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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. Just preordered mine now, expecting it at the end of the month. Off to read the 60 odd pages of thread on here now!
  2. Haven't bought a Helix yet but my Boss was shipped to its new home today. Just a few weeks after I've set up custom patches for the 80s covers I'm learning! Nevermind. Anyhow, am hoping that though there aren't any bass wahs now on the Helix some bright spark somewhere might programme one in the near future.
  3. There's one on Guitarguitar for 999. I have no connection to the shop, the previous owner or the bass.
  4. The EHX is OK. Just OK. I had one, it's not really going to do much of what the Dapper would do or any of the Zoom pedals mentioned. I did a detailed thread on it somewhere, but in summary it sounded good with a passive P bass and not so good with an active jazz bass. It's a good tool for a gigging muso because you can go direct to the PA, kick in different EQ options and add drive either before or after the EQ. It's not a tuner, chorus, autowah, flanger, phaser, synth, practice tool... Maybe start with a zoom multi and see how you get on from there. Nobody is going to be gigging for a while so you can either enter the dark world of buying and trading loads of pedals until you find the perfect match for yourself, or trade up to bigger and more mind-blowing multi effects units in future.
  5. Probably takes skill and or tools I don't have. But agree they look good.
  6. Hahaha yes, it's the "special" drill bit that has a great big flat paddle a few mm down from the tip. This is how technical I am!! Don't ever ask me to help put up shelves, Mick. I'd help, I just wouldn't be very good!
  7. Looking for some advice here on the best tools or kit for... Widening a P bass route at the round bits by 1mm, sand paper or something more sophisticated? The bass is not to have a pick guard so needs to be neat. I once chiseled out bits of a J bass for new pickups, not doing that again! Drilling out a jack socket hole in the bass. Can't decide top mounted jack or side, either way, just an ordinary drill bit or one of those big flat things for drilling out a decent size hole? Sand papers, I need various grits for finishing. I'm going to stain the bass then coat it but want a matt finish. Where would I find the best place for these various grits of sand paper? Thanks in advance
  8. Just had a look, £58 on Thomann and significantly more elsewhere. So it does 3 in 1 things, I get it. But, why are all expression pedals so expensive? What am I missing? Is a cheap £28 expression pedal going to be any good hooked up to a Helix Stomp or do I need additional functionality or responsiveness of the £160 expression pedal? I'm confused as to what you get for your money with these.
  9. So I've convinced myself that I don't need multi effects for bass, guitar and electro acoustic guitar, three separate boxes with their own power supplies, one with a huge flight case. I'm selling all 3, and maybe my bass mono synth, to fund a Helix Stomp. I've been persuaded also by the rave reviews of the Helix Stomp on this forum. I do like a bit of bass Wah though, and I like to control it by foot, not just by playing dynamics on an auto Wah. So if I got a stomp I'd need an expression pedal. Now I thought these would be cheap as chips, just a rocking pedal with some jack sockets. Nearly 160 quid for the one recommended for the Stomp?! Why? What am I missing here?! Some more info... I programmed my Boss multi to always have a bass Wah on tap when I needed it, just engage the built in "expression pedal" and it's the Wah sound I want. On effects that need pitch bend or volume swell then it does that, but I rarely ever used those. I did consider buying a Jim Dunlop bass Wah to go alongside the Stomp. £50 second hand. But I'm guessing and 99% certain, that it won't do volume, pitch bend etc just it's own sound. I'm not looking for anything special from the expression pedal, but it would be good to have one for the effects that need it. I'm not bothered about volume control because I have that on my bass, I bet it's easy to mute the stomp, and my amp has a big volume knob too, so alongside controlling my heavy hand I don't think it's necessary for me to control volume with the expression pedal.
  10. I just cannot see the appeal. I know some people like them, but I just don't get it.
  11. I've been tempted by one that came up on fleabay a year or so back. I think it went for 900ish... Or maybe that was my maximum bid, who knows. Either way I didn't get it but I just fancied it for the weird looks and the potential for a million tones from the pups. I didn't have my ordinary Ray at that point so it must have been 2 years ago now I think about it. I reckon it will be one of those basses that people really appreciate in 20 more years time
  12. I absolutely love this, Marcus Miller is a phenomenal fretless player : And then there's this, completely different, and opening the album that made my decision to get a fretless: https://youtu.be/JqYIwJDsinM
  13. I haven't listed anything expensive on there for a while, put three pedals on yesterday and just got that message against the most expensive so that's probably their target.
