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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. When I'm stuck for packing materials I try to cut some cardboard from something bigger and wrap it around the object. A layer of hubble wrap, some cardboard for a bit of extra protection, then a padded envelope, more bubblewrap or if I think I've done enough then one of those plastic postal bags you can get.
  2. From Thomann at least my Sire came absolutely perfectly set up. Wonder if its the same when buying from other sources. I think I've read some blurb on their marketing that they set them up properly at the factory, all manufacturers will say that though won't they...!
  3. Lovely bass. And I like Mansons too, always visit when I'm down that way and have bought a few things from them that they don't have out on the shelves, very helpful.
  4. Been thinking about effects a lot recently. I'd like a preamp/ EQ pedal with Di out and a mute-able tuner and basic compressor. That would cover all the essentials for most before you then add the drives, chorus etc of your choice... Generally though I want pedals to react the same to active and passive basses (maybe that requires some kind of buffer in the signal chain?) and I don't want my pedals to give a massive speaker pop when I engage them. I own a very good IMO at least, multi fx, but just don't have the time required to reprogramme it, learn all its quirks and get it set up for a gig. I'd much rather have 4 or 5 individual pedals that can actually behave together but I don't even know if that's possible! Guess I need to get some time invested back in to the Boss manual...
  5. I love the look of it, it's got that kind of 50s/ 60s weird view of the future thing going for it like a lot of the stuff Eastwood copy. I'd want one with three of those pickups all really close together and the same headstock shape as they had on the semi hollow a few years back, was it called the Starcaster or something? However I wouldn't pay Fender Custom Shop prices, no way. A nice MIM or Squier version would be tempting.
  6. Yep! Same neck crack repair and bone nut. It's quite distinctive.
  7. Nope. Hoping they're somewhere in the masses of packing. But it's just such a weird thing to do, why on earth would you remove the knobs?! Otherwise all is as it was and the bass works just as it did before posting. It's just been neutered.
  8. Go for Fender Japan! More colour choices etc, a lot less money, some say equally good quality.
  9. I've not gone high end as such but I don't get my Stingray out as much as I should for it to be my "main" bass. My early 2000s Kramer that came over imported for less than 250 new is great, I still gig it 18plus years on, it is just comfortable for me. I'm certain to go back to a Sire at some point too because the quality is just so high its crazy. I still love my sound on am old live recording where I was using a very cheap second hand MIM Jazz that I stuck some Bartolinis in. Wish I'd not let that one go sometimes, though it was a bit of a dog by most standards the sound was just what I wanted.
  10. The bass is back! APC overnight delivery, fully insured, competitively priced. However, on unpacking the bass this morning, almost a month after its odyssey around the DPD depots of the country, the knobs are missing! Either the buyer on his "inspection" of a bass he decided he no longer wanted and couldn't pay for even when it eventually got to him, has removed them for reasons unknown, or someone at DPD unpacked the bass and nicked them (far less likely). Thing is, replacement knobs for these have to be ordered from the US. I know because that's how I got them in the first place! So now I've got my bass back after a month I can't list it for sale again as it's incomplete. FFS.
  11. Sires are excellent basses, can't go wrong. But I'd go for the P with Status neck. I've not seen it, don't know the cost, but it's just different and I bet a carbon fibre neck sounds and feels great. You'll always be able to get hold of a Sire. Or a Rev. Get the weird thing!
  12. I saw a lefty on ebay in green and was tempted. The blue is much nicer. And you paid a third less, happy all round
  13. So some of DPDs systems say the bass will be delivered today! Bit of an issue here as it was delivered on 13th October... So Eurosender contact me to say good news, the parcel will be delivered today. On the same email thread where we've already had back and forth on the matter since 13th October. I repeated the whole time line for them and this is Eurosender's response: "... The order was collected and delivered, not successfully but delivered what means that DPD courier, in this case, charging us the transport fee. The refund was rejected by the claims department and our manager, we are sorry for the inconvenience but we can fill out your request. Have a nice rest of the day." So, if a courier organised by Eurosender decides to rake your package and deliver it to anywhere but where its supposed to go they will still keep your money!!! They can't be arsed chasing DPD to get the cost back or doing anything about the complete balls up, just "well it got delivered, yeah to the wrong address but hey, tough sh!t" I won't go as far as to call them crooks, but that definitely stinks!
