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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. I have to say that is LIVE meaning a live performance, not LIVE meaning the opposite of Die. I don't like his music but I don't wish him dead. Just in case, your honour.
  2. Is it just me or whenever "just haven't met you yet" comes on the radio it sounds like a studio autotune is working really hard? It's like hearing a dull ITV watered down robot singing for Now That's What I Call Mother's Day. The guy can sing (despite my auto tune comment, there's far worse out there for sure) , and isn't too offensive, but I wouldn't mind if he retired and lived as a recluse with zero public profile for eternity. Would hate to see him live.
  3. Me too!!! I was very excited about seeing them and the day before I'd fallen asleep with a huge hangover and from being out in the torrential rain without a jacket (thanks security for moving people out from under any shelter on the rationale "I have to stand in it so you do too!") and missed nearly all of Rammstein. My mates and I didn't stay for much of Sabbath, musically it was fine but Ozzy just seemed completely disconnected from the band and almost incoherent. I also left Red Hot Chilli's early at Knebworth in 2012. Similar situation, shitty weather, singer not connected with the band, Josh on guitar just wasn't right (sorry Josh) and Flea trying to gee the crowd up just came across a bit sad in the context. I bought the Mp3 album of the gig and the vocals were fine on that, so what I thought was Anthony maybe being ill may have just been a bad day in the office for the sound man. Overall just a really disappointing experience for seeing a band I loved. Still, Dizzee Rascal as support really knows how to handle a rock crowd.
  4. I read some wise words on here a long time ago that stayed with me, something along the lines of it being OK to sell stuff that was a production model (E.g. My MIJ 1970 reissue P bass in left handed which wasn't getting as much playtime as it deserved) because they come back around every now and then, though values may change. I've recently ditched all my bass and guitar multi effects and bought a Helix Stomp. So naturally I'm waiting on an expression pedal and thinking about maybe adding a bass Wah, because the stomp doesn't have a model of a bass specific Wah, and also a pedal board and case type thing to protect my new shiny toy. I've also been looking at amps though goodness knows why. I've got an Ashdown rig that has handled every gig I've done for a few years now and though there is "better" kit out there this just does its job admirably, and now the Helix is a great backup. I do fancy a 5 string fretted bass though. However... I'm in the midst of a self assembly bitsa and that will take me up to 6 basses. It's too many and I need to downsize on gear before I acquire more, just need to be sensible about what to ditch. I can't see my 1984 Aria SB getting much play unless my 80s covers band takes off and even then my Stingray is a more practical tool for the job. I've got 2 fretless basses but one has sentimental value and the other doesn't but is a joy to play, I have a gorgeous CIJ 75 reissue jazz and while I'd prefer a rosewood board this jazz just looks the absolute business. I don't have a P bass though and I feel I'm missing something. A Sire P7 5er might be a solution to 2 problems, and a fretless neck for my Bitsa. That could justify getting rid of 2 basses for only 1 incoming.
  5. I had the old Bronco 40 for a while and thought it was excellent, so this updated version will be a lot for your money. The amp simulators were great, and there was one in particular that I loved. Can't remember the name, maybe redhead or something, but it was an SWR simulation, really good clean modern hifi sounding amp. Also, the software was pretty good how you could move pedals around, so again the updated version must be a lot of fun! Enjoy exploring it, you've got a great piece of kit there.
  6. I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when I met you... Seems so far fetched these days! What's a waitress? What's a cocktail bar? What's "meeting" someone?!
  7. That is awesome!!! Trying to do a lefty similar to this via self-assembly, but the supplier didn't send me a black neck. Gutted, but just means I need to buy a status neck now, surely?!
  8. uk_lefty

    Sire M5

    I've been looking at the lefty 5 string version. Does look like a lot of bass for the money!
  9. uk_lefty

