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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. I've sent them an email with all the relevant questions. Do all requests get fulfilled? How long is the wait... Etc.
  2. Thanks everyone. I'd prefer not to be changing components but then again im not shy to do that if the bass is a keeper. It's more the feel, which I think has been resolved. I always fancied a fretless jazz and their Jaco type one looks the part. I've raised nearly enough from selling other gear but also have a bass to possibly shift too, shall decide this weekend. Its just with it being a special order I don't want to mess anyone about and buy it thinking I'll return it if I don't like it. For 140 quid I'm not expecting it to rival my USA Stingray or MIJ Jazz but I also don't want to buy it and be disappointed. I think I have a good impression of what the quality will be like now, thanks all.
  3. Thanks. That's the kind of comparison I'm looking for. I just want it to be better than a Westfield to be honest, though I know some people like them and even gig them I found them to feel really cheap... Low quality is not necessarily the wrong word but they didn't have the feel of a 90s MIM Fender (poor quality for MIM Fender) so while someone may rave about them it's probably because they can't get past paying just 50 quid for one second hand. That is a beaut if a bass you linked to.
  4. Hi everyone, I have a request please. I'm interested in a bass that Harley Benton do on request only (fretless lefty jazz). Thing is I don't know what to expect. I've heard Harleys are great / great value, but that can mean so many different things. But what do they compare to? I've listed out the below in my view of order of quality... Would be good to know where you place Harley Benton against those. Westfield Squier Affinity Squier CV MIM Fender Sire MIJ Fender
  5. I think Aria did this on the SB series, so in the early 80s. I've seen a special run one with frets 1-7 in and fretless down to the dusty end. Personally I just take two basses and have a different effect on my multi fx depending on the bass I use. Or, I just don't wobble the notes on my fretless I'd I don't want that sound, that's the cheapest, easiest and least fun solution 😊
  6. Agree with all of the above. Also, my guitar sounds carp through my bass effects, probably the built in EQ emphasis (he says as if he knows anything about the technical bits). Individual pedal wise I know some guitar pedals are used to good effect by bassists but it's horses for courses. It depends what other gear you use and how you play. For example, some bass pedals that sounded awesome with my passive p bass were terrible with my active jazz bass, amps can have a big influence on sound too. Unfortunately it's just one more thing to research and experiment with, the endless trial and error!
  7. I can see the romantic attraction of vintage instruments but don't know enough about maintenance to keep one myself. Also it would be interesting to compare it alongside a brand new USA Jazz to feel and hear the difference and see if it justifies 3x the price.
  8. 1972 Jazz on Reverb from some shop in the UK I've never heard of. Looks great, costs near 4 grand.
  9. That does look lovely. Not what I was expecting as I've not kept an eye on Chapman at all, maybe I should have!
  10. In my twenties I wasn't in gigging bands. I sold off a Warwick Steamer LX and Warwick Sweet 15 amp together to pay for a training course my employer wouldn't pay for on my behalf. I often think I could have done more with that bass. Other times it's just the processing through of gear. Buy something, it doesn't do what I need so I sell it for something else. I took ages to decide to sell my MIJ P Bass but haven't regretted it for a minute. I got a good price and invested in a jazz that suits me a hundred times better. I now have an 80s Aria that I'm not sure about keeping so will see how that goes and maybe move it on but not sure I need four basses at all. At the moment I feel guilty about the amount of gear and am selling bits off with no solid plans of spending the money... Yet.
  11. Someone mentioned jinwan necks in a recent thread here. Chinese seller on ebay where you can get a neck for 70 quid. I haven't ever held one but there was one or two people with high opinions of them if you do a search.
  12. I love it when there's fantasist out there who think they're the next Mick Jagger/ Jimi Hendrix and they get really shirty with you for not being professional enough while also begging to have an audition... At least you don't have to waste your time meeting this one!
  13. My school music lessons involved a fight to get a shoddy electric keyboard out of a cupboard then we had to magic up the ability to read sheet music and play piano. You shared a keyboard between two and just had to sit there and work it out. Hardly education. One week they asked us to do a rap. That was excruciating.
  14. These are unbelievable in terms of the sheer depth of what you can do! Great pedal.
  15. Double P pickups... Fender Precision Elites from the 80s, Westone, BC Rich, Warwick buzzard basses... Double P looks awesome to me.
  16. I still did well over 40hrs... Honest. For the non UK based company I work for!!
  17. Ah, well mine was the intro to Sweet Child O Mine. Not at all complicated, and I play far more complex things, but somehow this eluded me for years. I was blagging it on a dep gig just playing something that kinda fit... Then my boss had a week's holiday so I had some day time to noodle about on bass and using songsterr helped me nail it. I now play it almost every time I pick up my bass just to keep it front of mind. It's silly because it's not a complex line but I think I kept getting frustrated and quitting.
  18. I've only recently discovered Songsterr where it plays a backing track and moves along the tab at the right tempo. It's really helped me learn some tricky parts that stumped me for ages.
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