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  1. The thing with shop prices is also that consumers have rights, even on second hand gear, and can bring stuff back and complain. I would feel safer buying from a shop I can take a faulty item back to than buying from a private individual on eBay or wherever, that has value in the pricing too. But generally at the moment prices to sell gear at are terrible. It is difficult to shift stuff without taking a hit and has been for quite some time. Also, you get the idiots who expect something for nothing, making offers at way, way under the asking price or buying something to only complain. I had the misfortune of two of these cretins at the same time on eBay, one trying to claim that a screw missing off the battery compartment of a pedal was a massive, massive issue, and the other trying to claim that the speaker of an amp had been disconnected through rough handling and improper packing. Both were just trying to screw a load of their money back from me. Not worth the aggro.
  2. The price is certainly ambitious!
  3. Mustang alert! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/306112281348?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=X09fd_qKQWy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XRJhsZSpS5O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156682118065?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Cyquia4fRh2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XRJhsZSpS5O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY SGC in Swansea
  5. I waited yonks to get my hands on one, think I ordered it from Bax in the end. It was worth it for the snug fit. I think Thomann had an own brand one that would probably fit too.
  6. I was thinking about getting an OLP and having it made fretless.... I really cannot justify it at all now, sadly.
  7. Stop it!
  8. Those photos really don't look real to me at all. The acoustic guitar appears to be bent, it's exactly the same picture of the orange idiot reused in both images. And anyone stupid enough to buy one would not have access to $10k+
  9. It's now got LaBella deep talkin flats on it and it sounds fantastic. A really pleasant old school bass sound, great with a hint of reverb and valve warmth. And the colour and overall styling is superb. There's just something about jazz basses that really works for me.
  10. I feel an opposition party is necessary!
  11. Sensible offers considered.
  12. I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread again..... I'm trying to get rid of gear but someone mentioned the glow on the front panel and I got all nostalgic for a second.
  13. Yup! Get the Harley Benton "Jaco" style jazz, it's very cheap but excellent! Ok, it's not a US Fender but it is a very good quality fretless. Mine gets gigs regularly. Or, trawl eBay for a fretless neck. Or if you really want to do a de-fret yourself I'm sure you will find plenty of cheap necks secondhand. Luckily your bass should have a fairly standard and common sized neck pocket so no issues there.
  14. Received with a bass I purchased. Looks good as new. What makes this a bit different to those you can get online is that the ones available online will take almost any bass at an angle. This is fitted so a LEFT HANDED Fender jazz or precision fits in snug. You could put a righty in but it would have to go face down. Great case, as new condition. £100 collected.
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