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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. I really like his playing on record but that was not a patch on Guy Pratt for entertainment value, sound quality, and instructional ability. Also found his accent and way of talking really grating, but he's been living in LA for however long. He says he was 16 in 1976 making him 60 this year... I'd like to look that good when I'm errrr 36!!! 🤣
  2. Looks like a prop from Blakes 7. I kinda like it but would in no way want to have one for anything other than decoration.
  3. I've always liked the idea of a Variax bass but when a lefty comes up on ebay they go in for silly money and never actually sell but the sellers won't take offers. The Boss GT10B pedal has some emulators in it to make a rosewood board sound like maple and vice versa and emulate some bass types like music an and I think Rick's... However I've not used these patches so can't comment on whether they're any good!
  4. That's what I use, some great fretless emulators that are good effects for, an actual fretless too!
  5. Good evening and welcome! Lovely bass that must be! I've got an MIJ P bass and it's awesome. I did a gig in 2018 where I played half with a new Sire 5 string vintage jazz and half with a beaten up 90s MIM Fender jazz, reputably a sh!t vintage for MIM Fender. However, it had Bartolini JB-75 (I think that's the model?) pickups and a few other tweaks and on playback it just sounds that little bit more complex and sophisticated than the Sire, which was an excellent excellent bass. So I'd say Bartolini..
  6. It is that simple! I got away with only having a fretless for years and years.
  7. Or saves swapping basses for a single song in a set.
  8. Zoom and Boss multi fx pedals do an OK fretless simulator, it's not the same as the real thing but it does the job for the odd cover that needs a bit of a fretless sound. The alternative is to play a fretless bass with a metal bar at the end of the fretboard for if you want a fretless to sound like a fretted.
  9. WRONG side of the Pennines!! Arctic Monkeys are from the right side.
  10. Ah I didn't know the name... The guy who ran, and for all I know still runs, this shop didn't "customise" his instruments, you'd need to look quite carefully to see what they were. He didn't scrawl a shoddy signature on the headstock with a felt tip!
  11. I don't get the joke, sorry.
  12. I knew a music shop when I was growing up where whenever you walked in the owner was screwing together all kinds of bits of guitar, a Squier neck on a Tanglewood body etc but to be fair he labelled them as such when he hung them on the wall. Fair enough I thought until I took an acoustic I'd bought from him to another shop to be serviced and got told the headstock had snapped off at some point. I actually didn't realise it but I knew the guy who did all the repairs for the shop and I got both barrels about even questioning it "should have known from the price" etc. Which is bullstuff. I went to the shop owner and he was a real d!ck about it too. Seems like he was buying up damaged stock and doing whatever he could to turn out a profit, not always to the knowledge of the customer. I do wonder how many Tanglesquiers were knocking about that town twenty years ago!
  13. Either that or Saturday Nights Alright for Fighting! We were playing one night when it kicked off in the smoking area, only the singer could see it and he apologised at the end of the song for missing some words out. Then offered commentary and giggled at the "action". He's a big lad, if he giggles at you while you're angry you'd just have to take the embarrassment!
  14. My mum was a police officer from 1967 to 1978. Though her territory was more Heartbeat than the Sweeney I'd often check what was realistic and what wasn't. I grew up watching all of these classics and still love them for the music, clothes, cars and outdated attitudes to... Everything!
  15. Absolutely this!!! For a pub gig you just don't need an entire guitar collection. I played with an amazing guitarist who used to take 8 guitars to a gig. "What's this a fookin guitar museum?" was asked more than once. In my current band it's a really easy load in and out, we all help carry stuff, we all know how our sound guy (2nd guitarist) wants kit packing and spare stuff is kept in cars or the van, not littering the stage. It can be so easy if everyone thinks about it and helps out.
  16. Yes. Very much worth it. After a bit of practice it's no hassle at all. We do as many functions as we can but far more pub gigs. Yes you get drunken idiots who shout for Hootie and the Blowfish in between every song etc. But you get that at weddings and so on too. If you're used to "bigger" gigs then setting up and breaking down a pub gig is a doddle, provided the pub is used to having live music so they've cleared a space for you with sufficient plug sockets. It's also a good way to try out new songs and see what works and what doesn't. The pay is usually OK and in my area a lot of pubs that do music have "sister" pubs in a nearby town where they'll book you in if you're any good.
  17. They are very good value for money, particularly second hand.
  18. Yeah true but they don't do their whole range left handed. I know it's not practical for most manufacturers but I think it's great that Ashdown have said everything is available in left handed.
  19. True, and that's about 80 percent of the site content spread over various threads! The main reason I raised it separately and in the lefty section was because they said they'd do left handers in all ranges too, which I think is great. You only really get close to that with Sire at below £1000, everyone else just does a few "select" models in left handed.
  20. You can have my 2x10 off me if you want... I want to go back to two 15s.
  21. Thanks! Wanted another 1x15 and can't turn down that price
  22. Most disappointing band: Red Hot Chilli Peppers in 2012 at Knebworth. I even considered leaving early. I LOVE the Chilli's, still do, but couldn't hear the vocals, the whole thing was a flat atmosphere and Josh on guitar just didn't seem to fit. Even the 35 quid t shirt I bought wasn't printed straight and it shrank and the printing disintegrated too quickly. Have never been so excited for something to be let down so badly. Most Underrated... Amy Winehouse when she had her first album out, Frank. Only 15 quid a ticket to see her in Nottingham and I couldn't find a soul who'd go along with me so I ended up missing it. I should have bought two tickets and taken the hot Swedish girl from work who was massively out of my league and wouldn't touch me by accident. When Back to Black came out people would kill to see her live.
  23. 260 quid??!! That looks like a bargain.
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