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Everything posted by molan

  1. Current £ to $ rate means the next ones coming into the UK should be a bit cheaper Just ordered 1 from James but it may already be spoken for!
  2. Wireless receiver or a funky tuner that spells your name (or any message you care to display) when it's not in 'tune' mode
  3. That's a great price for something as nice as this. 35" is too much of a stretch for me (torn rotator cuff muscle) but I'd guess the B sounds tremendous. Fodera somehow manage to make 33" scale B sound great so a 35" must be a monster
  4. Thanks to this thread I've been listening to Morrissey all morning Dug out my early 90's CD's and really enjoying some of them!
  5. I may well have to do this as well! I've just disabled the stock tweeter completely on my little one at the moment and even that made it sound a lot better to my ears
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1405591631' post='2503298'] I wonder if such a thing is really possible? Do all those old Gary Glitter fans still enjoy his music? It hasn't changed has it? Do people still view Rolf Harris's paintings in the same way they used to? They haven't changed have they? [/quote] I still like Gary Glitter's old music, he was a part of my childhood and I remember his music from those days rather than the scandal that surrounded him later. I've never like Rolf though! Also, I'm not sure Morrisey being a bit of an arse is quite the same as these two (unless I've missed something recently!).
  7. Checked with James Demeter and the Power supply isn't a switching circuit - they have to be re-wired for European use.
  8. I know someone who's just gone down exactly this route There is a switching power supply option I think but it adds to the cost. Buying direct from James Demeter should generally work out within a few pounds of the UK price. He adds a local handling charge for overseas orders, shipping can be $100 and duties (with handling charges) add another 25%. Current exchange rate is very good but need to check the actual cost of buying $ plus associated local bank charges as well It's really quite frightening how much all the charges add to international purchases - I've bought a fair few things over and never cease to be amazed at how much the final cost is when they finally reach my house!
  9. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1405438378' post='2501907'] There's the Demeter "Minnie" 800D. Not cheap though: http://www.juleamps.com/bass/de-monique.html [/quote] James Demeter makes a cool guitar amp designed to work on a pedal board : http://www.demeteramps.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=95
  10. I must be in a very, very tiny minority of people who prefer Morrisey's solo stuff to The Smiths. The Smiths had some fabulous singles but I found them difficult to listen to across an entire album. He sure has a way with a lyric I should add that I completely ignore any of the publicity crap that surrounds him and am completely basing my opinion of him based on his music.
  11. I agree about a UK dealer being able to help. We sourced something a little like this for someone last year. He wanted a very specific bass and it was held by a dealer in Canada. We paid them, arranged shipping and import stuff and agreed a margin share with the Canadians so the customer didn't pay a premium.
  12. I have one of these for rehearsal and small gig use. I used it earlier this year at an important wedding gig with a top band and it sounded just great. They work really well even up against a loud drummer
  13. Yep, definitely gone. Not even showing as old stock available now.
  14. We had a Bugera BTX3600 in the shop not hat long ago. We sold it, including a rack case for £60 and were pretty happy to see it go I'd go for a decent quality pedal graphic eq and run that in front of the Hartke. I quite like MXR and MarkBass personally.
  15. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1405343378' post='2500977'] Surely though, if you're a UK retailer, and you see someone selling something that you are, but they're selling it for £100 less than you. It's got to be better to match that price, and maker a smaller profit, than to ignore it and lose sales ? [/quote] This works in theory but not in practice unfortunately. Some items are being sold by the big euro guys at virtually zero profit (there's actually some available at below trade price). For a UK dealer to match them and sell without profit, or at very low margin, would simply mean they'd go out of business. The simplest thing for them to do is cut losses, sell off existing stock and de-list the brands. This allows them to reinvest in higher margin products. I've seen this happen before with a net result of significantly reduced availability and even brands disappearing completely in some markets. There is often a knock-on effect at a later date of the prices going back up again, maybe even to a higher price than originally available at, once the competition has been taken out. In fact I've seen this in a few markets and, if you believe all the stories, this was exactly what happened with the availability and price of neodymium a couple of years ago I did wonder whether the massive discounting that we saw on Genz-Benz had something to do with their demise. Even before Fender pulled the plug they were one of the heaviest discounted brands in the market and now they've gone completely. I think Aguilar are generally in a different market to Genz for some products but the TH & SL range is bang in the middle of the price war sector and they've put a lot of store behind these. As mentioned above this level of discounting is good for short term consumer gain and it's all cyclical anyway. If a shop or brand disappears then someone else will fill the gap at some point. However, in our little niche market it may not be of such benefit to the consumer as in other, more commodity based, markets.
  16. I rather like this [media]http://youtu.be/kAT3aVj-A_E[/media]
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1405294505' post='2500573'] I'm interested in an Aguilar Tone hammer 350. Ebay - £529 - [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/261493615446?limghlpsr=true&hlpv=2&ops=true&viphx=1&hlpht=true&lpid=108&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=108"]http://www.ebay.co.u...f13=80&ff14=108[/url] Woodbrass - £443.80 - [url="http://www.woodbrass.com/en/ampli-basse-tete-aguilar-tone-hammer-350-p153933-af833-gbp.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjw3IieBRDl1oG0gr_PweoBEiQAwGHVwwiScBAHIvGdCLp6F25tfRzBZjgxY3fRJv-K_bkpgasaAsfe8P8HAQ"]http://www.woodbrass...pgasaAsfe8P8HAQ[/url] - what a strange price ! Bass gear - £449 - [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/aguilar-tone-hammer-350/"]http://www.bassgear....one-hammer-350/[/url] a shame because I really like this shop. Bass direct - £399 - [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Aguilar_Amplification.html"]http://www.bassdirec...lification.html[/url] Thomann - £335 - [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/aguilar_tone_hammer_350.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._hammer_350.htm[/url] that includes shipping. What a range of prices, almost £200 ! [/quote] You may need to make your pricing dynamic - my guess is that prices are falling daily on some stuff at the moment . . .
  18. Yep - there's a little price war on over in Europe at the moment. Definitely good news for consumers but not for UK shops and, potentially, not for UK consumers. There are three overseas retailers selling either at, or below, the UK trade price on various lines on the moment. The reason this might not be good for consumers is that UK dealers will simply stop stocking those lines. No-one in their right mind is going to order new stock that makes zero profit so those brands will just get de-listed over here and consumers won't be able to go into a store and try them out. There's still the option to buy from an overseas retailer and use the 7 day returns policy to try something out but, as a consumer, I'd much rather go to a store and try four or five brands against each other.
  19. If you really fancy an Alain Caron then PM me - I may be able to track down an ex-demo one somewhere
  20. The MarkBass Alain Caron combo is pretty special. Puts out the full 500w into 12" and then has another 100w in tap for the horn. This thing goes very loud indeed! It's usually priced at £1,149 new but you might someone who'll deal on the price a little.
  21. molan

    ampeg svt

    Personally I much prefer the 2 to the 4 but the 2 is a heavy beast. Need to check that the valves are in very good condition because a complete re-valve on a 2 can be big money
  22. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=201117447410
  23. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1404643143' post='2494330'] I remember a thread from some time ago regarding simple basslines and somebody posted Gene Chandler's 'Does She Have a Friend?' which features all of 3 notes, no fills, no runs, so slides, just locks in with the drums 4/4 throughout the whole song. It's great! http://youtu.be/2xwL-7fKKUE [/quote] Haven't heard this for years - I'd forgotten how good it is! Thanks for posting, will have to dig out my old copy
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