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Everything posted by molan

  1. Yep - we had a few people who were completely smashed when we arrived to set up at 7! We had the classic "I'm a good singer, what songs do you sing, can I get up and sing some with you" line. . . Then one lone woman appeared who was absolutely wasted and danced on her own all evening. As soon as we finished she disappeared - thankfully
  2. Gallien Kreuger MB112 can be found for £300 new. Very light and it's made in USA. It'll go to reasonable volumes but might struggle up,against a loud drummer.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418771907' post='2633312'] He's good, there's no doubt - but with all due respect... he [i]should[/i] know the material, really! [/quote] Each one is played differently live and the versions we had were all edited from the originals plus he held a detailed coherent conversation simultaneously whilst a third person was continually adjusting a complex pre-amp to demonstrate some fairly massive tonal variation. We were also winding him up about not making mistakes and trying to bluff his way through songs at the same time as well Seriously - you had to be there to appreciate just how impressive this was.
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1418405736' post='2630012'] When will the CN210's be arriving? [/quote] Shipping first week of Feb, our order is placed
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418770771' post='2633298'] Now that's a 'function band' I wouldn't mind being in. Very nice playing and singing by all. Which is the problem I have with covers bands... finding people who can play at that level! That's what I'd call 'pro playing'... and not a music stand in sight!! [/quote] Lots of the Groovesonix songs are mashed up with funky little twists to add things to the original arrangements Paul was in for a few hours today testing some new gear. Part of the test was setting something up alongside some music tracks. We put a Jamiroquai hits album on shuffle and he played along without ever looking at his fretboard whilst chatting away telling us that many of the versions were not how they now played them live, some were funked up, some longer, shorter, slower etc. He literally did not miss a single note on about 5 different songs back to back and some of them were pretty complex arrangements and he was comfortably nattering to us at the same time! Awesome stuff
  6. Here's a little taster of Paul Turner's function band Groovesonix: http://youtu.be/RzuafQYZLyA My wife used them recently and apparently they were fantastic live. She often books high level London based function bands for large corporate events. I get to see all the proposed bands, their promotional materials and costs etc. fascinating stuff really The other band is seriously rate are the Sway Orchestra. They are Richard Branson's favourite band and he flies them all over the place to play at Virgin corporate events. They've played with Smokey Robinson, Robbie Williams etc and for private parties for Samuel L Jackson and other movie & showbiz celebs. Oh, and my daughter's wedding where I got to sit in on two numbers Nick Owen is their regular bass player, top guy and one of the nicest people in the industry!
  7. We get a lot of 'pro' players in the shop. Their general definition of themselves is that they make the bulk of their income from playing (or composing) music. Quite a few teach (in fact our highest profile regular customer teaches but at a very high price and very infrequently). We do have a lot of teachers and, to the best of my recollection, they all gig and/or record as well. I'd say that anyone who makes their core income from playing in some form or another is a pro regardless of whether it's huge income or just 'getting by'. We also know some people who can earn serious money from gigging and are fabulous musicians but have a day job that pays more in total. I don't think any of them regard themselves as 'pro' players. To a professional standard yes but not a pure pro.
  8. Jo is a great player - he's also the main UK player in Down to the Bone these days. You have to be pretty damn good to get in this band. Paul Turner and Julian Crampton have been pervious members He's a regular visitor to our shop and a really nice guy too Speaking Paul T - he has a function band as well now. My wife booked them for her company sales event. Very, very good indeed but no surprise given that the band is made up of three core members of Jamiroquai plus two excellent singers!
  9. I like the Hercules ones, they make decent quality gig bags to lump them around in as well
  10. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1418583868' post='2631444'] Try one where? Welcome to the Netherlands where every shop has the same sh*tty stack of class D bass amps. [/quote] Have you tried Paul Sips Bass Matters? He has an amazing range of gear including esoteric valve stuff like Jule Monique, Prolude, Orange and even Mesa Boogie
  11. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1418552879' post='2631043'] Of course it is, for the buyer. To put it into context- I'll buy a Squier Affinity for £100. Spend £300 on having it fully professionally refinished in candy apple red. I'd like £400 for it please. You buying? [/quote] If it's a deeply dripping lustrous nitro re-fin and Candy Apple Red is my favourite colour then a simple yes would be the answer. I don't understand the level of negativity on this forum when someone 'blatantly' tries to recoup what they've spent on something. Do I think its overpriced? Probably yes, but I don't think there's anything so desperately wrong in trying to get your money back if you've invested a lot of time and energy in a project.
