubbers
  22. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1423682505' post='2687950'] I remember reading somewhere that the new German Pro Series are actually being assembled in different factories throughout Germany, rather than in Markneukirchin, is this what you mean? [/quote] All I think we can say at the moment is that there isn't any far-eastern manufacture involved. My understanding is that there's enough of the manufacture undertaken in Germany to have a 'made in Germany' tag as approved under EU regulations for both marketing and export.
  23. The information in this thread about the Pro series isn't technically correct. I'm not sure if it's 'allowed' to be released yet though. I'll try and find out and update things if it's approved Prices are available as well (and have been for some time) but again it may be that Warwick are not releasing them to the public yet. I'll try and find this out as well.
  24. We had one on demo in the store for a while. Worked pretty well and brought the combo up to a nice hight for control access but also for on-stage monitoring The horn on the cab has an attenuator so you can dial that out or down a bit if the pair of horns is too bright for you.
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