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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. Yes, likely the auto fill on my phone and me not checking the confirmation immediately. But their inability to contact DPD once things are in motion is disappointing
  2. Long story short. If using Eurosender particularly off your phone, check all details in the receiver fields before confirming. Then double check the email confirmations immediately to make sure they've got the right info. Mine had overwritten the receiver details with the same as the collection details and I'm now suffering because of it! And once a package is with a courier Eurosender can seem to do very little to help or intervene. And DPD's tracking website may as well have that disclaimer "while this is based on real events some characters and events are created for dramatic purposes"
  3. Guitarist in my band is a very good bassist. I heard his originals band where he played bass and all guitar parts and was a little bit put out by how surprised I was with the quality of the bass part. But then he appreciates some of the things I do on bass that he can't. I guess it's just a case of he is a very good guitarist playing bass, whereas I'm a "pure" bass player so we approach it in different ways.
  4. I like my butterscotch jazz, up close you can see the woodgrain through it. The picture doesn't quite do it justice
  5. Well... This was my family shot. 4x basses. New this year were the CIJ Jazz and the 1984 Aria... However, I just didn't get on with the Aria. Its a very, very nice bass but for a single pickup bass it didn't beat my Stingray so it went. And I acquired this lovely Warwick in its place and all is right with my (bass) world once more. And there are 4 different headstock/ tuner arrangements 😊👍
  6. That's a lovely collection. I really like the Antigua burst Fenders, there were some lefties knocking about a few years back, hopefully they come back on the market when I've got the cash and the inclination.
  7. So last night was the night. Three songs chosen, not very wisely, by myself. Guitarist and drummer both really sound people, no delusional muso types, good guys who had been in bands before and liked the sound of doing 80s covers. Winner. Evening started off OK though the shoddy PA in the rehearsal room and probably some nervousness from me meant vocals were appalling initially. Guitarist very good, tasteful use of effects to fill sonic space, drummer grinning like a monkey with two bananas while playing fills, rock solid timing, all good. I had a bit of a crisis of confidence 80s Tom Cruise style over my stinky poo vocals but we had a chat for a while, I relaxed, turned up the PA, turned down the amps, and the guys were really cool about it. We tried again and were a thousand times better. We didn't play anything perfectly but as a first time together and a bit of a jam there was definite potential for something to form. Lesson from the night, sage advice from guitarist over my vocals, summarised as: key thing being if you want to do it, if you don't want to then don't and get someone else, but if you do want to then work on it. He said "it's in there, you just need to work on pitching it right" and we agreed that two of the songs were probably out of my range anyway so to move on from one of those and work on the other as an aspirational thingy. However, then did well with a bit of Springsteen and another song we just bashed through too. Bass was no problem at all, but having not done lead vocals for over ten years and being with new people who may be deciding whether I'm a serial killer or a good chap to be in a band with I was probably deep down nervous, but after a chat and relaxing in to it, far far better. Somehow playing my unlined fretless helped too... No idea why, I've only had it 5 days and never had an unlined before! Will be getting together in the next few weeks to work on some more songs.
  8. My nephew will be 11 in 3 weeks and he is learning guitar. He already has an acoustic guitar, fender online lessons, and is having proper lessons. Any recommendations for books for a child of that age who's only just starting out?
  9. I dunno, rock is my main genre of music for what I buy and listen to but I generally think it's a case of end result often being better than the sum of the parts. Watching the Metallica documentary where they hire Trujillo made me think they were really, really bad musicians and that there must be a lot of studio trickery helping them. There's a vocal recording part that is absolutely painful to listen to.
  10. I was going to say the only thing I don't like about it is the choreography and dancers (yes, that is one thing) but then I realised if I don't make it clear Lars Ulrich. I don't like Lars Ulrich.
