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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. I've by chance picked up a dep gig with a band nearby. I updated my band mix page with the intent of putting out an ad to form a new band but ended up being asked if I could join a covers band. They sent me a video and they're good! They have loads of gigs booked which I've been honest that I can't fulfil all of but if they don't find a permanent member I could dep. Their set is 50% what I play in my current band and 50% other stuff that I'm happy to learn while in lock down. If they find a permanent member no sweat I've just learned some new stuff, if they don't, I've got a load of dep gigs toward the end of the year playing some fun stuff. Now if only I had more time to play bass...
  2. Believe me the black one with blocks looks nice... Yet I have FOUR basses on the go at the moment which is too many. The P is a joy to play, a really well made bass but the Stingray puts it in the shade completely. I have thought about adding a j pup to it to see if that satisfies me but I doubt it. I bet if I got a jazz though, with or without selling the P, I'd just be chasing something else like a headless Status or whatever...
  3. Part of my quandary. And I can't pretend that once my Aria SB Elite is fully restored and usable it is a P replacement because its not.
  4. I'm not sure the neck is any slimmer, it certainly isn't a jazz neck. But it is the white body, rosewood board, black Pickguard "Sid Vicious" bass. When these were advertised they had USA electrics but mine has had a pup replacement. It sounds great with big heavy flats but the Stingray is really the leader of my pack now.
  5. Yeah my P is an MIJ 1970 reissue. Alder body instead of basswood, hard to get hold of now but then again what's the point in just hoarding it? I'm thinking an Aerodyne jazz could be the way forward but they're going for nearly a grand in well-used condition where a few years back you'd get a new one for less than 600 imported so I can't get my head around it yet.
  6. I need a pressure washer... I say need, my drive needs cleaning and occasionally a drain needs unblocking so I'd like one. If you're ever getting rid do let me know. I've got 2 kids in nursery next year. Got to work out if it's worth it for my wife to work at all!
  7. I think I've got one of these... I ignored most of the manual and just stick it in the middle of the rehearsal room to record how we arrange songs and go back over to prove to one of the guitarists he really shouldn't ever try to do backing vocals... Its pretty good for eliminating background noise and doing a good recording off the cuff. I've got a brand new Line 6 Relay G75 wireless kit, boxed and in its pack never used at all. Keep meaning to test it before putting it up for sale.
  8. I'm seriously thinking about selling off my Precision bass, wireless system, and effects board. Why? Here's the logic... I can't see me using the P bass as anything other than a backup to my Stingray and I miss my jazz basses. So I think I can sell my P for more than I would have to buy a new Sire or Fender Mexican jazz for. Wireless, have just never used it. Ever. In a year. Its worth money so it could potentially go. Effects board. It's huge and heavy and in a flight case. It is very, very good but I tend to just get a good core tone and have an option to bring in drive or whatever. But here's the thing, for quite a few gigs I don't even bother with it, just cable to amp. My amp has a footswitchable drive and the inboard EQ on my Sire (now departed) and Stingray handles the rest. While it's nice to know I could use all manner of exotic effects if I programme them in or learn which name they come under I just don't. Also, this is worth money. I would replace it with something new, smaller and lighter though maybe less capable for the money I could sell it for. Theres nothing wrong with any of this gear, far from it. I just think it's cash tied up in stuff I don't need. I may regret selling off the P bass, but if I got a good jazz to replace it then I've got something that doesn't overlap the Stingray as much... The wireless and effects? Not really needed. I can get by without quite easily. I may even have change leftover if I can sell everything at market value and replace sensibly. Do I need to do this, or am I just bored?
  9. He improved "My Way" immeasurably.
  10. Didn't see it but will search iPlayer this evening! Recently read the autobiography, a real eye opener and notable for the fact it's a who's-who of jazz with Miles claiming he had to teach each of these great musicians how to play in the way he wanted with one notable exception: Marcus Miller. He speaks really warmly on Marcus which in the context of this book is unique!
