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  1. Never heard of them.... Will be researching, thank you!
  2. I don't know how they fell off a cliff in terms of never seeing their stuff around. When I were a lad in the late 90's every PA, bass amp, guitar practice amp, speaker was all Peavey as far as the eye could see. In those days GAS was contained by what was in the only music store in town and what you saw your mates or other bands using. I have a soft spot for Peavey bass amps from the 80s and 90s and I used one of the later TNT models a few years back and was quite impressed with it. My first "proper" gigging amp was a 150watt old Peavey of some sort with weird controls like "pyramid". I always admired the Peavey Grind basses, they seemed to be very much of their time with the Nu Metal stuff coming in with loads of five strings and wooden finish basses.
  3. That looks special. I admire your patience
  4. Great job @Bloobybobi love how you've arranged them by tuning too. Thank you!!
  5. Every month, hands down. Beautiful collection.
  6. Really? I just clicked the link and it's available for £7,500? Weird.
  7. I own two Fender jazz basses and a Harley Benton jazz..... Nerdy? I don't think so. Also I have a Harley Benton jazzmaster guitar. If someone wants to call me a nerd for playing a jazz bass so be it, but I'll be on the stage playing and they will be paying to watch my band so....
  8. For me it doesn't matter if you've put incredibly expensive parts on. If it's been done badly then I am very wary! If someone I don't know (or not a BC member where you can judge whether they know what they're doing or not) has claimed to modify the bass it could mean anything. Hacked a new pickup in, bodged on some tuners and used blu-tac to join wires together, things you wouldn't necessarily see unless you get your hands on the bass and thoroughly inspect it. Fitting a bridge can't be done incorrectly If it's just a case of undoing screws, but for electrics and some other things I would only be comfortable if there was a receipt from a luthier detailing the work.
  9. The thing with shop prices is also that consumers have rights, even on second hand gear, and can bring stuff back and complain. I would feel safer buying from a shop I can take a faulty item back to than buying from a private individual on eBay or wherever, that has value in the pricing too. But generally at the moment prices to sell gear at are terrible. It is difficult to shift stuff without taking a hit and has been for quite some time. Also, you get the idiots who expect something for nothing, making offers at way, way under the asking price or buying something to only complain. I had the misfortune of two of these cretins at the same time on eBay, one trying to claim that a screw missing off the battery compartment of a pedal was a massive, massive issue, and the other trying to claim that the speaker of an amp had been disconnected through rough handling and improper packing. Both were just trying to screw a load of their money back from me. Not worth the aggro.
  10. The price is certainly ambitious!
  11. Mustang alert! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/306112281348?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=X09fd_qKQWy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XRJhsZSpS5O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156682118065?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Cyquia4fRh2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XRJhsZSpS5O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY SGC in Swansea
  13. I waited yonks to get my hands on one, think I ordered it from Bax in the end. It was worth it for the snug fit. I think Thomann had an own brand one that would probably fit too.
  14. I was thinking about getting an OLP and having it made fretless.... I really cannot justify it at all now, sadly.
  15. Stop it!
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