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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. Aha, thanks for that I did suspect it was guitarist gear. It says its full range flat response though... Which I thought meant "takes anything"? Is it "takes anything that sits within its certain frequency range"?
  2. Leo Quan Badass II Bridge. This has served faithfully on my old jazz bass, and even my precision for a while, absolutely loved it. Some may say high mass bridges don't do anything, I personally disagree, whichever - it has "BADASS BASS" embossed on it and that's good enough for me. Selling because I have ashtrays ready to go on my jazz and the Precision bass has gone. This needs to be used and loved. The saddles are not cut but that was never an issue for me. There are some small Grooves forming where strings have sat in the past, see pictures. Mounting screws included in sale. Postage is possible, contact me.
  3. Seriously I don't want £1 for them, please donate a pound to the charity of your choice... When I replaced the pickup in my 1984 Aria the original pickup screws were surplus to requirement. If you want or need them, they're yours.
  4. Original knob off an 1984 Aria Pro II SB series bass. In good condition. The bass only came with one knob so when I bought replacements I did both at the same time. If it must be all original for you then this could be what you need.
  5. They have a 2x12 powered speaker cab specifically for using with amp modelling fx, wedge shaped. I think it's around £250, saw it advertised yesterday. Wondering if it would be good for bass or not, could be a good multi amp solution. I've now got a guitar multi fx as well as a bass multi, both with good amp modelling though they're older tech than the Helix and other stuff you can get now. I follow Harley Benton on Facebook which was a bad move. Too much GAS...!
  6. If they did that design in full scale I'd be tempted. It looks great but I just don't see the short scale attraction I'm afraid.
  7. If you wanted to be snotty you could ask them how they spend the 10 quid. Do they re pack it or go to any extra effort or do they just look at it, sigh, then tell Gina in accounts to send you a fine letter and it gets posted as you had packed it? You'd get a cow poop reply but it would allow you some small sense of moral victory. Or you could write saying its my first offence guv, didn't know the rules, have sent loads with you without a problem. That way you might get let off, you might not, but if you don't ask you don't get. I've got round a few parking tickets that way, not 100% of the time though!
  8. Satin neck finish. Just feels right.
  9. That's nice!! Here's another thing that puts me off... Right handed basses.
  10. Yep!! I find sweet home a really boring song to play tbh, not because the bass line is so simple but because it's just too long. For pub gigs medleys help keep things interesting. Please tell my band members this so they can think it's their idea and then get it on our set list 😊
  11. Right, hopefully an end to the saga. Armstrong suggested I take it to a chap at my local music store, Music Department in St Albans. I figured that if it definitely is an issue with the pickup then they would accept that as an explanation from the people they recommend... So the bass went in and a few hrs later I was asked to collect. There was some loose wiring and poor soldering, probably through age, so they neatened it up and tested it. I've given it a quick test at home and I now have a working 1984 Aria Pro II SB-Elite 1. The Armstrong pickup is great in dual coil, really throaty deep lows and quite percussive too. Very thin on the single coil but I need to play with EQ a bit more. I haven't thoroughly given it a bash yet but plan to in the next few days to really see where this bass has its strengths. Overall I'm just pleased to have it working. It's number 4 out of 4 basses, but I'm hopeful that it will do the job for bashing out covers. With what I've had to spend on it I'd probably break even selling it, but actually hoping it finds a place and earns it's keep. It's been a frustrating journey but one that has led me to a few good lessons learned.
  12. I sold a bass within an hour on Reverb to someone uk based, all went very well. It had been on Facebook for a while and I got "is it still available?" from two Americans and a German but nothing remotely solid in terms of interest. I didn't bother with Gumtree and I leave eBay as a last resort.
