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Everything posted by molan

  1. Definitely some retailers that will look at discounts for group buys - or even just discounts for regular BassChatters
  2. I love the groove on this song - It's Pino on the original recording I think
  3. It's a 33" scale I think Pretty sure it's still available too (I was talking to Pete about it yesterday).
  4. Aguilar P and Lace J look like they are both sold now Found another obscure P set lurking in the parts bin though - some Bill Lawrence P46's
  5. As someone who works at a retailer that sells Aguilar I'm going to have some bias here but anything said here on the forum is very much a personal view and nothing to do with the shop. The first thing to say is to echo the sentiment that you really need to hear some Aguilar gear and, ideally, compare it to other brands. I absolutely love their stuff and I don't think they make a single bad product. Not only that but they seem to be bullet-proof and have a fantastic reputation for reliability and longevity. I think the best live sound I've ever heard was from a DB751 head and a pair of GS410 cabs. Way too heavy for me to even think about but this combination (or possibly the DB410's) is the 'gold standard' of live tone for me. NB the three Aguilar cab ranges (GS, DB or SL) sound quite different so it would be useful to know which ones you heard live if you can remember. My personal 'one size fits all' cab is the 2x12. I had a GS 4ohm version for a while and it was a great cab but I've also heard the DB and it's also excellent. I currently own a lovely tweed DB410 but my ailing back means I never use it any more All of the Aggie 1x12's are good if you're looking for flexible rigs. They will all handle smaller gigs on their own and you simply double them up for larger venues (with a DB head you can even use 4 of them!). If you're generally using your cabs as onstage monitors and relying for foh for the main sound then the 12's might work best for you. The 4x10's have a relatively longer throw and I find they need a bit of volume to really make them sing. Of course, the alternative option is to use something like a 4x10 and cut the foh volume - this will depend on how big the stage is and how 'friendly' you are with your drummer In terms of amps the real classic Aggie sound comes from the DB751 but it's a relatively heavy head and prices have increased recently. Street price on a new one is about £1,999 now and some people have put them up to £2,100. The TH500 does a good job at replicating the DB sound though and it's both lighter and significantly cheaper. For a great light weight rig that cops a lot of the core Aguilar tone then a TH500 and a pair of SL112's is a great combination. People will deal on this setup as well The other range worth considering might be Bergantino - I bounce between these two as my personal favourites and am currently gigging a Berg 210 (unfortunately Aguilar don't make a lightweight 210).
  6. Make sure you demo a J Retro before buying / installing. It's a very 'marmite' pre-amp and seems to be disliked by as many people that like it. Personally I find it adds a lot of colour to the core tone of an instrument and the colour it adds is not one I particularly like so I've removed a few from basses I've owned that came loaded with one. However I know a lot of people that absolutely love them
  7. Just remembered this - a little basic demo from Vic & Jim: http://youtu.be/aP8iLSRzeTU
  8. This is such a great bass. It's been the P bass of first choice for testing new equipment in the showroom for quite a while and I know at least two very senior pro players who've also picked this ahead of anything else to demo stuff
  9. These are just great little amps!
  10. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1396452290' post='2413843'] I can vouch for the Bare Knuckle pickups..........very nice [/quote] I agree - you don't see these much over here. Not sure why as they can sound really good!
  11. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1396359624' post='2412658'] We have a buyer! [/quote] Alas I don't need a synth pedal at the moment but if I did this is the only one I'd go for. I've tried pretty much every synth pedal out there and, to my ears (plus a lot of heavyweight pro players) nothing else delivers the tone of a Deep Impact
  12. Amazing wood finish on this - love it!
  13. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1396440548' post='2413621'] Any pics? Is the Lace neck or bridge (or, what's the width, please?) [/quote] According to my trusty tape measure the Lace appears to be 94mm. It has a red, slightly recessed, logo if that helps at all.
