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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. I've never come across one that can actually play their instrument or that I would allow near sharp objects... However I'm going to try and find a keyboardist for a new project. I want to start an 80's cover band. I love my band and my band mates but musically it's going further away from what I want to play. Dakota was suggested today/ ordered by the singer and to be fair to him he makes very few demands so he gets what he wants, plus he's an incredible singer. So that's making me get my finger out and set up my side project. So, tips on finding a keyboardist, please? I'm thinking I should be asking for YouTube and sound cloud clips of them playing live with a band, not in their bedroom, as a minimum. I then need to find a drummist too. Which sites to advertise for muso's have the least fantasist weirdos? I've never had much joy with Bandmix or Joinmyband but don't know of any others these days... Thanking you!
  2. My Aria SB I just acquired is the same sort of nicotine yellow when it was originally Pearl white. I really can't be bothered refinishing it, as you say it does nothing for the quality of the bass and will cost stupid money. Glad you've got the bass of your dreams, I think it looks stunning and should sound the nuts.
  3. Ah a skillset that takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master! I remember coming back to my desk two hrs after leaving for a "quick lunch" stinking of bitter and smoke and with a tesco meal deal in a carrier bag... Then trying not to fall asleep at my desk. Should have topped off those four pints with a double vodka red bull, as a seasoned Pro would have to power through the afternoon. Other vital skills such as staring out the window with a pen in your mouth (looks deep in thought, not trying to remember the words to ABC album tracks), and getting the photocopier to punt out blank sheets of warm paper, when someone comes and sees they're blank you have to comment "f#cking IT, eh?" so you can both maintain the pretence.
  4. That one keeps coming up I think. Personally, because Yamahas aren't really on the major retailers for lefties, I have no idea if this is a good deal or not. I don't know the model numbers, what they sell for new, etc. So it could be 40% of the original price or 10% over, I just wouldn't know. And though I know it will be excellent build quality there is nothing about it that makes me want it. Still, could be a bargain and the right instrument for someone.
  5. Love it!!! Not my usual sort of music but excellent bass sound and love the simplicity of it only being a few instruments and vocals, Nobody over playing, just a really well crafted song! Very enjoyable, well done!
  6. I had the Hohner B2A with 2 band active EMGs. Sounded great in passive mode and I used Pyramid strings I think from Thomann which really helped get a great tone from it. Loved the look and feel of it though you do think you're two frets away from where you really are! I just couldn't get on with the string spacing sadly. Still, it had a few good outings!
  7. Serious question. Is a Chesney Hawkes tribute band able to sing "I am the one and only" or would that cause the universe to implode?
  8. Saw Nikki Sixx doing this on the last Sixx AM tour. The big draw was that he wraps a unique pattern of tape around each bass... Nonsense. Then again, at his age he must be just trying to fill the bank account as much as possible before the career ends. While I do think its tacky and I wouldn't do it, even if right handed and with enough cash to spare and a want for a bass used by a high profile player, someone obviously does buy this stuff. I think Dave Ellefson does it too. If nobody ever bought this stuff it wouldn't be offered for sale! It's not the same as a charity auction for a high profile player's much loved instrument used over a period of years on famous albums and tours. That is where I can really see the cash being stumped up and everyone feeling differently about it. But a bass you can buy for a few hundred quid used on just one song in an end of career cash-in tour? Not the same thing.
  9. I play a stingray through Ashdown, love the sound. Not an older line 6 amp fan myself but as others have said you're getting a lot for your money with it.
  10. I looked at buying a bass with the lowest 7 frets in but couldn't quite get my head around it. If you want the clank then maybe a slap bar at the end of the neck is the way forward? By that I mean a small metal strip less pronounced than a fret around where the 24th fret would be so you can still slap a clank out if you need to, or equally not when you don't want to.
  11. Has anyone used or got one of these? What are your thoughts? It looks interesting for practice and recording, not that I do much if any of either!! But I'm willing to be tempted.
  12. Probably why mine's pretending he's never heard of it!! 😂
  13. They're good lads really. And nobody else would have me!
  14. Same here! I get "what? Never heard of it." which is a shame as its a damn good song.
  15. I was thinking about getting myself an 8 string the other day... Would love to hear this in a band context once you've got it recorded!
  16. Sounds like you know and love the head you have, so I'd keep that if I were you and wait for a second hand cab to come up that suits your needs. I used to chop and change amps a lot until I settled on something easy to use that does everything I need plus more. There's "better" gear out there but the hassle of trading amps, having people who stink of BO thrash an amp in the living room of your flat (true story) then ask for a tenner off or whatever... Its just not worth it. Keep the gear you know and trust and spend your time and money on gambling and women.
  17. Thank you, I have heard before there's someone in Finland who makes them?! Either way, with a single string fitted on a dodgy upside down nut it made some sound, I'm thinking a review of the electronics should be done by a professional when I get the neck checked out. However, if I need to replace it I'll be straight back in touch!
  18. Playing it through a trace helps! Classic combination
  19. There's loads of ways to do it. Back when all this were fields as far as you can see I just had a Cassette mix tape if all the songs I was learning playing on my stereo while I played my bass through an amp. Some of the older tech like the CD bass trainers can be quite cheap on ebay. I find just connecting my phone to an aux in, or more recently using a Blackstar BEAM to Bluetooth my music too and use as my amp works fine.
  20. Wilkinson bridges are decent, I put one on an MIM Jazz and it improved things. I'm a bit kack handed with the DIY stuff also but I found replacing bridge, tuners and even pickups relatively straightforward. Best of luck with the project!
  21. Someone on a Japanese guitars Facebook page has pointed me to reproguitarparts.com who do a pair of the knobs for 7.50 dollars, so that could be that sorted, though if anyone UK based answers my wanted ad then I'll go for that. Also just unscrewed the pickup because it seemed quite low at the bass string side... It doesn't move. Might be stuck to the foam beneath it, made a bit of a creaky crackly noise when wiggled...
  22. Wish I got 400 for the one I sold many years back! Good amp but 99 is a realistic price, no more.
  23. My thinking also. I'm not sinking cash until I know its a go-er. I think there's a few things I want a professional opinion on: state of the neck, is it cracked and needing repair and if so how much? Will the neck straighten? Frets, are they salvageable? If not this may go Fretless, the board itself is in OK condition as are the inlays. Electronics, what's going on? May replace the guts but want like for like ideally, and hopefully the pickup itself is OK.
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