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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='hen barn' timestamp='1410976082' post='2555272'] i Wish someone would make a synth bass pedal that you could use. (that doesnt sound like a silly rasberry)i play in an 80s band and have tried every one out there and still cant get that basic 80s synth bass sound???? i am currently using a Zoom B3 which is ok?? One day some one must do it???? i think it would really sell? [/quote] MarkBass is the best one I've tried (apart from an Akai which is really expensive now).
  2. You have to be careful if you try to adjust without removing the neck. If the bass and neck aren't supported properly you can sometimes do more damage than it's worth. I've seen a bass where someone damaged the neck heel, body and a pair of screws by trying to just loosen two screws and tilting the neck - they then leant on the neck and it slipped sideways forcing it downwards and causing all sorts of nasty things to happen I usually just bite the bullet and take the whole neck off. Never had any issues doing this, just need to be methodical in loosening and re-tightening the screws. There's a simple guide here - it's for a new nck but gives basic tips on how to put the neck back in the pocket and tightening the screws etc: http://youtu.be/dyu0uylL9jc
  3. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1410945505' post='2554846'] This there are plenty of low ball chancers on here now we all try to get a tiny bit off or do a deal but some times you get some idiot trying to offer you about half of what the bass is worth I don't know why this seems to be a trend now on BC as it didn't used to be that way.But with prices I only ever lower to the lowest I am willing to go I would rather keep my stuff than give it away as neepheid pointed out earlier about selling on gumtree and the like I agree it is much easier to sell on there than BC which is a shame really as it is nice dealing with other members and keeping an instrument in the fold so to speak [/quote] There also seems to be a trend, maybe from the same people, to push for a lower price and then once it's agreed they bail out and stop replying. Maybe they just enjoy haggling for the sake of it, seems a bit of a waste of time to me
  4. Our rhythm guitarist adds keys on a few songs and brought along his new baby Novation MiniNova to rehearsals last night. I had a quick play and it was great fun using the squelchy bass settings to try and cover Bernie Worrel type Parliament funky bass parts (although my playing was pretty useless!). With all the new, relatively low cost, analogue bass heavy synths out there at the moment (Novation Bass Station II looks cool) I just wondered how many people used one alongside a bass for either recording or live work?
  5. I'm really looking forward to hearing the 1126 - love the idea of the 6" mid driver
  6. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1410873398' post='2554133'] Bloody hope not! I need that white on white Strat in my hands ASAP! Thanks for the heads up. [/quote] Just checked and the last one we ordered was quoted at 8 weeks and took 15
  7. GK and MB are in a different league from TC. GK are generally 'rockier' than MB and the latest models are all made in USA and good quality too.
  8. Make sure you keep on at them about delivery, stories of 4 month actual build times are fairly common
  9. FM cables are great, the silent jack versions work really well too!
  10. Quite rare to see an SB wih an Icon headstock, was that a special order?
  11. Oh man, this is such a nice bass! I really miss it
  12. SB body shape has been discontinued now so you can't get these any more
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1410472257' post='2549909'] Oh really...? [/quote] Looks like it - very excited about the snakeskin ones, lol
  14. Killer colour - I've just specced out a relic one of these for the shop
  15. I see snakeskin S112's on the horizon, and black S212's with metal grilles and black 1126's with cloth grilles and . . . And . . .
  16. I hear the range is coming to the UK and available for demos very soon. . .
  17. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1410090273' post='2545962'] Thomann play with MB prices all the time. I keep a weekly watch on their prices across a number of key products and it's really interesting, from a retailer perspective, to watch their 'dynamic' pricing policy. [/quote] Spotted an example of this yesterday - Thomann put up their Aguilar prices by a huge amount after a summer of heavy discounting. The TH500 head had dropped right down to £475 last week and it rose to £630 yesterday! Same kind of price rise across the TH350 and SL112 cabs as well. They are now more expensive than many UK stockists on these. It'll be interesting to see what happens with MarkBass. It's a very different brand and a lot more stockists than Aguilar so they may try to hold these lower prices to force the market. . .
  18. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1410101632' post='2546095'] Sort of on topic, sort of not... where is a good place to buy from the UK at the moment then? I wouldn't mind picking up a Micromark for rehearsals! [/quote] Are you rehearsing with a drummer? I love the MicroMark but tried one at a full band rehearsal recently and it wasn't really loud enough. Just about ok as a personal monitor but not enough oomph for the rest of the band to hear properly and we wouldn't normally DI the bass at rehearsal (although that is an option for us). I also took it to a small acoustic gig and it works brilliantly. Easily loud enough for stage volume and was in the foh mix as well. Forgot to add earlier that the £635 price at Thomann is actually higher than it was this time last month (albeit only by a few quid!).
  19. MarkBass pricing changes from month to month as MB and, I think, their distributors test the market to see what price things will sell at. There were some very good offers available to in July and August - some of these were passed on to customers whilst others were held as higher margin (also to offset against unsold stock purchased at higher prices). There's no obvious differentiation between Italian and Indonesian made stock. In fact a couple of the very best bargain offers recently were on Italian made items. There's a couple particular combos from higher up the MB range that have been available at great prices recently - I know of a couple of BassChatters that have taken advantage of these recently Thomann play with MB prices all the time. I keep a weekly watch on their prices across a number of key products and it's really interesting, from a retailer perspective, to watch their 'dynamic' pricing policy. They often take a lead, high selling, item from a manufacturer's range and discount it really heavily as a promotional item which helps to bring in new customers and can push people towards other, potentially higher margin, items as well. Euro to £ (and $) does have a significant effect. This is really helping on import pricing at the moment (although it's screwing exports so not always great for the market as a whole).
  20. I used a VB4 as my main gigging bass for ages a mostly because I was in a 13 piece soul band so space was at a premium and it meant I avoided clouting the sax players head too many times Great little basses with a very full sound!
  21. DR Ducks Ax-Wax is great for fretboards (plus the rest of a guitar too!).
  22. Such a great little unit. I gigged a Demeter head with one of these power amps last night and they sound so muscular and powerful. Only thing I've ever heard that has the power and punch of a DB751 or even a big chunky valve had!
  23. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1409824973' post='2543619'] They are nice amps. It's always the old story that it may sound totally different in a live mix, where you might not need or hear all those highs. I have sometimes used a passive jazz with mine and never been found wanting more highs.. personal taste as you say. Enjoy the amp. [/quote] Another great Aguilar trait is that they always seem to sound great in a live band mix
  24. Carvin flats are La Bellas without the fancy packaging.
  25. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1409586148' post='2541195'] My Av didn't like that link, Barrie, Deffo doesn't like it [/quote] That's happened before - it works fine on my iMac, Macbook, ipad & iPhone! Maybe it's optimised for Apple devices, lol.
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