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Everything posted by molan

  1. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Brown Dog [/font][/color][b]NOW SOLD[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Agent 00Funk still available at £180 [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]These were my back up pair (I sold the other two back in September last year) but they haven't been out of the reserves box since so it seems I really ought to sell them [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Both are in great condition - The 00Funk looks like new and the Brown Dog has a couple of very small marks on it - must have been from just taking out of the box and storing etc. (too small to photograph easily). Neither have ever been on a board and the underside of each is as clean as the top - even the rubber feet are unmarked! [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I can't find the original boxes or manuals anywhere but they are available to download easily.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm selling them initially as a pair because they work so well together and even Chunk have a number of demo sound files set up with both of them chained.[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]New price on these is now £460 (£230 each) so I've knocked a straight £100 off the new price. I think they may even be discontinued now. Happy to ship anywhere at actual cost of shipping.[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I haven't taken pics of them as they are literally 'as new' but can get some if required. Stock shots look like this:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Here's some blurb from Chunk:[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][size=4]The Agent 00Funk Mark II turns bass guitars and other electric instruments into instant funky squelching fatness. The Agent 00Funk Mark II features a highly resonant lowpass filter that sweeps up or down with every note you play giving you a super-punchy automatic wah tone.[/size][/size][/font][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][size=4]Based on our highly acclaimed original the Mark II squeezes extra funk into a more convenient, easier to use package. Now with true bypass and only the best quality analogue electronics, the Agent 00Funk Mark II is perfect for all you clean sound freaks. For maximum squelch, the new envelope input allows you to use a clean envelope prior to fuzz or distortion. Plug the Chunk Systems Brown Dog gated bass fuzz pedal straight in to create some truly amazing synth tones.[/size][/size][/font][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][size=4]The Brown Dog enables you to produce rampaging waves of meat with your bass guitar while still keeping your basslines tight and letting the character of your instrument's tone shine through. With two fuzz modes ([font=Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]hard[/font] and [font=Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]soft[/font]), a mixing stage and a unique gating circuit the Brown Dog gives you a wide range of fuzzy and synthy bass tones.[/size][/size][/font][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][size=4]Based on our highly acclaimedFZ002 gated bass fuzz, the Brown Dog adds [font=Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]soft[/font] mode and features easier to use mixer controls. With true bypass and only the best quality analogue electronics, the Brown Dog is perfect for all you clean sound freaks. Use the special [font=Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]envelope[/font] connector in conjunction with the [font=Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Agent 00Funk Mark II[/font] for synth bass that will really freak you out![/size][/size][/font][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][size=4]A nice review here - [/size][/size][/font][/font][/color][url="http://www.godlyke.com/guitar-world-magazine-reviews-chunk-systems-brown-dog-and-agent-funk"]http://www.godlyke.c...-and-agent-funk[/url] [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][size=4]And some some demos:[/size][/size][/font][/font][/color] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEHMyviwZMA"]https://www.youtube....h?v=OEHMyviwZMA[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79_9fHEYuDw#t=58"]https://www.youtube....9_9fHEYuDw#t=58[/url]
  2. We had a similar bass in recently for a setup and it needed a few basic things doing, couple of frets sitting high, a few slightly protruding fret ends, action was high and intonation was way out. All this was fixed in about 20 minutes though and it really transformed it. Made it so much nicer to play A pickup and/or wiring upgrade might be nice but, as others have said, maybe just play it for a for a while and see how you get on with it. A really good setup may make it nicer to play than installing new pickups (although some luthiers will chuck in a set up for very little if you are getting pickups done at the same time).
  3. molan


    Having tried quite a few I settled on the Aguilar Ocatmizer. I've owned a couple of OC2's but found their range too limited and tracking wasn't great. Really nice sound but quite hard work to get on with. The EBS was better but I find the Aguilar by far the most flexible and tracking seems great. I use it on every gig at some point or other. At the moment I'm generally using it for a synthy drone on a couple of songs and it's really good for this as it'll hold the lower note for a long time without breaking up (something the OC2 isn't great at in my experience). I've heard some good things about the MXR Octave Deluxe and people seem to like the little mid-boost switch it has.
