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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1412875946' post='2572925'] Think what you like, I have long since given up trying to please everyone and anyone who knows me knows I have no chip on my shoulder. All I am seeing is you stirring it up, the posts in the other thread were about high end Fenders and their construction, this one is a high end Fender that is below par IMO hence the relation of the threads. In fact the other thread was not even about Fenders it just got trolled and trashed by Fender fans as the bass in the OP was Fender shaped. I believe there is a block function? feel free to use it [/quote] Well if you think taking a pop at another person in an irrelevant way and suggesting that people have 'hit lists' that you are on doesn't suggest some problems with a chip on your shoulder if people don't agree with everything you say then, for the first time ever since I've been on this forum, I will indeed take your advice and use the block function. Maybe if you manage to wind enough people up like this you'll effectively have the whole place to yourself as no-one will see what you're posting. . .
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1412804288' post='2572352'] Well he said I pissed him off but "never again" so either I am blocked or he is going to bump me off The reason I bought it up was because it is related due to the 3 piece body, the bass in the picture has one hence the association, I thought that was quite clear, maybe not? [/quote] Sorry Pete but that's a poor excuse to take a cheap shot at another forum member - his views about your comments in another thread bear no relevance to this one. Sounds like there's a bit of a 'chip on shoulder' syndrome going on here
  3. I saw Maceo about 3 years ago at the Jazz Cafe in Camden and he was excellent. Skeet Curtis was on bass a seriously good player
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1412799210' post='2572263'] I ended up on Karlfers hit list for suggesting things like my single piece slab ash body on my musicman classic or in that case a Lakland being better than Fenders like this, he said that im a knob for not adding a IMO, who would prefer that 3 piece body for tone or visual reasons? As for modding it its nothing that special is it? I have a john east pre in my ClassicRay, I guess some people would have winced as I unsoldered the factory wires on a £2200 bass but its my bass [/quote] Do you seriously think people here have a 'hit list'? Surely not? Also, even if they do, then stirring things up on a completely unassociated thread isn't really necessary
  5. I've had to get rid of gear that I simply can't carry any more and it's always 'hurt' to do so I had an Aguilar DB750 with a matching DB410 that I absolutely loved but I simply couldn't carry the cab more than a few paces and even the amp was killing me. My Demeter head now works perfectly for me because it has all the time I want, looks pretty cool and comes in a small lightweight package. I'm using it with a little Bergantino AE210 which is a great cab but it's right on the cusp of what I can easily manage so that might be my next big decision. . . Putting a really nice pedal in front of the MB might work for you but it could be that selling both and starting afresh might be a better long term option. More hassle but think of all the fun you'll have choosing something new
  6. Mad price for something completely made in the USA - the boys in San Diego must be scratching their heads at why this hasn't sold yet
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1412715137' post='2571370'] I assume you mean 'nut' - unless you're just arsing around... [/quote] Maybe the black butt goes with the 'danny http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jack%20and%20danny
  8. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1412676041' post='2570882'] Miidgets need a LOT of watts.well my new super midget does... I recently got a super midget so i could go to rehearsals in my GT86! What an extravagence. My GB Shuttle9.2 has to be cranked much higher to get the volume I get from my S12T. I fear if i'd had anything with fewer watts than the 9.2 (500W @ 8ohm) then the super midget would not achieve required volume [/quote] I remember Alex recommending the Carvin B2000 head to go with his cabs
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1412679922' post='2570937'] I tested one out the other day, WT800 plus 212 and 210XLT's... hardly been used but vintage U.S. Monstrous rig. I'd put it right up there with my Aguilar DB. [/quote] We've got one set up with a 4x10 and 2x10 - I really like the 6x10 configuration and it also sounds huge!
  10. I think one of the things that differentiates China from many of the other far eastern, cheap labour, markets is that they are able to embrace production from the very lowest super-cheap, poorly made, badly finished products right up to very high quality mass market items. At the moment 'made in China' doesn't have a strong differentiated brand image other than maybe low cost production. Whereas 'made in Japan' is usually associated these days with much higher quality. Although, interestingly, there's still a throwback in attitude on MIJ products - 'made in USA' instruments are always easier to sell than MIJ even if the Japanese equivalent is of higher build quality
  11. I definitely got the impression that EBS wanted to shift boxes and move to the 'high street' rather than maintain high quality. Could just have been the sales rep I encountered at Messe though. I see that TC electronics are up for sale now so it'll be interesting if the founders are going for a 'take the money and run' approach (for which I don't blame them on bit!). I guess my surprise with EBS was that they always seemd such a classy brand and had a strong image which they appeared to maintain both through the product range and in all external communications (something which can't be said of TC)
  12. [quote name='mrn1989' timestamp='1412637066' post='2570733'] Thanks, are you a shop? If so shich one and whereabouts? [/quote] I work part time at BassGear in Twyford, near Reading. It shows up in my signature but I think it's invisible if you're accessing via mobile - sorry about that, I always forget!
