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uk_lefty last won the day on March 19 2024

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Total Watts

  1. Available to fill a spot if your bassist is sick/ away/ fired. Send me questions and will answer honestly whether I can cover it or not. Experience in rock and blues covers as well as more modern stuff, 80s pop, quite a broad range.
  2. Free delivery in the UK... Sensible offers considered.
  3. Sensible offers considered.
  4. A birthday gift many years ago... I think I listened to it once. 5x CDs, massive book, lyrics book. Mint condition. There's some on eBay for crazy money, £55 cheapest, £199 most ambitious. I'd rather be realistic. Postage £5 or collect for free
  5. ACS Custom moulded earplugs are excellent. I think you also get a small bass chat discount
  6. Our singer/ guitarist only owns one electric guitar so he has no backup. Lead guitarist sometimes brings a spare but not often. We have had a few occasions where the singer breaks a string, borrows lead guitarists instrument, we improv a song me and the drummer have never played before while the lead guitarist sits out changing the broken string. It's stressful.
  7. I've still got most of the same picks I bought when I started bass 26 years ago. I have gone years barely using a pick to getting comfortable and feeling the need for it in the last two years. But I can't get excited about buying picks. Or jack cables. Or gig bags.
  8. Four button footswitch that I've been using with my ABM600 head. Probably haven't used this in the last year and mounting costs at home make this reluctantly up for sale. It pretty much does what it says on the box. Connect it to your amp using an ordinary jack lead. Great for those times when you don't want effects but need some dynamic changes. Collection preferred. I don't think I have the original box still, if I do I'll include it.
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  9. 3hrs of lessons over 2x DVDs to take you step by step through: Birdland Teen Town Portrait of Tracy Come On Come Over A Remark You Made
  10. £65 posted for a quick sale to a BC Member? A bit of an impulse purchase. Costs at home mounting mean I need to sell off some gear. Not had it long but really impressed with this little box. Comes with UK power supply. Excellent synth sounds. That seems to be it's sweet spot. Realistically I'm not going to use it anywhere near as much as my brand new ME-90B so it has to go on the list for sale, reluctantly. Collection preferred but posting possible. PM me with any queries.
  11. £250 for a quick sale to a BC Member? Very reluctant sale due to mounting costs at home... So, I have not had this amp long but it was something I lusted after as a teenager so had to take the plunge when it came up for sale. This is a truly fantastic head unit, in great condition for its age, and has had a service paid for by myself. In the service I had the valve tested, compressor looked at and all the dust cleaned out of it. Highlights: 200 Watts output. 90's Marshall Watts, not your class D stuff. Blendable pre amp from all solid state to all valve. I think of this of going from "clank" to "whomph". This is the secret weapon on these amps. Really flexible 7 band graphic EQ and Lo and Hi Rotary's AND deep and bright switch. Onboard compressor Pre or post DI A fantastic amp that I have used on gigs. The condition is excellent for its age. Volume, tone, heft, even through modern, lightweight cabs. I will throw in a speaker cable and a mains lead. Collection much preferred. PM me with an queries.
  12. I would keep the original scratch plate in original condition and buy a custom plate however you want it from gig ink or another reputable outlet. Gig ink is the only one I've used and I've been very pleased with the results, others on here will recommend some different places I'm sure. The reason I would do that is to be able to revert the bass to its original condition quickly and easily if in future you wish to sell it or take it on antiques roadshow.
  13. Haha I only share the ones I want someone else to buy so I don't "accidentally" make an investment in it myself!!
  14. 1980 P bass. Looks fantastic. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126859620533?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=yo3mNp1vSMG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XRJhsZSpS5O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  15. I've had a fretless five since my 18th birthday. I recently got a lined fretless jazz. In between times I've had an unlined, fretless Warwick that sounded amazing but I sold it when the 80s band failed to take off. I find the lines helpful above the 12th fret but muscle memory does the job at the "money" end.
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