    Boss SYB-5

    I had one and could never get those kind of sounds out of it, it just seem far too extreme no matter what I did with it. I'm thinking that combining octave, envelope filter and fuzz, sometimes chorus or tremelo, on a good multi effect is the best way to get a use able synth tone.
  10. One of the first records I ever bought. Think I was 4 years old and it was 99p in Our Price records. The 45 is probably still at my mums.
  11. They are rare, some come up for sale in the US at well over a grand... Though whether they actually sell for that who knows. They often have the headstock logo missing so there's a hole in the head, that and the perspex covers for the bridge/ pickups. I did a bit of research in to these because they served left handers well, they're double P, the name Hayman means a lot to me, and there was one for sale on Denmark Street a few years back for 5 or 600 in a shop that closed down before I could go and check it out, sadly. Would love to get hold of a Hayman guitar at some point.
  12. Yes, I bought a Fender spec neck from China (ebay seller is Jinwan) and the fit is nice and snug. The only thing I didn't do with the body was think through the number of holes, I'm having to use stacked pots and drill out for a switch where really I could have done with having at least one more hole. There's a rear route with the wooden control cover too. It's really good value, IMO.
  13. It's the first time I've ever bought this kind of thing. I'm pretty happy with it, lovely piece of wood. I had to widen out the P pup rout but not the J. I've been told that my pups have big ears so it's not the bass builders fault. For £155 UK made I thought it was a better deal than more than double that for a Fender part or cast off. I don't know of Brandoni do additional routing but have heard they're good too and also UK based. Here's a photo of the one I have, not yet applied any kind of finish, ignore the masking tape...
  14. Not a technical observation but the neck just looks sh!t. It's not a Fender, not even a Squier.
  15. I've been listening to Lita Ford's solo stuff from the Lita album. She's not the greatest singer, it all seems a bit cheesy now, and there's some pretty poor songs on the album, but: Back to the Cave, Kiss me Deadly, Falling in and out of love (I think Nikki Sixx Co wrote this? Not sure), and Close my Eyes Forever the duet with Ozzy... They're some cracking songs. My Mrs and I watched the film about the Runaways quite a while back and I was surprised how little Lita was in it, barely any dialogue, just someone angry with the main protagonists Joan Jett and Cherry every now and then. I knew of Lita Ford mainly through seeing a duet she had done with Lzzy Hale of Close my eyes forever. I went and got hold of the Lita album and am glad I did. No idea if any of it would "work" in an 80s covers band where you want the audience singing along to every song, don't know how big she was over here in the 80s?
  16. Try Guitarandbassbuilds.com if you want a body made, I got a lefty PJ rear routed Ash body for a very good price, custom made. There was a bit of a wait for mine but yours may be easier, being the correct way up and all.
  17. Damn, seen this just as I've finished filing out the routs for the ears! Oh well, I've heard theyre good pups so hopefully they aren't going to be changed out too soon! Neckwise I do really fancy a right handed neck upside down. Got my eye on a Squier neck and some fender ones so will hang fire on the Jinwan neck in case I can snap up something else suitable in the meantime. Suppose I'd best stain the wood then...
  18. So, it's a minefield out there. I phoned Andertons and they recommended the Nektar pedal at 20 quid. Got one on reserve for when they're in stock. So if anyone else is in the same boat, that's the one to try on a budget
  19. My LX 4 string from years back is a bass I regret selling. I didn't know at the time how to get the best out of it, wish I still had it
  20. You could weigh your bass and get someone with a similar bass but the original tuners to weigh theirs, subtract the difference...?
  21. I've probably had a bit more noodling time. I have a covers band with a huge set list and started up an 80s band. I haven't practiced much specifically for either but have just tried to get back the enjoyment and every now and then look at songs or pieces I've always wanted to learn. I've also had my first and only ever bass lesson which was a good inspiration and took me back to basics and gave me a good kick up the bum for how I approach stuff. I generally think I've improved some aspects of my playing but don't know what it's going o be like for the first few rehearsals back with either band.
  22. Looking for a recommendation on strings for a fretless 5er. It's currently wearing EB Chrome flats. I want the roundwound on fretless sound that I get from my fretless Warwick Corvette, that really bright, mwahh filled sound. My fretless 5er had the chrome's on before an electronics upgrade and now I feel it deserves the roundwound treatment. Ideally I don't want it to eat the fretboard but aware its a risk and I'm happy with that. I like quite a light string for this bass. Had both steel and nickel rounds on it before. The bass will be used for all manner of 80s covers. And also, it's a bit of an experiment to see if I can live without the Warwick fretless. Thanks in advance!
  23. I think in 20 years' time it will be one of those things... My kids will be looking through ebay asking me "Dad, this says it's a Covid era law-suit Amazon Essentials copy of a Sire P10 but it doesn't have a roasted neck, is it a fake?" I also think I heard Marcus Miller say that they sound more like a rosewood board, or someone else talking about Sire. Maybe it was a way to produce a dark and softer sounding neck when we all thought rosewood was being outlawed?
  24. Looks like a good price to me
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