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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. Something I'd like to avoid... If my 5 piece ever resurrects. We did make a brief appearance on Saturday night but as a pub quiz team! 😂
  2. I've got guitarist two and the drummer booked in for a session next Thursday. Have done some practice today for the 3 songs we will all use to check each other out. Vocals are rusty, especially while trying to memorise the bass line, but I have time now if work continues to allow me a few little breaks in the day here and there. Guitarist one contacted me out of the blue, he's only gone and got a drummer involved. Sent him a note to let him know that I'm checking out someone else first who has a very different style, wanted to be fully up front about this, and that I'd be back in touch at the end of next week. Hoping he takes that in the spirit it is meant and doesn't go all "thanks for nothing, you've wasted my time!" etc. as some would... Let's see what happens!
  3. I realised today that I can gig a set up almost entirely bought from the BC marketplace. Fender CIJ Jazz Boss GT10B multi effects Ashdown RM500 Head Ashdown 1x15 speaker The only things I've not bought from BC are the strings, cables and gig bag. That's a very decent, reliable gigging set up, all traded with people here who have been fantastic in selling for fair prices, highlighting any small flaws, delivering quickly, no messing about. All for a hell of a lot less than market value, but everyone walks away from the deals happy. I have other gear, of course, but this just proves to me the value of buying second hand but also from buying within this great community! Adding to the gigging set up today is a vocal effects pedal from Happy Jack too, it just keeps growing! Am sure there are plenty of you with similar success stories, let's hear them!
  4. Seconded. I've got one of these, it's a heavy gig bag but it fits allsorts including big pointy banana headed basses. And I used to carry around a Sire 5 string jazz in mine. Decent size pockets and lots of padding. Very good value for money.
  5. This is looking good so far. Everyone is keen. Guitarist loves his gear: pedals, amps etc. Luckily I've seen video of him and he does know how to play, he hasn't got all the gear and no idea. Drummer has some good input too on set list. We are all on the same page so far with song ideas, general direction, and being realistic about the fact we will probably be lucky to cover the cost of strings and drum sticks from gig fees if they are even a thing in the post covid world. Now to rehearse and see if we can tolerate each others company. My only fear with these things is people getting too excited and there being a million opinions a day on new songs, effects, "hey you should listen to X bands cover of that song we should copy that!" but hopefully we can channel excitement and enthusiasm productively in to being really good at a few things and build from there...
  6. We have a drummer! No idea of he's any good or not but he is literate, alive, and a drummer. He wrote a nice reply to the ad saying he's done all the usual covers but likes the sound of this project. That's three other people in the world, who play instruments, in my local area, who want to have a go. Going to try guitarist two with the drummer in the next few weeks and see where we get to.
  7. Yes and No. My family weren't musical at all but they liked some good music. Sad would have Beatles tapes on in the car constantly and other 60s hits but he ruined them all by trying to sing along. I had two older brothers so the family sport was always taking the p1ss out of each other for a sling as I could remember so liking the Beatles was something to laugh at, I grew up thinking anyhow. Some of those 60s songs have stayed with me though and I still love songs like Little Tin Soldier and want to do it in any band that will entertain the idea because I love the dynamics. I remember being ten or eleven and spending some days in a boring summer break going through the vinyl and falling absolutely in to Johnny Cash, then discovering Bob Dylan via Joan Baez. Then there were the "top of the pops" albums of sound a likes that got me in to Free, then UK Gold TV got me enraptured with the Sweeney and 70s Dr Who so I was drawn to Slade and T Rex. A few years later I discovered Sabbath. I had a music obsessive Uncle who really encouraged me and bought me CDs of Bat out of Hell and the best of the Police. I still listen to those same CDs now. I got really drawn in to lyrics, and aged 13 got my first Megadeth album and started rewriting lyrics for their songs. Then got in to Aerosmith. At school we had two lads who were good guitarists but nobody wanted to sing so I tried to bluff a Jim Morris on style thing which worked for a week then one of the lads realised he could do that easily himself but encouraged me to get a bass. At 15 I begged for a bass for Christmas and got it. So while my parents gave me no musical direction they did allow me to pick through their records and copy, borrow or listen to whatever I fancied. They were not convinced about the whole bass thing because it was alien to them, but over 20 years later I'm still getting enjoyment from it. I don't think I'd have got here without picking through the vinyl at home.
  8. Yes I do! Put up a link if you like, great tune and would love to hear a different slant on it.
  9. My first ever bad was a trio with an incredible drummer and an insanely good blues-rock guitarist. It is my favourite format by far, as you say there is nowhere to hide! But that's the great thing, you don't have to hide, you don't have to avoid treading on toes like you do with two guitarists.
