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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1416738422' post='2612976'] Who knows for sure these are returns/seconds stock? As for not being bargains; if you get it for 50% of the new price (factoring in the 41% premium/tax) then how can it not be a bargain? [size=4] [/size] [/quote] I think the auction listing says somewhere that all the instruments and amps are returned, B, or ex-demo stock. I think all the pristine gear will have been offloaded to dealers cheap. There have been some killer deals kicking around on Peavey gear all year.
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1416737662' post='2612961'] I've got the M80 single case. For protecting your bass it's good as you are going to get without buying a proper hard case like a Hiscox. As a gig bag I find it very uncomfortable to wear for more than a few minutes, so IMO completely useless. [/quote] I lug mine all over the place and always found it really comfortable. I guess partly because we sell them, we get a lot of customers that turn up at the store with a Mono as their everyday gig bag. A lot of these get the train from London and use their bags all over the city and I've never heard anyone complain about them being uncomfortable. However I have read about other people who haven't got on with them so maybe it's just a 'horses for courses' thing
  3. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1416697222' post='2612802'] Not exactly sure who it was I spoke to but you guys also made sure they would fit my Dingwall! And even measured strings for me. great service. edit to answer Ambient : Mine is still as it came from Bass Gear. [/quote] Probably Vic at the store - he's generally the 'go to' guy for anything Dingwall
  4. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1416658451' post='2612361'] I don't need to sell anything but having read Molan's gig review I'm very tempted to put an order in. Just get Christmas out of the way and then maybe, just maybe I'll treat myself [/quote] I was going to say not to take my word for it but then realised you've heard them at decent volume anyway
  5. [quote name='dudi8' timestamp='1416672351' post='2612545'] dual vertigo?? i didn't know they manufactured it [/quote] They don't!
  6. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1416670960' post='2612530'] I really want to try a vertigo out for size before buying as my xylem has unusual proportions, our guitarist uses em and they are great quality, compact and lightweight. Definitely worth the cash in my opinion. I just don't wanna fork out for one if it might not fit my bass. [/quote] If you send us exact measurements we can try and set up a bass as close as possible to the same size and measure for you Edit - we did this recently for someone with an extended Alembic and discovered that the only thing that worked was a Hiscox abs case.
  7. That's what we're here for 5 new cabs into production this week, should be a fun Xmas/ New Year for a few people!
  8. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1416558091' post='2611372'] I've always preferred the John East preamps, or if you have an interest in something a bit different the filter preamps are very cool. These are a good introduction to the breed: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/249328-acg-eq02-pre-amp-recently-serviced-healthchecked-by-john-east/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/249328-acg-eq02-pre-amp-recently-serviced-healthchecked-by-john-east/[/url] [/quote] Just goes to show how different we all are I think John East is a lovely guy but I don't get on with his pre-amps at all. I've had a few and have stripped them out of each bass very quickly. In fact, I'm pleased I read this thread because I've got one kicking around that I need to stick up for sale! Personally I much prefer the Aguilar tone. I've had all three at some point or another. I rarely fiddle with mids on a bass (tend to do this on the amp instead) so I don't really need the 3 band option. Even the simple OBP1 can make a big difference to a bass - actually, I'm pretty sure I have a spare one of those somewhere too, plus I've got just the bass to fit it in. Even more pleased I read this now
  9. Orders coming in thick and fast now Looking forward to all the different combinations coming in!
  10. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1416341979' post='2609268'] To be fair, that's just Vic performing at a gear show, probably for a bunch of fawning bass players I imagine. He's the first person to state that it's just 'fireworks', and whilst it partly pays his bills, he's perfectly aware if what it is (or isn't) Si [/quote] I think this was just a random bit of filming on small camera whilst Vic was noodling for his own amusement. I've seen him a shows before and when he's on the stand he pretty much can't keep his hands off a bass and just plays & plays and sits in a world of his own whilst people wander around him He just loves to play!
  11. Aguilar warranty is 3 years not 10 as far as I know. May be different in Spain? I think the warranty only sits with the original purchaser so I'm not sure this would apply anyway. Good price though, th regular DB410 is close to £1,000 in most places over here now and brown and green are generally special order items only and have to be shipped from the States.
  12. You can get a used MarkBass NY112 for £280. It'll handle smaller gigs and partners the LMIII well. That might see you through with £120 to spare and then you'd just need to find another at a later date.
  13. I got a chance to try a pair of basses last night - first was a Bass Collection Bruce Thomas strung with La Bella LT's and the second was a '78P with TI's. LT's had been gigged once and the TI's were brand new. The TI's felt lighter tension to the extent of feeling like thinner gauges but they are identical other then a 42 vs 43 G string. LT's felt smoother and more how I generally think of flats. TI's had a bit of an 'edge' to them but still very slinky. I found it easier to bend notes on the TI's and enjoyed how they felt to play. Although both were P basses I'm not sure it's fair to compare them tonally because they were such different core tones (I'm one of those stubborn people that believe you can hear the differences between woods, age and pickups and that all P basses do not sound the same as each other!). For reference I also had another Fender P on hand strung with much heavier tension flats. Both the LT's and TI's were easier for me to play and I preferred both but there was something quit refreshingly 'vintage' feeling about the higher tension ones and they immediately had me reaching for the tone control and winding it all the way off. My net feeling was that I'm going to sling an old set of TI's I have on my Lull P again to remind myself how they sound on a bass I know well
  14. Genuinely made in San Diego, USA too Those rack ears are worth £40 a set. On of the downsides of coming from California is that the shipping is almost as expensive as the rack ears themselves!