  12. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1418514612' post='2630903'] Yup, you could buy my '73 and have £100 still in your pocket Si [/quote] And that's a really nice one too!
  13. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1418474013' post='2630471'] He's blatantly trying to recoup his costs. [/quote] You say this as if it's a bad thing?
  14. A full nitro refinish and professional relic job won't have been cheap. The problem with this sort of job is that the cost of the work and parts are invariably more than the final value of the instrument. However, if the finish is really nice, it plays well and sounds good then it could fetch a decent price.
  15. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1418471974' post='2630444'] Definitely less than that. It's be cheaper to get a 70's P and get it refinished purple [/quote] But I bet it wouldn't play as well, sound as good or be a reasonable weight!
  16. I have to admit that my daughter wanted 1D tickets and I got them really easily. They went on sale at 09:00, I waited half an hour logged in and picked up 3 seats 20 rows from the stage and had paid for them in under 10 minutes. I think these type of gigs get loads of people claiming tickets as soon as they go on sale and then not being able to buy or screwing up the purchase so they get released again. The whole 'legalised' tout thing does drive me crazy though. I can totally understand bands, venues and promoters trying to earn as much as they can via simple supply and demand mechanisms but I don't get the large bulk purchasing deals they allow to the ticket agencies (unless the band/promoter are actually earning extra margins by selling to these guys at a big premium).
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1418405736' post='2630012'] When will the CN210's be arriving? [/quote] We don't have a delivery date yet Chris. All the pricing and order forms came through yesterday so we'll be placing our opening order on Monday. We have to order in relatively large quantities because they are shipped on pallets by sea. Weight is about 15% lighter than the AE210 which sounds great to me. It's only about 6-7lbs but my dodgy back finds the the AE right on the cusp of what I can easily manage
  18. [quote name='kennyrodgers' timestamp='1417649935' post='2622793'] Any idea on pricing yet Barrie. [/quote] Looks like about £775 - will depend on the currency exchange at time of order but it'll be around there. There's a 410 coming too Reckon that will be circa £1,150
  19. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1418398964' post='2629929'] Ah well, made in Germany/Sweden/UK carries more weight with me so I stand corrected. [/quote] It never ceases to amaze me the lure of a 'Made in USA' tag to a lot of players. Germany & Sweden rate fairly highly but UK can be very patchy in terms of demand. Czech Rep does OK & there's an appreciation of Poland as well amongst some people. But we never get anyone in specifically asking for any country other than USA - even Canada falls a long way behind USA in terms of desirability.
  20. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1418386438' post='2629762'] It's also a shame that Mesa Boogie can't arrange for parts to be shipped direct from supplier to an existing European builder and have them assembled under contract...its not like 'made in USA' carries the same significance here anyway. [/quote] It does at the 'sharp end' of retail - anything 'made in USA' is easier to sell in the shop than anywhere else in the world, and by quite a significant margin too. This holds true for amps & cabs just as much as guitars. Some European countries have a good rep but they fall a long way behind good ol' USA in desirability amongst 'everyday' customers.
  21. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1418345882' post='2629492'] I've often thought that after all the hard work that goes into making one of these, the last thing they should do is weigh it and have a little box on the certificate where it can be found easily without all this bathroom scales nonsense. [/quote] Jens Ritter does it, I think Mike Lull and maybe Roger Sadowsky. Mind you, all three of those are renowned for making ultra-light weight instruments!
  22. Damn, I bet this sounds great, ash bodied, active Masterbuilt in a great colour and with a maple board! I have to ask my favourite question - how much does it weigh?
  23. Ah, too much for me Anything over 9.5lbs and my dodgy shoulder starts to play up going to 10.6lbs definitely wouldn't work for me. I have found the odd Celinder just creeping under 10lbs but that good old Danish ash just seems to be pretty dense - of course, that could be where a lot of the great tone comes from!
  24. The one that got me interested recently was seeing Lee Sklar live from a distance of about 3 metres. His Star Bass into a little Hartke head and a simple Ampeg 1x15 was simply one of the very best live bass sounds I've ever heard. I'd never have even considered a Star Bass until this but his was stunning!
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