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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1392390330' post='2368099'] It's got to be £1500 doesn't it? [/quote] To be honest that's what I thought - however it looks like they will be £1,125 which feels like a really good price for such a high quality piece of kit. A well respected US reviewer at NAMM said: [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]"I[/color][color=#3E454C] did play through the Demeter head, and it was quite honestly the most exciting thing I saw at the show. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#3E454C]It sounded great, and knowing James and using his products for years, I know that it is a quality piece. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#3E454C]The presentation/packaging is just fantastic. I have not had GAS like this for anything for a very long time. I told James I had to have one, and I fully expect that it's going to become my go to head. Just fantastic! "[/color][/font][/size]
  2. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1392389937' post='2368085'] … and at the low, introductory price, of only eleventy billion pounds. [/quote] Without cheating and looking it up what would you say a good price would be Joe?
  3. The standalone cab has a tweeter level control and the combo's tweeter is always on (unless, like me, you remove it from the circuit completely!).
  4. Pretty sure I have a trusty old PL12D somewhere. I'll have a hunt!
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1388616465' post='2324167'] Great trolling effort, well done. I started this thread on the 28th of December and you've been referencing it in other threads since then, apparently desperate to get a response from me. I am glad I was finally able to satisfy your desperate longing. Actually I paid £100 for that bass. I do have a more valuable bass which I'm very fond of, but I don't feel the need to wave it in everybody's faces all the time. Oh. Well I don't want to alarm you but Companies House have you listed as a director of Bass Gear. I'd assumed you were aware of this? You should get in touch with them immediately and let them know you merely help out there occasionally. [/quote] Wow, your paranoia knows no bounds does it. Whenever someone doesn't agree with one of your 'factual' statements you take it really personally and go after them and try to drive them into submission. If you don't succeed you just attack them and call them trolls - what strange behaviour The inverse snobbery of continually waving your cheap, but perfect, sub £100 bass in everyone's faces is all a bit dull now. Maybe try a new tactic, might generate more sympathy. Companies House see the annual returns of the shop. Why not write to them and ask how much I earn from the business. You'll discover that I've never taken a penny of income. In fact it costs me money to help they guys out and I'm never there more than a day a week. Of course, having access to a, continually changing, array of basses does at least allow me to offer a more 'informed' opinion than people who just spout their opinions (or those they've 'borrowed' from other forums) as if they are somehow scientifically proven. However, my opinions are simply that - personal opinions that I've come to based on direct personal experience. . .
  6. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1388616948' post='2324177'] You might find that the Squier sounds closer to the '61 than you'd expect. Wouldn't look, feel, smell (or cost) the same mind [/quote] Closest I've been able to compare is a Mexican J to a US Standard J to a Custom Shop. They were all quite different tonally but, to be honest, I've played 3-4 Custom Shop J's back to back and every one sounded different to the next one as well. Could be that there's more variation in tone between J's than P's. I have also played a pair of Monarch Standards with a PJ configuration back to back on just the P pickup. Now they were surprisingly different, especially because both had EMG pickups. One was a complete growl machine whilst the other was much more refined. Both had identical pre-amps so all I could put it down to were the woods used. Both were 'officially' the same wood combination but one was very highly figured flame maple and the other was a plainer piece of wood. Necks felt a little,different as well. Of course, both had rounds on so maybe a set of flats would have made them much closer in tone - I still have access to them so that might be a nice test
  7. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1388614608' post='2324144'] I think that to an extent you're right, a modern Squier Precision with flats will sound much the same as a Fender Custom Shop Precision with flats (and dare I say, a pre-CBS with flats). I'm not sure it holds true in all cases though, and I'm also not convinced that the same isn't true with rounds? [/quote] I don't have a Squier to compare with but I have listened to a '61P up against a modern Lull P fitted with the same strings and they sounded really different. There's a loose similarity in the core P bass sound but the general tone was quite distinct between the two. Couldn't really say which I preferred (although I'd like to own both!), lol.
  8. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1388613836' post='2324133'] I'm not enormously surprised that you turned up and behaved like I'd just molested your gran because you've always made a great show of how expensive your gear is and you're often plugging your boutique gear retail operation. Even to the point of defending that monstrosity that Jimmy Coppolo managed to sell to some mug for a small fortune. So that's fine, you've got your angle and I'm well aware of it. You've got Foderas to sell after all, and so anyone who challenges the need for a guitar that costs more than most peoples' cars must be opposed. My point was that the sound people are usually going for with flats is a sound that came out of simple tech and the quality of cheap gear these days is good enough to get that sound. You also went on to say that you put flats on one of your basses that cost more than most peoples' cars and it made a sound like angels having an orgy. I'll have to give you the benefit of the doubt because you didn't back it up with a recording. Anyway, thanks for your input. [/quote] Yay, I knew you'd have to take a personal pop eventually, now that is genuinely funny. I was pretty certain you were trying to set up another 'let's have a go at people with expensive basses' thread but good to see you've at least brought it out into the open. The thing that genuinely surprises me every time you start one of these threads is that you always say you're so happy with a£200 Korean Squier. If that's so why do you feel the need to keep taking a pop at people who feel like spending more than £200 on an instrument - I just don't get where this animosity & bile comes from. PS - I don't have any Foderas for sale and the latest line at the shop where I help out (entirely for free) is the far eastern one from Bass Collection. Not very 'boutique' at all but quite fun to play Also, if you've managed to molest either of my grans than I'm impressed with your level of necrophilia, both have been dead for more than 30 years so you'd have to go to a lot of effort to dig them up. . .