  15. molan

    NBD MTD 535

    I used one of these as my main gigging bass for a while. Really enjoyed playing it and so versatile for use in a functions band setting
  16. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1416391444' post='2609610'] [indent=1][/indent] [indent=1]Depends on the desk you use.... some of them have far too many layers to work through for quick/live applications. Some others such as the QU range from A&H are very much 'live' friendly... just like analogue type layout[/indent] [/quote] Layers - that's exactly what my problem was with the Yamaha I was using. Select channel, select effect, adjust reverb, try to find levels, select bass, adjust, select mids, adjust, etc etc by which time the guitar solo you were trying to boost and clean up has finished and he next song has already started
  17. I'm sure I'm just a Luddite but the only time I've used a digital desk live I absolutely hated it. The stored presets were really useful but trying to mix live and adjust multiple things on the fly was so much more complicated than simply tweaking a few knobs. Edit - just looked at the Zed 16fx and it has analogue controls
  18. Amazing just how much ex display, B grade and returned stock there actually is! I'd be a bit wary of buying the stuff they were unable to sell through their dealers at an auction where you can't test anything
  19. Ok, so I'm biased as I work at the UK dealer that sells these but I gigged the demo S112's on Saturday night and thought they were great! Didn't go above 9 o'clock on my amp (which is usually set at around 12 with a single 4 ohm cab) and it was easily loud enough. To be honest I really didn't need a 2nd one even though I was playing with a drummer with a 'real' kit instead of our usual guy who uses a Roland electronic setup. it's possible the height of the 2nd speaker was helping a lot here though. I had the cabs stacked vertically which brought the upper speaker much closer to my ears. It was also a great height to sit my amp on top, made it really easy to adjust settings on the fly without having to stoop (which was lucky because I was in a really confined space with little room to move, lol). My regret was that I took a different bass with me to the one I gig with most often. I had a passive Lull P bass rather than an active Ritter J. This was purely because the dep drummer’s kit was gold sparkle which perfectly matched my Lull and I just couldn't resist! I noticed a LOT more low end from the TKS than I'm used to but the P pickup is going to sound a but thumpier than the Ritter J configuration. I adjusted the amp a fair bit as well. Cutting the amount of bass boost I usually need and adding some treble and presence (which I usually leave off completely). I had the tweeter barely on to just add a bit of high end sizzle. They looked great stacked vertically on stage too. I was a bit concerned they might look a bit over the top at a pub gig but they really didn't dominate things too much at all. I would have liked to have spent more time with them in setting up Before the gig but overall I was very impressed. It would be really interesting to see how just a single cab works live. . .
  20. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1416225821' post='2608019'] Apparently, and this is just what a good friend and former owner of TWO Foderas (!) said, one thing that all that cash doesn't buy you is customer care. He said it's terrible! [/quote] Depends how far back he's going. Since Jason arrived as a partner in the business in 2009 manage the 'front of house' operation their customer service has been impeccable. Of all the bass companies I deal with, both as a customer and a retailer, no-one else has their response times and they are just so knowledgeable as well. I wonder if their front of house team ever sleeps. . .
  21. I've played quite a few Sandbergs and they seem to be universally good. I guess my criticism, and I'm being picky here, is that not many of them have been particularly 'special'. It's difficult to really put my finger on it but I've not ever really been inspired by any of them. I pick them up, play them, think they are pretty good and then put them straight down again. There's been a couple of exceptions but this has been my general feeling across quite a lot of basses. Of course there's nothing wrong with this - being universally well made and sounding solid is a great thing for an everyday working bass. I'd definitely recommend them as good all round gigging instruments. The lower priced ones are especially good value for money as well but the higher priced ones can start to look quite expensive if you load them with options. When I see them popping up for sale regularly it does make me wonder if other people have come to the same conclusion - nice bass but not 'special' enough to hang on to?
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1416009582' post='2606229'] Bargain! I bet most of us have never seen a £20 GAS bill. [/quote] Have you ever noticed our address Ian? Gas Lane. . . Never ceases to make me smile
  23. I think I've been a member since around 2003. In the main I find it a great source of genuinely knowledgeable information. There are some guys over there who really know their stuff. If I'm after a 'definitive' view on something bass related then it's the first place I look.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415996058' post='2606048'] Oof, that's not helping... who is that bloke, anyway? Looks like his technique is terrible... [/quote] Yeah, I'm not sure he's much of a player. . . [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjjgH6m57O0"]https://www.youtube....h?v=VjjgH6m57O0[/url]
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415993833' post='2606005'] I must admit... I keep coming back to look at this! [/quote] Oh Ok then, here's some more pics - last one is some strange bloke playing it. . .
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