  11. uk_lefty

    My pedals

    I had the Eden Chorus, felt it did OK for doubling the sound but wasn't a rich swishy chorus, I preferred the cheap Hartke bass chorus to the Eden and even the Boss Bass Chorus, personally. I had a Digitech Synth Wah a while back, didn't pay much for it and had little use for it so moved it on. Now I might need something similar I checked ebay the other day... My word, they don't seem to go for forty quid any more these days, do they?!
  12. See also Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas with Slash. She went up in my estimation after I heard Beautiful Dangerous.
  13. It's the Daily Mail so without reading it I'm guessing it's a headline to antagonise middle class homeowners and make them fearful of something, possibly to do with foreigners or cancer and its Megan Markle's fault. Is there a picture of Princess Di somehow levered in to the article?
  14. So... After selling off the 80s Aria that I had to get a lot of work done on I said to the wife I can't be bothered buying a new bass because I've got three good ones I don't want to part with. Then I thought I'd love another fretless or a semi hollow. So I put up two wanted ads on BC. Not very long later and I've done a deal for this beaut. Warwick Pro Series Corvette fretless, blank ebony board, Ash body, passive electronics. Very mwah-able and different in character to my other fretless. I do very much like this one, though I'm tempted to see if I could get a pre amp into it, not that it needs it! Once again, buying through BC and dealing with an absolute gent Pinweasel. Buying through BC is the best way to get a good honest trade in the second hand market!
  15. Off topic but... The whole experience was bad that day. The only band that have ever really disappointed me. Wish I'd seen them quite a few years earlier.
  16. I went to see the Red Hot Chilli's love in 2012 at Knebworth. The vocal was inaudible for a lot of the gig and Flea did all the audience chat in between songs which I thought was weird. They released it on mp3 a while later and the vocal was actually pretty good. Either it was engineered to bring up the level... Though surely they'd have done that at the actual gig?!?! Or there were shenanigans.
  17. I have no idea when gigs will start again, but in the last two days I've had two bands ask me if I'm available. Seems people are wanting to get their shtuff together for when things do open up again. I've also got my own project together, starting this week, with the aim of setting up a good band doing decent songs and seeing where it goes. If it gets going we will work on doing recordings of some covers and putting them out on Facebook etc to get some momentum for when gigs happen again. Luckily we are all on the same page, accepting that there's probably no money in it.
  18. Absolutely fine. I had a Fender set on my precision for over a year. Admittedly I only play occasionally with a pick but when I do I play quite hard, absolutely no issues whatsoever.
  19. Just in time, having bought myself a fretless Warwick yesterday! Ta, Mick!
  20. I bought a bass yesterday from another BC'er despite saying I don't need more than 3 basses... Then this thread appeared. I clicked the link, didn't I?! I knew there would be slim pickings left handed and I don't need anything more... But I clicked it. I need help.
  21. In the price range you've got the Musicman or if you can find one 2nd hand a G&L L2000 Tribute. If it's the big fat humbucker sound your after, while the Sire will get you a very good tone for the style of music you're suggesting, it won't do the big ballsy Musicman sound. I do very much like the Sire V7 bass, I think it's stonking value, but from what you describe the Stingray sound seems to be what you're after.
  22. Are the Jinwan necks all made to Fender measurements? Have just seen a good value J body but not sure I can get a decent neck for it...
  23. Well that didn't last long! The Aria has gone. It spent more time in pieces waiting for repair with me than it did working. Try as I might it just didn't give me what I expected and crucially it couldn't compete with my Stingray or Jazz, I just couldn't see me using it in any situation. It got sold this weekend. Now, you know I said I was feeling guilty about having 4 basses and so on... I've never had a semi hollow so don't be surprised if there's a lefty NBD with a Hofner or Warwick Star Bass or something in the next few weeks....! I'd also been hanging on to a Badass Bridge thinking I would put it on my jazz but really, it was worth enough to sell and it funded a vocal effect pedal I wanted and left me with change. No regrets at all. I am even considering booting out my acoustic guitar and Telecaster and having just one electric guitar.
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