  9. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1388612501' post='2324111'] Nobody has said it but the title hints that it's a negative thing to put flats on an expensive bass, presumably due to your 'great leveller' theory and how fitting them will somehow make the expensive bass sound like a £200 bass with the same strings. [/quote] You may well be right - I'm off to fit some super bright steels on all my basses right now
  10. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1388608080' post='2324023'] BIG plus 1! Also, does it really matter how great/sh!te flats sound on someone else's expensive bass? I like the sound of flats on my bass and that's all that matters. I'd never tell Molan/anyone that flats shouldn't be on his bass or suggest its a waste of his time, it's just pathetic (and mostly not based on any actual firsthand experience!) [/quote] To be fair I don't think anyone has said I shouldn't fit flats to an expensive bass. I think the core 'thrust' of this thread is the old favourite 'spending any more than £200 on a bass is a waste of money because my bass sounds perfect and that's all I spent'. It comes up again and again, often with a slightly different slant, but that's generally the gist of it. . .
  11. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1388610528' post='2324071'] I have to own up to that one molan. I thought you might like it. I just couldn't resist. [/quote] And there was me trying to keep it anonymous Still making me chuckle though. . .
  12. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1388605517' post='2323983'] You're right, it seems Molan thinks it's hilarious. I sometimes wish I was so easily amused. [/quote] Although I hadn't found that much to smile about I did spot a comment in another thread that did make me smile "Just put Flats on it then it will sound the same as an exotic boutique bass with Flats costing many thousands of pounds. P.S. That sounds like it should be in Viz 'Handy Hints' now i come to think of it. Changes voice to very posh and serious....... "hey! Johnny Bass Player! Fed up that you can't afford a very expensive boutique bass guitar with quilted maple top? Then you need Wizzo Flatwound Strings. They will make your 1965 Top Twenty bass guitar that your Granny bought you for Christmas in 1965 sound just like a £5,000 custom bass guitar"
  13. Someone bought a bass in to the shop I help out at for a set up. It had a neck like a banana and fret ends that, quite literally, could shred the tips of your fingers. Th neck was fastened to the body with massive flat head rusted wood screws. The killer thing though was that the fret markers ran 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13. . .
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1388605517' post='2323983'] You're right, it seems Molan thinks it's hilarious. I sometimes wish I was so easily amused. [/quote] Why do I find it hilarious? I don't think there's anything particularly funny about it at all - maybe I'm missing the really humorous stuff somewhere. I guess the only thing that is most obviously funny could be that someone thinks flatwound strings are some kind of magical leveller that make all instruments sound identical. I guess most people would have a quiet chuckle at that
  15. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1388526675' post='2323182'] Wish someone would pay me not to play, . [/quote] I played a wedding at one of the inns of court once for a very senior high court judge. As usual it ran late and we came on about an hour after we were supposed to start. First half went well with lots of dancing. The judge came over and explained they had booked a DJ and it was one of his nephews that was doing his first wedding. He asked us if we'd be prepared not to go back on and, if so, he'd pay us the full fee (about £2K) plus a bonus in cash and all we could drink! He even arranged to open a back door so we could pack up quickly and told us to take away a crate or two of beer for the journey home
  16. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1388573678' post='2323460'] [size=4]Heard on the radio this morning that they film it in August. I know it's far from live, but quite amazed - but not [/size]surprised[size=4] -at that if it's true![/size] [/quote] It is pre-filmed but not in August, lol. Rehearsals didn't start until 9th December!
  17. [quote name='Talbo' timestamp='1388538955' post='2323320'] Im asking a lot of money because I paid a lot and its still in perfect condition. I'm not some kind of shister who's pulling the wool over peoples eyes, I just want to sell a nice bass. I'm not on here asking for comments from people who aren't interested in buying the bass. These sort of remarks make the basschat board look a bit silly.. There will be pictures tomorrow, until then, you can get a good idea from the vid!!!! [/quote] But you are making unnecessary comments about people who actually are interested in buying it - sounds a bit 'silly' to me. . .
  18. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1388539939' post='2323329'] Avoided. Did Jules manage to display his 'versatility' by playing his same tired boogie-woogie style in a sh*t cover version with all his guests? [/quote] No
  19. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1388540048' post='2323331'] It would be like wearing beer goggles on a night out. It might be fun at the time but I couldn't look at it in the morning and hope it left in a taxi before I woke up. [/quote] You have to see, feel & play one in the flesh to really appreciate them. I thought pretty much the same as you until I actually got to try one. Just a fabulous bass and really inspiring to play - you'd wake up the next morning wanting to go all over again (unlike your average beer googles lass, lol).
  20. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1388539171' post='2323321'] Dave S's fabulously ugly and inappropriate bass has almost ruined my 2014 already - may all my problems be this big! [/quote] Everyone should be made to play one of these at some point in their playing career - absolutely sublime experience
  21. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1388538184' post='2323305'] Now that's a proper front man [/quote] I saw him live with The Gap Band many years ago - killer show. He was beating women away with a stick, lol
  22. Outstanding - Girl you knock me out Excited - Makes me wanna shout. . . Go Charlie, Go Charlie!
  23. [quote name='wmsheep' timestamp='1388533435' post='2323243'] Yup. the Haim bassface is there!!! [/quote] If I had a pair of Ampeg valve heads powering 16 x 10" speakers right behind me I think I'd be pulling a few faces too
  24. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1388535504' post='2323264'] Mel C was a bit good IMO. That Fodera is sounding nice and punchy; shock, horror, the BBC mix bass so you can hear it! [/quote] Obviously if it was strung with flats it would sound like a £100 Squier P bass because all basses with flats on sound identical, oh, wait a second. . .
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