  14. I seem to have somehow amassed a huge collection of pickups assembled over a few years for various projects. Some of these were fitted & removed but some have never been out of the box! Everything is in very good condition. I've put a simple list below but happy to answer questions about any of them:) [b]Precision 5[/b] Fender - USA - Bareknuckle hotter rewind - Used, but very good - £50 - Now £45 Nordstrand - NP5F - Some marks but more or less new - £80 - Now £75 Nordstrand - NP5 - Looks almost like new - £90 - Now £85 Sold Pickups - Left visible for thread references Fender - USA P4 - Removed from new - £40 - Now £35 - ON SOLD BareKnuckle - P4 - 58 Split P - Looks almost like new - £70 NOW SOLD Seymour Duncan - Jazz 4 - SJB-2 Hot Pair - New - boxed - £80 NOW SOLD Nordstrand - Matched, humcancelling PJ Set - NPJSE4 - Some marks but more or less new - £170 NOW SOLD Wizard - Jazz 4 - (single pickup not sure which - yellow underside sticker) - New - no box - £35 NOW SOLD Lace Sensor - Random Jazz 4 - Can't remember where this even came from but looks new! - £20 NOW SOLD Aguilar - Precision 4 - 4P-60 - Some marks but more or less new - £85 NOW SOLD Seymour Duncan - Precision - SBP2 - New - boxed (no lid) - £40 NOW SOLD Bill Lawrence BL46 - Precision 4 - £45 NOW SOLD
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1396369085' post='2412781'] corrected [/quote] 2 x Lulls now
  16. I've seen a few of these with knocks and scratches sell for around the £700 mark. An extra £250 - £300 for an absolutely immaculate one seems fair to me
  17. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1396289239' post='2411920'] She's on at Ronnies later this year, but I baulked at the £150 tickets... [/quote] Me too - I saw her at Shepherd's Bush a few years ago (with Andrew Gouche on bass) and it was a great show and I've been looking out for another London gig but £150 a pop is way too much for me
  18. I've owned a string of Alembics and, in very general terms, I don't find the lower level models to be in the same league as the higher end ones My favourite was probably a Rogue but even that paled compared to an MK Sig and a Series I had. I think the Lowell models are still nice but, for me, they just don't have that classic Alembic vibe that the nicer ones have. A lot of this is to do with the funky filter based electronics though and you do sometimes find a more basic model has had these fitted as an option. The other thing to say about Alembics is that they are all very different. Each one seems to have its own personality and you absolutely have to try one before you buy. Ultimately I fell out of love with them and, for my really high end bass, chose Fodera instead but when you're up in this sort of quality bracket there's so many little individual things that make the difference
  19. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1396264779' post='2411465'] Rickenbacker is 33".................I'll get my coat. [/quote] It's that extra 1/3 of an inch that makes all the difference though
  20. I had a quick look at about 10:30 and got straight through with 2 tickets available. However they were £145 each so I logged straight back out again. . .
  21. What's in the bags? Edit - think I just answered my own question! 2 volume controls, master tone control, output jack, battery clip, and adjustment screws? Umm, interesting, would work nicely with that spare Aguilar OBP1 pre-amp I have kicking around to give active treble and bass plus a passive master tone (at least I think that's achievable!).
  22. I think a 30w head with a pair of 2x12" speakers is a very strange combination. It sounds like you may just have some severe GAS for a big speaker stack. A 200w Trace into a single 2x12 should cover most gigs and if that isn't enough volume I'd go for a a more powerful head rather than opting to lug multiple cabs around. There's very gigs that need more than a pair of 12's unless you're atimg large venues without PA support (and if you're playing large venues you should always have PA support!).
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395659408' post='2404699'] Have you tried using the Trace with just the BC212 at a gig yet? If not, it could well be loud enough (depending on your band) and would save you buying (and hauling) a second cab. [/quote] Totally agree with this. The Trace will be putting out a lot more power than the little Ashdown and a 2x12" cab should cover a lot of gigging situations. I'm assuming you're standing it vertically to get one of the 12's and the tweeter up near your ears. To get more volume overall you should have a good blast at tweaking the mids and maybe even cutting the bass. Your amp will have to work much harder to pump out really low bass but if you can get some nice lower mids cutting through you should find it sounds, and feels, a lot louder on stage
  24. These are just great basses! Do you know how much it weighs?
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