  11. The year was 2006. Or 2007. I was young IT worker sent to Leicester to work for a no longer in existence bank. One of our colleagues organised a night out to a luxurious nightspot. So luxurious the clientele were treated to questioning by the Police on the way in and then a queue to go through airport style security before a semi strip search, to which they looked at a young terrified bunch of professionals and scoffed "don't bother" to save us having to remove our coats to be searched for knives and guns. Needless to say once inside this club on a midweek night we stuck out like sore thumbs, and not just because we were the only people not wearing clothing emblazoned with G-STAR RAW. The only other white faces in there were the very people Ali G had been mocking for years earlier, obviously not up to speed on the joke, or girls grinding themselves into the wannabe, or very real, gangsters swarming the place. Then they took to the stage. N-Dubz. If I hadn't been in fear for my life with all the security procedures on the way in and the looks and shoves I had received all night so far I'd have whizzed myself laughing. I thought it was a joke. A year or so later and they're releasing singles, "dappy" makes TV appearances and "Tulisa" becomes an X Factor judge and Internet sex tape star. Yes. I was there.
  12. Can you describe the tone differences please?
  13. "I'm a really good singer looking to start a band and I néed top quality players" I ask what bands she's been in before... "none, but my boyfriend says I'm good" I politely decline on the grounds of perusing my sporting career, trying to get U21 international status for the country of my grandparents birth. This bit is true... I tried at that and failed. But I tried. "WHAT??! You'd rather do that than be in a band with ME!? PFFFfffffft" slams down phone. The end.
  14. Just don't let the battery go flat! Get a stock of them from the pound shop, change in a new one before each gig, keep some spares in your gig bag.
  15. At double it would still be a good deal IMHO
  16. Here it is. https://m.thomann.de/gb/thomann_e_bass_gigbag_premium.htm I've had it nearly two years. It takes a weird headstock well and the pockets are huge. I transport my basses in it for rehearsal and such like when I want to carry as few bags as possible and as little weight as possible, can't be bothered with a hard case, pedal case, then another bag for cables and stuff. They're good value in my opinion, they are heavy though as a gig bag.
  17. My Sire 5 string Jazz used to travel in the Thomann deluxe leather style padded gig bag thing without a fuss. Not an expensive bag either for the pocket size and the padding.
  18. I did immediately say when the gig was postponed we should have got a deposit, but I also think that may be a bit unfair. They're going to move the date, not cancel, and it's not like it's just a localised problem and we could have been gigging elsewhere if the country goes in to semi-lock down...
  19. My gig for the 21st has been cancelled... Not directly due to virus fears but I think that played a part. Lack of ticket sales for a rugby club centenary, could have been down to people expecting mandatory isolation by then or waiting to see what happens. It was a good paying function gig too, hoping it can be rearranged to a time we can do and the virus has gone. Wondering how this is affecting those of you who make your living, or a substantial part of it, from gigs and whether you're keeping deposits or just having to take it on the chin?
  20. That is a good looking bass. Ignoring the headstock. It's a good looking bass up to the top of the neck 😊😊
  21. I'm on 4 now... USA Stingray, Fender MIJ P, Kramer 5 string Fretless, Aria Pro II SB Elite-I. The Aria is a restoration project that may end up as a Fretless. Depending how that goes it could stay or be sold. I'm toying with selling the P too as I am missing having a jazz bass around and I can't see the P getting much action at all if I had a stingray, a jazz and a Fretless. The Kramer can never leave me, partly cos it's worth bog all but also because it was my 18th birthday present. When I read about other people's collections I don't feel the slightest bit of envy. In fact, it kinda gives me a weird kick to just sort my collection out to have just enough to cover every realistic scenario I find myself it: the Stingray plus the 1% of gigs that don't need a Stingray.
  22. I'm sick of this kind of thing too, sadly when you're selling something niche like a left handed bass it's often the best market place for reaching buyers. I think if people haven't met you in person or you don't know where they live they expect they can get away with any kind of unreasonable behaviours. I had a guy claim he'd taken a bass to a shop and they said it needed a load of work doing (the bass wasn't perfect and the description and photos were clear on that). I replied "great I used to live down the road from that shop and know all the guys in there, I'll give them a call and if we all agree what's wrong I'll see about settling reasonable costs!". Well I did live near that shop but I never bothered making that phone call because I knew the guy was trying to play a game. Same bass appeared on ebay months later with the frets badly removed and the description" this has been my main gigging bass for years... "
  23. One I know all too well myself!
  24. If it's the one I was tracking on ebay he's done me a favour... Was doing the sums mentally on what I could sell to fund it!
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