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Everything posted by molan

  1. '96 is pretty early for the NYC Empire range I think. Is this one completely made in Japan or one of the hybrids that were partly made in Japan and partly by a third party (not Fodera but an approved luthier) in the USA?
  2. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1403428399' post='2482497'] 30+ qualifies as older now? Blimey. P [/quote] Only if you're 25
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1403380103' post='2482294'] I much prefer the Carvin over D Lakin basses. I have no objection whatsoever to non-US outsourced gear, but the prices the D Lakin basses are for a bass made in Indonesia, without even a high quality gig bag, is insane. I'd just get a Classic Vibe and upgrade the pickups. [/quote] I could be wrong but my understanding is that the D Lakins available in Europe will come with decent gig bags - don't believe everything you read in TalkBass Also, they are made at a top quality builder in South Korea not Indonesia. I have seen some TalkBass mentions of Indonesia but pretty sure they are Korean. Not much between them as I'm sure there are good and bad builders in each country but in general terms 'made in South Korea' is a pretty good quality mark these days
  4. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1403378778' post='2482285'] Carvin was going to be my next guess Be nice to see some that aren't that horrid green [/quote] I didn't say which one Actually it may be more than one. . .
  5. I reckon it's one of these. . . http://youtu.be/DS4Frg2gfzs
  6. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1403342225' post='2481913'] Pics to show it is in immaculate condition still with no scuffs [attachment=165384:DSCF0723.jpg][attachment=165385:DSCF0724.jpg] [/quote] See - told you red was the best colour Carries a premium price on black for lots of PJB stuff too!
  7. I love the look of the 65Amps stuff. We've got a complete rig in the shop and it looks so cool Did the cab come from Marc by any chance? I know he lives in Sandhurst and had one of these.
  8. Just out of interest - have you ever tried an AE112 paired with an AE210? I've tried a CN112 with my EA210 and it didn't work at all well (I think because of the different porting) but I wondered if the AE's together might work well
  9. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1403368416' post='2482191'] I got the wrong end of the stick too, I thought it was Fender Custom Shop basses and nearly exploded when I saw they were under £1000 I hope not, I was really interested in these but the D Lakin headstock is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Also there seems to be a lot of moaning about them over TalkBass. [/quote] Sorry about the confusion - I hoped the 'Fender Style' bit would differentiate these from actual Fenders. I do actually have to place the next order for Fender CS soon and am alread planning to use the ideas here to help formulate what we ask for Unfortunately the CS instruments come in between £2K and £3K depending on spec I also saw the TalkBass stuff about D Lakin. One long thread that mostly said "these are Fender clones" with people either saying this was good or bad. Another one that ran to over 18 pages saying that the first bass shipped was badly packed! Whilst I totally agreed that it was indeed not acceptable packing, I did see that Dan Lakin immediately apologised and offered to replace it. Couldn't believe this warranted 18 pages of people saying the same thing over and over again - makes you realise how nice it is here on BC I also saw another review on TB where the owner was really happy. This one ran for a while one page, partly because it's newer but maybe also because there was nothing to moan about and they do like a good moan over on TB!
  10. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1403366015' post='2482168'] If you do stock a sonic blue fender with matching headstock, I'd better stay away from your shop [/quote] You definitely need to keep away - they already have one of these in the shop!
  11. If you're looking for something to practice on then is be tempted to get something with a neck profile as close as possible to your main 4003. Most P style basses are going to feel very different to the Ricky. I'd be tempted to look out for an Ibanez or Yamaha with a skinny neck.
  12. We have had at least one attempt at 'Stairway' but The most commonly played bass line at BassGear has been Omar's 'There's Nothing Like This'. Haven't heard it for a while though
  13. I have to admit that I dislike Queen intensely and they were always one of those bands that if they came on the radio I'd be reaching for the 'change channel' button. However, as others have said, when I had to learn some Queen songs I realised how interesting some of JD's bass lines were, some really nice little fills and lines I would never have noticed had I not been trying to transcribe them
  14. Red is definitely the best colour for these
  15. The thing that most amazed me about this setup is that he was using a Warwick! I saw him a couple of years ago at a big Warwick sponsored event and he totally refused to actually play bass and just sang all night because he said there was noting there he could use - the wall behind him held a complete rack of Bootsy artist signature basses!
  16. 5's available sometime in the 'fall' Aim is to keep the 4's below £1,000. Blocks and binding will add maybe £125-£150. We have a definite price on the instruments but waiting to he finalised shipping quotes.
  17. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1403251069' post='2481074'] All of this is great, but how do I get my Emerald Green Jazz? [/quote] We have to order 6 in different colours to kick things off. Currently away on holiday but hope to place the order next week Current colour voting seems to be: Precision Sonic (5) 2SB (4) CAR (3) Jazz CAR (6) LPB (4) Emerald (3) However - I'm compiling this on an iPhone so could have missed a few!
  18. [quote name='wolldav' timestamp='1403187578' post='2480629'] I purchased the TH500 in the USA and brought it over to the UK. The amp has SMPS, Switching mode power supply, so can be used worldwide. The amp comes with 3 year limited warranty. I would assume that once the warranty card is filled out that the warranty is valid for 3 years no matter where u are, but I am not 100 % sure. I've sold another TH500 to JAZZJAMES, from London, of whom is a bass chat member in January and he was well satisfied with the amp. Thanks Dw [/quote] Thanks DW, I have a friend who was after a new(ish) one having seen the price war going on at the moment but the warranty issue will put him off. Because it's a USA model it won't be covered by UK warranty so would need to be returned to the US retailer should it go wrong. However, I have to say that these things are pretty much bullet-proof. I've never heard of one failing!
  19. Is this a UK stock model and, if so, if it's brand new will it still have full UK warranty?
  20. I must admit that I've genuinely never heard of John Jowitt and was amazed to see he'd been voted best bass player by the Classic Rock Society 17 times! Then I checked who the CRS were and it seems they are based in Daventry and JJ is from Birmingham so maybe there's a local connection? He seems to have been in loads of bands though and has some good reviews so I'd imagine any of his basses will be nice. Unlikely to add any value but still good to have - especially if you like him and, even more importantly, if there's some authenticated use on his recorded output
  21. Thumb and Dolphin feel quite different to play - I'd definitely hold out for a Dolphin
  22. I think there's some gigs coming soon as well
  23. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1402746782' post='2476484'] I had to look up the OP bass player as not familiar with him, does a cracking job on that tune. Randy Jo Hobbs, apparently died aged only 45 [/quote] I've got a few albums with him on Johnny Winter Captured Live is a favourite
  24. Looks great, similar idea to the Ritter Simpsons and X-Men basses (but substantially cheaper!).
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