  10. NOW 495 Here is a 1984 Japanese made Aria Pro ii SB-Elite I. You really don't see many around, and not many in good working order. This bass feels and sounds great. It's a neck thru construction and the pickup can be switched from single to dual coil. Passive electronics. The fret markers look incredible! I've had this bass since February and spent some money with various people on parts and getting it up and running. It now feels and plays like a good working instrument should, though it's been stressful to get to this point! There are some points to highlight: Bone nut - this is not original and was made for this bass by my luthier, Armstrong pickup - the pickups in these 80s Arias die off which is why you see so many with Barts or J pickups butchered in, this has a replica of the original made in the UK by Kent Armstrong, Neck repair - the neck had a crack but I've had this repaired. Everyone knows a repaired neck is stronger than one that's never had an accident. The crack lines are visible on the back of the neck because I was not bothered about a refinish. It feels perfectly smooth when playing, you wouldn't know it's there. Lots of the usual signs of wear and tear for an instrument of nearly 37 years of age. This is not pristine condition and I've shown this accurately in the photos. The pearl white finish has naturally aged beautifully and there are various paint chips, scuffs and blemishes. This is perfect for any 80s Revival band! The bass has had fresh stainless steel strings and a thorough set up including electronics service. It feels and plays very nicely. Selling due to needing funds and having too many basses! I am on the lookout for a fretless or a 5 string so could consider a trade. Open to sensible offers, this is listed elsewhere but at a lower cost on BC for a quicker and easier trade. The bass will be packed in a cardboard box and delivered by an insured courier. International delivery is possible but will need to get other quotes. No case or other items included, just the bass. Local pickup from St Albans area is welcome.
  11. Just wanted to share... I've had this idea in my head of fronting a three piece guitar bass and drums. I love my 80s covers but my band is a bit wary and is straying towards more Dakota, Sex on Fire and some other stuff that makes me cringe but drunk punters enjoy... That's fine, it's got its place. But I'm getting a bit bored of the set and I've noticed my playing is getting so sloppy, so I want a new challenge. I advertised on Thursday night for a guitarist and a drummer. Set out that I want to form a three piece to play covers and work up some originals, stick to 80s style songs but put on a harder edge, and gave three song examples so they know I don't mean Kylie and Rick Astley: Message in a Bottle, Dancing in the Dark, Just Died in Your Arms Tonight. Just three off a long list I've drawn up. I've had two quality guitarists answer, no drummers. Very different guitar styles. Guitar one: rock guitarist. Has sent me clips of playing in big function bands with multiple singers doing very professional disco hits. Other clips of him in a rock three piece where he's doing lead vocals which are OK, as good as most cover band vocalists and I've seen far worse, better than me also I'd say. This could be good: I know how to play with guitarists of his style and my vocal is not the strongest outside of my comfort zone (which isn't very big!) so sharing it out could be good to get a decent range of songs in. Lives a little bit further away from my preferred practice places but not insurmountable. Guitar two: echoey, lush sound scape type stuff. He gets it about filling the sonic space in a three piece. He's keen, he likes the 80s ideas, he lives nearer me, he's also left handed which could be an interesting gimmick or at least allow us to swap instruments every now and then if we feel the need (I've seen him play bass too). I've suggested to meet with each, see if we get on, play some songs together and then each of us has the chance to either say no thanks or go ahead. Hoping one of them works out and we can then record some two guitars and vocals stuff and get it out there to snag a good drummer. There's potential for two very different sounding bands though, with very different strengths. Will be interesting! Two bands isn't an option sadly... I'm still in my existing covers band, have a dep slot with a very similar covers band and two other ad hoc deps that could come in at any time once all is up and running again.
  12. Sorry, I see now. I'm not going to hold my breath for this one. I'd like it, but I don't need it.
  13. I emailed them directly and my post was based on their response. In this case "on request" means they don't yet have a date for it to come in to stock.
  14. A few months back I asked Andertons whether they'd be getting a lefty Sire fretless in, it was listed on their website as "available at short notice" or words to that effect. I asked when and their reply may as well have been "maybe November, don't know really mate, come back later" which didn't fill me with confidence.
  15. Ta. Was depping for a band with an awesome bassist. I play with the guitarist in my covers band and I just told him "I can't play like him, can I do something completely different?" and they were cool with me playing fretless where they usually have funky triplety finger and thumb style.
  16. I nod vigorously and sometimes swing my bass around a bit but if I get overexcited and try something more extravagant the bass is no longer being played but is being shamed as a musical component. So I try not to let it go too far.
  17. By virtue of owning it for nearly 18 years this is my most played bass. I love it. Its been through everything with me. It looks a bit out of place, and can sound out of place too if not careful. I've had better quality basses, but there's something about this that means it's the first I want to play. If I'm recording something this is the bass I use. The Kramer Striker fretless 5. A budget bass from the early 2000s but has a nice grittiness to the tone and with flats on it sounds perfect to me. It still gets gigged too.
  18. Surely your HB collection doesn't include a lefty yet? Don't deny yourself, only one life... Etc.
  19. Calm down everyone! It is the fretless lefty I've been discussing for the entire thread. So just a lefty version of the fretless jazz they already do in right handed.
  20. News just in... Thomann have this bass as "on request" because its a new model and they don't yet have an expected delivery date. They told me they'll update their page when they have a delivery date. So it's not so much "on request" as "coming soon". Lost in translation I think.
  21. Thanks, appreciate it. I'm waiting on a reply from Thomann so I can understand the terms and conditions around the "on request" instruments. It could be non refundable in which case I might not take the risk, depends how selling off some other stuff goes...
  22. I change around so often my playing style and dynamic, I just go through phases of liking different things. Have had a Fender. 73mm pick out today as it happens! Why not just change around for how you feel at the time and don't worry about it? Try different things, see where you end up settling, or where it takes you next. I don't think I can ever be a "pick player" but I like to noodle about using one and bring it on for some songs every now and then.
  23. At my desk... Sorry couldn't resist a sh!t joke. St Albans area.
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