  4. There's all sorts of theories about whether it's OK to use an Ampeg with 80hms. You'll find people saying it's fine, others say it's ok but don't push it, some will say it will shorten valve and may damage your output transformer. A few will say you should pull some power tubes if you're running into 8 ohms and then some more will chop in and say not to it under any circumstances! I think the answer is probably that it'll work with an 8ohm load but it wasn't designed to do so. With that in mind it's almost certainly safer to use 4ohms if possible
  5. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1400530033' post='2454752'] Thanks Barrie, get kettle on lad A punter recorded one of our first set numbers on Sat night apparently, on a mobile phone. As ever the quality is poor (and that's just the band) and you can never really hear the bass. It just about comes through in parts. Link below. [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=238302736370592"]04:21[/url] [/quote] Link is coming up as 'content not available'
  6. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1401016515' post='2459088'] I believe that this amp, because it's a sale item, is 'sold as seen' so I'm guessing there's no warranty [/quote] If it's mail order there's a 7 day returns regulation. I wouldn't get too panicky though. A simple chat with the guys in the shop could be all that's needed. They very well may have had the valves tested already and/or might offer an extended warranty period
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401013480' post='2459022'] You're totally right Barrie, I wasn't being entirely serious - as usual. But I think the OP has already pulled the trigger on the SVT and we did try to dissuade him! Well... a bit. [/quote] I absolutely love the tone of an SVT. I owned an SVT2 Non-Pro for a while and thought it was one of the best tones I've ever had. Unfortunately, after running perfectly for a while, it developed a really intermittent fault and it took three different techs to rack down what it was. It turned out to be something relatively simple, just hard to find, and cost me over £200 in the end. The only reason I sold it was the weight though. It was in a Boogie shock-rack and combined they weighed in at close to 125lbs! Almost every time I hear an SVT on stage being used by a touring pro I'm really impressed by the sound but I have noticed almost all of them seem to have a backup sitting there as well. I did spot that the OP has bought this one and it's a great price My advice is just to get it checked out to make sure those pesky valves are in tip top condition. Any decent tech will have a valve tester to see if any are weak. My thought was to get this done whilst it's under the shop warranty. Used gear doesn't have the same sort of protection as new so if anything goes wrong in a few months it may not be covered in the same way
  8. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1401012713' post='2459004'] But you bias the SVT yourself. £222 for a matched set of six Gold Lion (the best according to Matamp) KT88's from Hot Rox. http://www.hotroxuk.com/genalex-gold-lion-kt88.html [/quote] £222 is over £200? Easy to rack up another £75 on labour costs if you're not confident about installing a full set of valves
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401012856' post='2459007'] Easy, Captain Bringdown! You are correct, however. And as you know, nothing worth having is cheap. [/quote] I was just trying to help protect someone who could get caught with a big bill I love SVT's but based on my experience they can be the most expensive amps to get repaired. Better to get one checked over whilst covered by warranty than get hit with a big bill in a few months?
  10. Reason for asking who was playing was because I really, really disliked this and didn't want to offend anyone here Nathan East's original part sits perfectly in the song and is one of my favourite disco/pop bass lines in recent years. The vid version above is, to my ears, just horribly overplayed and doesn't work at all. I can understand the reason for playing like this and appreciate the technique but this is exactly the sort of playing that would not get the job if played at an audition. Or maybe I'm just getting old
  11. If there's any way you can get the valves checked over then you should definitely do this whilst it's still covered by warranty. An Ampeg 300w Classic came in for repair recently because it was buzzing a little and cut out a few times. Repair bill including a complete new set of both pre and power amp valves was over £300! A decent set of valves can go over £200 without allowing for biasing etc
  12. Is this you playing or just a vid you found on YouTube?
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1400786300' post='2457081'] Wow...I'm well out of touch! [/quote] We had a Pino in the shop recently priced at £3,050 and it sold in under 2 weeks. It was a great bass, much nicer than the '64 P original I used to have.