  14. So, second rehearsal last night. Vocal-wise I am only producing moments. I don't have the opportunity to practice properly, meaning at volume while playing bass and being able to listen to what I'm singing, so it's been more miss than hit. Guitarist knows a female singer, she's keen for this style of music. No ego bruising at all, I'm keen to get her in! A few messages have gone back and forth with her today and she's keen on our ideas list and sent us a list of 80s covers she's done before, 90 percent of which are a perfect fit, some are not so much, but that's OK. Musically getting on well with the guitarist and drummer. The drummer hasn't played a gig in 12 years but he's super solid, I really like the way he plays and he's a good guy to have in a band. He's easy going hut still has an opinion on things, so that's good. Guitarist is very keen, does some stuff great, others I thought he was missing something either in tone or approach but it's still early days and my singing has been shite so I can't criticise at all! It's building up nicely. Hope the singer is the real deal and then we can start building up a set list.
  15. I won't bore you with my DPD story, I've done a thread on it. My local Hermes carrier thinks getting the right village is good enough and has even thrown a parcel in through my living room window while i was out. A parcel for someone on the other side of the village. No idea why they chose my house/ window and then dropped a card round to the correct address to tell them it was with "a neighbour" and my address!! Anyhow, glad the OP got a quick response from the chief of the cretinous delivery company. They're all under a lot of strain at the moment but sadly their internal systems often don't help the people employed to face up to customers and explain what going on. Fingers crossed it turns up late, maybe a bit tatty looking on the box, but fully intact.
  16. Had some back and forth with both Eurosender and DPD. I spoke to a lovely lady at DPD, I really do sympathise with her and her colleagues in customer support. The internal systems don't give them the same info customers have, the depots don't answer the phones, it's a shoddy position for them to be in. Just for sh!ts and giggles DPD today emailed me saying the new delivery date for the parcel is 21st October. The parcel they already delivered on 13th October. The kind lady at customer services did offer to get the parcel back to me after I expressed my incredulity that it was not the very first thing on anybody's lips as they contacted me. I politely declined, I'd rather pay someone else/ be in debt to family in the South West for collecting in person, than have to chase the guitar through DPDs internal workings again.
  17. I had a Streamer LX and the body was flame maple, similar to that one but in a natural finish, not turquoise. All gold hardware, Bell brass frets... Very good quality bass. Was a lovely bass, one I'd love to have a go on again now I'm having a bit of a Warwick Revival due to owning a Pro Series Fretless.
  18. I enjoyed that, no way I could get to that level of technical proficiency, but I admire the skill and the idea to do it.
  19. I've seen far worse videos which must have had a budget 10x 100x or even 1000x more. It really works with the song and the overall style. Top work!
  20. Lefty Warwick streamer LX on ebay in Birmingham, nice turquoise finish I've never seen before
  21. I like the look, looks-wise only its got that EB3 type style to it which I very much like! Seems like you're impressed with the sound too, looks like a great bass for plug in, play, and everything is just right no adjustments necessary
  22. Open to advice. Mine's a 3 EQ version. Maybe, because I've always had other passive basses of some sort I've never bothered to try too hard, I just find the Ray to be like an excitable puppy. A Great Dane puppy.
  23. Bought a new US Ray at the end of 2018 for £1895 I think. In the past as a wide eyed youth I'd seen them go new for 750 to 800 and everything in between but the exchange rates, inflation and alloy jet rising costs have pushed the prices up as they have for all instruments. Compared to what else is about in the market I think the Ray's are worth the cost, second hand even more so. I keep a jazz bass too because while the Ray does big and ballsy it doesn't do soft and subtle, it's incapable of it, so as versatile as it is I still think it misses something that a passive J type bass has.
  24. Belated reply from DPD advising that only Eurosender are allowed to initiate a search for a lost parcel and contact DPD via their business channels for resolving issues. When Eurosender won't help and DPD can't find their a*rse with both hands it's an all round sh!tshow
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