  13. It would be hard to say. I'm a jazz bass man, so I guess if I sold my four basses I'd buy a USA jazz and have change left over. But really, the CIJ Jazz I have looks better than anything available to buy right now because the Japanese have a higher proportion of left handers so they made better options. I'd maybe get a Sire 5 string jazz then if I had to have just one so I've got that 5th string option. Amp wise I love a Trace Elliot for everything except size and weight, so I'd probably stick with my Ashdown RM rig because I don't need more bells and whistles than that. I have a Trace amp emulation in my fx board anyways. So why do I own 4 basses, then? Probably because one is a fretless I've had since aged 18, and I am most at home on that bass. I have a Stingray because it's big ballsy tone is best suited to bashing out 80s covers in a busy pub or at a wedding or function. I have an 80s Aria because I wanted it, no other reason, its probably expendable. I have a jazz because for fretted basses I prefer the sound and feel of a jazz bass over anything, even a Stingray.
  14. Describing any bass whatsoever as "custom" "handmade" "rare"... When it's a Tanglewood precision bass over 20 years old and they're asking £250 for it.
  15. I use one of these and carry it around in a laptop bag. I'm not an Ampeg lover myself, having got rid of my P Bass, but the Ashdown RM amp is great for flexibility. Decent amp on its own, you can add in the valve simulated drive, or you can switch off its EQ and use pedals to simulate amp and cab combos. I even had a while switching off its EQ and using the inboard EQ on a Sire bass then sometimes bringing in different amp simulation effects from a Boss multi FX pedal. These days my Stingray and jazz often go straight to the amp with no pedal in between at all. There are "better" amps out there but if you want a lightweight, not too expensive, single box to do 80 percent of what you could ever need then I don't think you'd find many better. Ml
  16. Not sure on the specifics but I used Eurosender, the firm that gives a BC discount to send and retrieve two different basses. They outsourced to a courier company, possibly DPD, but their pricing was way better and they insure musical instruments. Their customer service was good when I made a mistake in one of the orders so I'd recommend getting in touch with them.
  17. I think that would help offset the whole issue of reach to the neck being deceptive, the "thinking you're two frets away from where you really are" I mentioned in my earlier post. I don't know about drop tuners but what's often said of these type of basses is that they rarely go out of tune.
  18. Of course! Basses, strings, amps, fx... I am so busy with work and family life my bass adventures live mainly in my idle imagination so I dream up changes I think I want and if something appears second hand I'll buy it if I want to or if my "i will bid low, probably won't win..." goes wrong. But may I raise you this, changing stuff for reasons that don't even fool myself? Buying gear for the band I'm never actually going to start, or because "all pro's need a..." when I am far from ever being there. Why did i need £155 worth of wireless kit? Why do I have a Badass bridge lying unused in my spares box... Why do I even have a spares box??!!!!
  19. Nah if they made a bass version I'd have it Right, can't unsee this now. I don't want one anymore.
  20. Love the IT analogy. As someone who spent a lot of years writing IT contracts (after trying to drag the spec out of people, negotiate with the suppliers... Yawn) and now works in a company where Agile and SCRUM are used almost everywhere I think this is such a clear parallel, clear to me anyways. Just wonder if you could build a bass using Agile...
  21. Looks like an incredible instrument! Love the easy selection of the sounds.
  22. I contacted a builder a few years back and offered to go to the workshop with all my basses and talk through what I like or don't like about them and give them a link to clips of my playing. Seemed like the best way to get somewhere rather than me send a drawing or make an unrealistic or unworkable shopping list of stuff. He was open to the idea but finances prevented it from going further than a few emails, sadly.
  23. Yeah I think they use pre made parts and they route, assemble and relic to order, helps keep the costs sensible. I could go to Nash or someone but I don't want to pay in body parts. Always drooled over Warmoth, currency conversion and taxes don't make it viable at the moment though.
  24. I've often considered a custom but the problem for me is the sheer number of options. I'd like a really nice fretless, but then again I asked a company who makes Fender relic type things if they'd do me a Telecaster bass, 70s style, luckily for my wallet they don't do lefties. The other day I even thought "well, I should get an 8 string really!" because you can't buy them anywhere so why not have an 8 string (octaves) bass? Then I realised, I'll never use it except for messing about for five minutes at a time at home. I'm still tempted to have a nice fretless built though...
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