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400773381' post='2456874'] I've no idea what the O.P paid, none of my business, but they have just got one in Guitar, Guitar and it's up for £3500. [/quote] Looks about right to me too. A Pino or Jaco CS is around £3,000 - £3,100 in a store now and the Geddy carries a higher price. I actually thought they'd be closer to £4K or even £4.5K! THe discount vs RRP is far greater on the Geddy than their other CS basses.
  15. I saw that Stingray and thought it looked cool but the total price came in at £1,200 after cost of currency, shipping and taxes and I thought that was a bit too much without being to play it and/see it in the flesh. Should be able to get a used Lakaland or P Bass for way less than that (even a new 44/02 should be available for about £1,000)?
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1400759753' post='2456689'] In the dealers defence, the box came straight off the boat to their warehouse and then straight to me. It never saw the light of day in the UK until I opened it. Personally I'm quite happy with it that way. At least I know it hadn't been handled since it left Fender. [/quote] Did it not go through Holland then?
  17. molan


    I really like iBass and almost always access via my iPad mini. Works really well in iPad format for me. I dip in and out and watch / listen to stuff where and when I want on a device I often have out with me (on trains etc.).
  18. My drummer uses an e-kit and it works really well. He sends a mix to a small desk next to him that then sends out to the main desk and then he has a return into his in-ear monitors. This allows him to re-mix his own sound on the fly whilst being able to have a full band band mix through the in-ears. At least I think that's what he does! He also has a powered floor monitor that points directly at me - I get to be in charge of the overall volume on this and the simple bass/mid/treble controls. It allos me to set a decent monitor volume so I'm getting some live 'feedback' from his playing. There's a second monitor fairly close to me that has a full band mix going through it as well. He uses 'real' cymbals which sound nicer to my ears than the processed sounds out of his kit. In terms of an foh sound his kit sounds really good but I do miss the crack of a live snare firing straight at me (although I'm sure my long term hearing much prefers the controlled volume from the floor monitor). People regularly compliment our overall live sound and especially the fact that the drums sit really nicely in the mix. As a 'performing musician' I miss all the clatter, noise and vibrancy of a live kit but as someone who plays in a band that venue owners pay to produce a quality live sound the e-kit is definitely a winner!
  19. Fender's UK CS guys are excellent. I've experienced some issues with CS instruments after the complexities of shipping from USA to Holland (Fender Europe) to UK to dealer to customer. Of course something at this price should be 'perfect' but if it isn't the UK team are fantastic to deal with and can put things right very quickly. Fender as a whole can be a bit unresponsive at times but the warranty and repair team are really quick at getting back to you and very friendly. In fact I wrote to them today and got a response inside 20 minutes!
  20. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' timestamp='1400624950' post='2455675'] ahh saw this on ebay but didnt have the dough!! [/quote] Me too - I was watching it and hoping it would drop in price a bit Looks beautiful, I love Martin's work!
  21. The Diamond Bass Comp is my favourite - more 'musical' and less extreme than lots of other compressors. Has some basic, but very useful, tone features too
  22. No 5 string P players out there looking for a pickup upgrade I may re-list these individually as the thread is a bit cluttered now!
  23. For anyone who doesn't know about these heads they are hand built by an amp wizard in Sicily. He has a long history in expensive hi-fi design and decided to bring this knowledge to bass amplification. He's an absolute fanatic for pure clean unadulterated tone and everything he makes is top quality in terms of design, build and components. If you want to really hear the true sound of an instrument without any artificial colour then these really are one of he best units on the market - in my personal opinion of course! They also sound great with a double bass and having that second channel really helps if you're a player that uses both a double and an electric on a gig
  24. My lead guitarist uses an Epiphone Les Paul for heavier rock songs and a US Strat for the rest. The big difference he made to his LP was to upgrade the pickups, wiring, pots, sockets etc. He went for Fatboy PAF pickups, really nice units and great service. His totally transformed it, powerful, bags of sustain, killer solo tone and great for raucous driven rhythm parts. Overall cost would be over the £300 budget but some upgrades to a good used LP type guitar could make a huge difference
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