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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. All of my guitars could be described as upside down by most... My Kramer fretless here being gigged when it was new in my teens and still being gigged two years ago:
  2. Mods feel free to delete or remove this if not allowed... I have no connection whatsoever to the seller or original owners but thought this too good a spot not to share. I was on cash converters website looking for hidden gems as I sometimes do and saw a 1975 Hayman 40 40 with what appears to be its original pickup covers, £899. It's in a Bristol shop apparently. Looked really good, I know these are rare with the covers so thought I'd share.
  3. They did the bass and six string guitar in lefty. I like them and would happily have one if the price was right.
  4. He's only famous because of his dad. To paraphrase Carl Pilkington "you could say the same about Jesus..."
  5. Why not? My kids used to get Black Sabbath sang to them as lullabies when they were babies. Some of the bass lines hummed gently really worked! 😊
  6. Here's something I know someone once did... Please don't take offence. But try twiddling the knobs on the bass, if it has volume knobs for each pickup you may have both turned right down...
  7. My daughter is a bit younger but she loves the Trolls films. The first one got her in to some classic disco music and the sequel has a bit more rock. OK, it's not all original artists and words are changed but you can easily go "if you like that then you'll like this..." So Gwen Stefani plays the DJ in the first film which got my daughter dancing along to some No Doubt the other week. Other than that if she likes guitar music then anything that has Orianthi or Nita Strauss could be good.
  8. Set it in fire as an artistic statement. String it upside down and gig it... I don't know. I don't think I could justify keeping one.
  9. These look great, would love to try one as they made lefties in stealth black that come up from time to time and tend to sell for next to nothing, yet its a solid matsumoko built bass! Hope you get the popping sorted.
  10. My in laws have a small independent pet shop. Through lockdown they opened less hours and did tons more trade. People wanted something to keep their kids busy or were at home so much more they treated their pets to upgraded toys and so on, also people didn't want to go in to the big national chain stores and support the local shops. Long may some of those attitudes continue when we are out of the woods with the virus.... Though the people on minimum wage in the big national stores need to pay rent and eat too....
  11. Replied to my wanted ad for Fender ashtrays and delivered immediately for a very fair price. As with all BC'ers I've bought and sold with, an honest and friendly fellow bassist. Can't ask for more! Thanks again 😊
  12. Too much choice isn't there?! Also, for everyone raves about TI Flats I personally didn't like them, but maybe I just had a right handed set 😉
  13. It can be an expensive purchase so some may find this article useful... https://www.guitarworld.com/features/the-best-flatwound-bass-guitar-strings-how-to-choose-the-right-flatwounds-for-you
  14. Believe me storytime is a MASSIVE part of my life, and one of the most enjoyable.
  15. Used to buy Q in the early 2000s but only if there was a decent free CD. Found the content a bit smarmy and "you won't have heard of this band but I'm better than you so I like them but you won't" and I remember a reader letter moaning that all music now is by private school kids (who had grown up and left school so jot that relevant) when referring to Keane and Coldplay. It's sad that it's gone but I think the digital age is perfect for someone like me who can only read or look up things in between work calls and while on the loo. Otherwise I'm either on work calls or stopping my kids electrocuting themselves so I haven't had time to sit down and actually read a magazine for nearly four years.
  16. Any money I earn from gigging goes in to savings for my kids, I have a full time job that has not directly been affected... Well, I was employed by a company that was already doing badly and will have to shed jobs soon but I was already in the process of jumping ship to a company that will be more secure in these times. Anyhow, my wife doesn't work for the time being and without childcare available for many months it's been hard. Aside from music life has just been tough, I know many have it worse so I'm not saying "poor little me" but managing working at home and keeping the family going has been emotionally hard and tiring. I've barely played my instruments, though while on the crapper I've picked up some new toys on ebay and BC by selling off toys I don't use. I was getting a it tired with the band, the drummer would only play gigs for people he knows and was really awkward if a random person made an enquiry to the band. I got us set up with a promotion company for gigs this summer to spread our wings and landed a dep spot in a similar band that plays in different towns to my band. Then lockdown hit. Now we are trying to get a rehearsal going and the drummer doesn't want to, no real explanation except the drum kits in the rehearsal rooms are crap. Usual complaint but he's refusing to play our rehearsal and it's too late to cancel the room booking. I've tried to rally the lads around to do some recording, everyone says "I'm keen" then doesn't do anything. It's my only real social activity, not having it has been quite tough. Also the kids savings pots aren't really going up by the gig money which used to be good over summer.
  17. Having put a Leo Quan Badass on my old P bass I don't think it did much for the sound. But then I wanted an old school sound and just put that bridge on out of boredom one day... Now that bridge on a jazz would be a different story.... Still, tis a good price for the bass. There's lots of tasty lefties coming up second hand at the moment, probably because I just bought a tasty second hand lefty. Sods law, eh?
  18. I used to follow Sixx:AM on Facebook, I quite like a lot of their songs and think DJ Ashba is a great guitarist. Anyhow, Nikki was selling his basses off after each show. You could pay a huge amount of money for a meet and greet and he gives you a bass he used in that night's show. Part of the draw was this description of how he uniquely wraps each bass in tape, making each one different... Seemed a bit tacky to me, but then again the money isn't there like it was in his heyday in the 80s and if people will pay it why not? Can't blame him for making his money while he can.
  19. Why didn't they just chuck in a sticker so if you really wanted it you could put it on? Baffling.
  20. Great basses! Envious of the fretted and fretless almost-twins!
  21. Playing high and fast after a mistake... May as well give over my car keys, house keys, kidneys...
  22. If you're ever around Hertfordshire/ the bits of Essex I often play in you're more than welcome to have a go on my US Stingray. Best neck I've ever played, the fingerboard as well just makes life easy and THAT pickup just wallops out big big bass. Perfect for covers band gigging. In the shop I actually preferred the sound of the significantly cheaper US Jazz but just felt the overall kick of the Ray was better as a working option.
  23. The jazz is giving me something the others don't. Hard to describe, because while the Stingray is my go-to gigging bass I can easily do everything I need on a jazz. And there's something about a jazz that just feels right to me, maybe having played one for 7 years as my main fretted bass?
  24. Once it has a working pickup I can confirm in full... But for now, it just feels nice in my hand. I do like The feel of a neck thru bass.
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