  14. It looked fishy, but having sold off a lot of baby stuff in Facebook over the last year I was getting lots of messages in very bad written English, the vast majority of which were the genuine buyers who turned up with cash. Having spent most my adult life working with and socialising with people for whom English is not their first language I never want to dismiss outright for bad English. It was the reply email that basically said "I'm not a real person so don't ask to phone me, I don't want any derails just let me pay you and send my courier" that just confirmed the whole ruse.
  15. Noted. My password is pretty strong so hoping that they aren't too mischievous with it.
  16. Life's too short, just reported it to Gmail as spam and reported the message to Gumtree also. Am ignoring it all.
  17. Here's, the response. Follows a standard scam pattern: I appreciate your response as I'm ready to buy, sorry i won't be around for inspection because i work full time. I am satisfied with the information provided but if there are specific details you need to add please don't hesitate to do so for clean sale. A courier/pick up agent who will come over at your address for the collection after money has been paid to your account, So they will be available for all necessities needed done about the collection which you have nothing to worry about. Sorry I am not available for voice calls due to my work. That is the reason you got the message from my daughter on Gumtree. Note: This transaction will be done through PayPal because I am unable to bring cash to your location, kindly get back to me with the following details: PayPal email address and the name of the PayPal account holder for fast payment now so we can proceed from there on the collection .. I will be expecting your response ASAP Regards
  18. It's def a scam. He has ordered me to take PayPal payment and he will send his own courier. No chance pal.
  19. I got this message on Gumtree within minutes of listing an effects pedal at just over 200 quid. I'm suspicious... Have replied using slang and being a bit obtuse on detail hoping that I get a sensible answer and it turns out to be genuine. Would be interested to see if anyone else has had this?
  20. I have 5 and a half basses at the moment. My cheapest and my most expensive are my keepers. Here's the cheap one around 2017, and around 2002 or 3. It was less than 300 quid all in imported from the US as a brand new instrument in 2002 for my 18th birthday. Times were hard in my house so I paid a third of it, my parents each paid a third. I will never, ever part with it. I recently upgraded the loom to a Kiogon special and it turbo charged the shoddy standard electronics, just going to get some rounds on it soon. My 80s band love it. I also gig it on deps and with my function band, just because having had it so long it is just so natural to play.
  21. So, issues.... The P pickup route is a couple of mm too narrow. I'm going to need to very carefully widen that. Any recommendations on how to do that without ruining the aesthetic, keep in mind there will not be a pickguard to hide any slip ups! I'm going to need foam under the pickups. Some people talk of using the foam from the packaging with some makes, mine came with very thin polythene type wrapping which layered upay do a job? The bridge I bought does not line up with the screw holes. Disappointing. Will call the supplier and see if it was my mistake or theirs, or the body. Its not a direct Fender type bridge so perhaps I need to go and find a Wilkinson bridge or similar.
  22. Well this is a quandary... The body looks amazing, the picture doesn't do it justice. Kind of not sure if I sure I want to stain it now... Though I do have two other Ash bodies in natural finish (Stingray with gloss, matt Warwick)
  23. Will have some time with all the bits tonight but the excitement is building, so to speak! I originally wanted to do a Duff McKagan style with the black headstock but the supplier sent me the wrong neck. I'll still assemble to see how it goes. The good thing about the neck is that it has side dots on each side, so I think they sell more left necks to right handers, probably explains the upside down nut too. I was half tempted to buy a used Fender right handed neck to bolt in but you never know why some people are selling them, whether they're knackered or not. So the plan now is to stain the body with wild cherry wood stain then apply a few coats of seal and work it to a matt finish. Then shielding, install pickups and loom, knobs, bridge. I need to reverse the nut on the neck, drill out the neck fixing screw holes, drill out the back of the headstock for the tuners to screw in, and the front for the string tree. Then I need to string it and set it up. Any advice is very gratefully received.
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