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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. It's a V3, the cheaper version. Even so, good price for a bass with that pre amp
  2. Now on bass direct for £1,499. If anyone wanted it they should have bid £800 on ebay 2 months ago!
  3. I think you're reading too much in to it. If they followed it up with something like hey if you're crap at music check out our drum department it's the same kind of thing. It's just a light hearted joke. Otherwise, why would they sell basses if that was their view? It's a light hearted joke. I've already sent it to my band and asked the guitarist what colour Encore P bass he wants. Because I can laugh at myself and the implication that bassists are just sh!t guitarists. We know it's not true, that's why we can feel secure enough that it is just a silly joke. If anyone is offended by it or won't shop at PMT because of it then really they're taking themselves too seriously.
  4. As if nobody has ever had a light hearted joke at the expense of singers, drummers, guitarists, keyboard players, sound engineers.....
  5. I bought a Fender electro acoustic from Gear4 years ago and that shipped from the Netherlands. I just assumed it was direct from a European distributor or something, didn't realise Gear4 had spread outside of York!
  6. I like Thomann for all the small bits like accessories and so on, and before Andertons had Sire I bought one from there. I've been tempted by quite a bit of their Harley Benton stuff recently. But, as a "professional buyer" and a Yorkshireman I'll do anything to save a penny, so I shop anywhere and everywhere! But service-wise I've always found Thomann and Mansons in Exeter superb.
  7. Thanks! I'm doing a self assembly (not self build) over Xmas so there could be a nice PJ on there too. Or a jumble of unusable bits in a heap on the floor...
  8. Am seriously thinking of selling 2 or 3 basses to fund one of these... I love the colour scheme, also the others, and having come close to buying a US jazz a few years back I'm still wondering "what if"
  9. Updating the family pic... Left to right: Kramer striker 5 string fretless CIJ Fender jazz 75 Warwick Pro Series Corvette fretless MM Stingray (US 3band EQ) with drop D tuner Lying down... Aria Pro II Superbass Elite I. Bought as a wreck, now up and running after a neck repair, new nut, Kent Armstrong replacement pickup, Kiogon loom (giving more options off the pickup). This bass gives some classic 80s tones. While it doesn't feel as good as my Stingray, let's face it not much will, playing some Duran Duran and ABC just now and it's perfect.
  10. Is this just a special colour for a short period of time or testing the waters for more of these to come out? Was debating the value of buying new for collectors with a mate who's dad collects guitars.
  11. While I understand the sentiment that no individual "should" have that kind of money, facts are someone has seen fit to pay it, so they expect to generate more than that amount off the back catalogue. Why not let Bob take his slice now? At least he created it. If he didn't take this slice now what would he get later? Same with footballers, they earn stupid money but if they didn't take it you can guarantee someone further up the corporate ladder would, so why not let them have it. We can only just hope that those with great wealth use it responsibly to benefit society.
  12. Over 80 views... Someone want to make me an offer? It's going up on Reverb later today.
  13. The condition of that Aria looks superb, but I'm sure I've seen the same model go far cheaper. I think Arias from the 80s matsumoko era are having a resurgence (lucky I've got one!) but thought it would mainly be the SB ranges doing well on price... Then again I have joined an Aria SB Facebook group from which you'd think any Aria SB was worth a grand no matter what had been done to it. Speaking of which, for 800 there's a black Aria SB Elite I on Facebook in Northampton, lefty of course, looks in good nick. I really don't know if that's a good price or not, possibly not on ebay but maybe to an enthusiast?
  14. Lonely this Christmas by Mud is my favourite to listen to. In an old band we had a reunion gig at Christmas and did Slade Merry Xmas Everybody which was really good fun to play. I've been trying to get my band, One Fat Finger, to record our own version of the Wombles Xmas song, but "we wish you a Fingering merry Christmas" might not be a family favourite.
  15. Well, the bass has been through the mill a bit. I decided to sell it, it went on Reverb almost immediately, DPD lost it for a month, then it turned up for the buyer who had already been refunded, and I got it back minus the knobs and with the electrics fubar'd. So, considering the pickup was new I thought this has to be the wiring, so I got a Kiogon loom, took it in for a set up and I got the bass back today. It sounds amazing, I was never fully happy with the sound before. Though the new pickup was in for a while I never felt I was getting the best from it until now. Hers the dilemma... When I had it sold a few months back I kinda spent the proceeds.... But I've started an 80s band and having 6 basses is ridiculous...
  16. Not yet! I have ordered a neck and I'm in the process of ordering a body. It will be a Fenderish PJ, nothing too adventurous. I just want to do it for the learning experience and hopefully to have a good usable bass at the end of it. I'm spending more than a Harley Benton but want to keep costs lower than a Sire P7 or V7... I'm spending 3x the money to get a UK made pre drilled body to remove some of the potential for disaster and the neck is already finished. I don't want this first go to put me off completely!
  17. The buyer was on Reverb. They were quite good about it and rather than kick up a fuss they gave me a credit note for more than the value of the replacement knobs and a refund of my sale fees. I much prefer buying and selling through BC but as a lefty we can't be too picky.
  18. Because I don't want to drive for three and a half hours each way to get back knobs that, although costing £25 for authentic replacements, would cost me close to that in fuel. Also, I could drive there but there's no guarantee he would be in, willing to talk to me, or willing to give the knobs back. But you make a good point if we turn it to couriers though: I should have driven the bass down there myself, got him to play it and agree he's happy with it, then left with the transaction complete.
  19. Thank you, I think Danish oil sounds like the kind of thing I'd like to try. I'm tempted by some of the stain colours but don't want to get ahead of myself!
  20. No innuendo intended. I'm almost ready to buy a bass body, unfinished. I've got options for Ash or Alder. Ash looks nicer naturally, alder bodies are usually painted I think. So, thinking about staining and or oiling. I'm awful with anything DIY so looking for whatever would be the quickest route through. I'm in this for the learning experience but not to do something so complex and fiddly I go on a rampage when things go irretrievably wrong. With an Ash body would it take well to stain, and would it then need some kind of sealing coat over the top? I've only seen stain demos on flame maple so not sure how Ash reacts or whether it works but it's a sh!t idea. What would be good for an easy to apply matt finish on an Ash body? Thank you
  21. I'm embarking on something similar myself, this has been a great read. Hope the bass is exactly what you wanted!
  22. Zoom G7.1ut multi effect. Have owned for quite a few months now but barely used, it was a fun idea while it lasted but I'm not realistically recording or playing guitar when there's all this bass to be played. Item is in full working order. There are some marks on the front where it looks like a previous owner may have taped some notes or something to the unit. I have the box though it's a bit tatty. The PSU is "brand new" meaning I bought it new within the last 4 or 5 months, its a compatible PSU bought just for this job. I don't have the original paper manual but it can be downloaded within seconds of typing it in to Google. I'll fire it up and factory reset the unit before sending so it wipes out any previous presets. Message me with any queries. Ta
  23. Hi Matt, I could do that... Thing is, I'm looking for something I can do entirely myself. I'm very kack handed with DIY so a simple screw together of pre bought components and some final set up should be sufficiently challenging. I've also sunk a lot of money in to a knackered 80s bass recently in having other people do various bits and I have no way of knowing if it will ever work let alone recover its value. So for now I'm thinking to keep it simple, it will be hard enough as it is! I think my imagination ran away a bit, when really I should just be doing a single pickup bass and that should keep me busy enough, frustrated, and perplexed. Anything more complex will blow my mind and my wallet!
  24. I think I won't end up with a jazz body PJ sadly, either a P bodied PJ or a 51 P bass... Mulling over my options before I order...
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