  13. Every 'name' bass player I've met has been friendly and chatty, even Adam Clayton We meet a fair few through our shop and at various trade or consumer events and they seem universally nice people. Having worked in movie promotion for a good few years I'm afraid the same cannot be said of Hollywood celebs Mind you, some of the movie people are frightening workaholics and super-professional. Arnie really is a machine when it comes to promoting his movies!
  14. Have they dropped the full Jack & Danny name and re-branded as simply J&D now? Definitely a good move - I could never see past the rhyming slang. . .
  15. NY121 is 4" or so shallower than the 121H so it won't really work underneath it. However it's exactly the same width so the top front plastic cab protectors will interlock perfectly. From the front people won't see the difference in depth So it'll just look like a 2x12 rig. You might want to cut the piezo in the NY as the horn in the 121H is higher quality and sounds nicer. Only real downside I can think of is that your amp control is in the 'middle' of the rig rather than on top. We haven't had this set up in the shop but we have tested a 121P combo on top of a 121H cab (which is more or less the same thing) and it works really well as a complete rig. If you're anywhere near us we should be able to get an NY121 for you to try with your combo at decent volume to see how it sounds
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1412078368' post='2565366'] [b][i]'Who is this minion that dares criticise anything whatsoever about Barefaced?'[/i][/b] [/quote] Slightly updated to weather the inevitable storm. . .
  17. I've owned two Performance basses - real top quality instruments!
  18. [quote name='Reissueplayer' timestamp='1412611302' post='2570362'] I'll keep an eye out for midgets then. [/quote] Don't buy one 'blind' - IMHO they aren't in the same league as a Berg IP cab for either quality of tone or fit & finish. BF is one of the most 'marmite' cab ranges out there, I've never seen a cab get so much love & hate as they do. To my ears they are way too mid-focussed and get harsh and nasally when jacked up loud whereas the IP just keeps on going and sounding great at high volume - wish Jim Bergantino had kept making these!
  19. We had a good look at EBS at MusikMesse last year as a possible brand to start stocking in the shop and they just didn't seem as good build quality as we remembered. Difficult to put a finger on exactly what the difference was but this, combined with the fact that they were really pushing all the smaller units and combos put us off
  20. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1412516995' post='2569500'] Am I reading this correctly - are BG going to be stocking them? Great excuse for going up again [/quote] First units should be arriving pretty soon
  21. Is this one of the prototypes for the Standard series? I've seen a few different versions of these around. How much does it weigh?
  22. That whole episode of Classic Albums is great. Pops up on Sky Arts every now and then. In terms of 'deconstructing' a Stevie song I always get a kick out of listening to some of the parts from Superstition : http://homerecording.about.com/od/mixingyourmusic/a/mixing_superstition.htm
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1412427674' post='2568860'] Have you seen a single Fender bass of any model as good as Mr S's 55-94 would have when it was new? The funny thing is I am not expecting them to be, the USA Lakland is a £3500-4000 bass why anyone should feel one for £1800 should be as good is beyond me? This should be a closer match yet I have never tried one [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_american_dlx_custom_jazz_v_vwt.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_american_dlx_custom_jazz_v_vwt.htm[/url] [/quote] USA Laklands shouldn't be that expensive - is there a UK dealer offering them at this price? You can import one privately from the U.S. with all duties paid from as little as £1,650 for a plan colour 4 string up to around £2,500 for a lot of the flash top 5's. You might just creep over £3,000 but you'd have to spec an incredibly high upgrade top to get to that level. The Fender link is a Masterbuilt CS. That not far off as expensive as they come from the Custom Shop. I'm not sure it's directly comparable with anything Lakland make because they don't offer this level of personal build wih custom options as far as I know.
  24. In broad terms, and having seen a lot of both brands, I'd say the average level of build quality on a Korean made Lakland is generally superior to most MIM, MIJ and some US Fenders. US Fenders are difficult to generalise about because they vary a fair bit. From about 2010 onwards they seem to be universally good. Before then they are mostly good but with the odd beast kicking around. MIM Fender build quality is all over the place. Some are fine and others are complete dogs, poor neck pockets, nasty sharp fret ends, truss rod issues (either not working or pushing through the top of the neck), pick guards not aligned properly, scratchy pots, thin sounding pickups etc. etc. However, there are definitely some very good ones out there as well and, maybe more importantly, they can be transformed with a bit of TLC from a decent luthier and possibly new pots & rewire along with better pickups. The biggest issue to watch out for is a dodgy trussrod as this can be more complex and expensive to fix. MIJ models generally fit in between the two. I've certainly played, and owned, some that have been the match of, or even better than, their US counterparts. Laklands are almost universally well made and finished and have a pretty even tone. I've never come across a bad one, doesn't mean they don't exist just that I've not seen one. US Laklands are another step up and are excellent instruments. Really nicely finished and all seem to have great necks and fingerboards. On balance I'd say there's a greater chance of picking a Lakland off a shelf and it being good than a MIM, MIJ or pre 2010 US Standard but with Most Fenders below the Vintage, Deluxe or Custom Shop models it can be a bit hit & miss
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