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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='974373' date='Oct 1 2010, 05:48 PM']Tickets are now on sale. Just go to [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/zon-basses1/michael-manring-zon-clinic-21-october-2010-ticket/"]The Zon Bass page on bassgear.co.uk[/url] [list] [*]Venue: Swallow St George Hotel in central Harrogate (handy for trains and buses too) [*]There's hotel parking and near by street parking [*]Mingling starts at 7pm (cash bar) [*]Performance starts 8pm [*]Subject to audience numbers, seating will be 'cabaret' style (i.e. at tables) [*]Tickets in advance at £10 BUT see special deal below [/list] £10 per ticket in advance or £15 on the door ...if it isn't sold out. [size=4][b]Deal[/b][/size] If you are a subscriber to Bass Gear's e-newsletter then email [email protected] using the email address you used to subscribe with and put ZON in the subject field. You will (within 24 hours) be sent the redemption code that gets you 50% off at the checkout. This applies to multiple tickets purchased online. Don't tell the touts [b]Students[/b] If you are studying an instrument/music at school or college then email [email protected] and let us know where/what you are studying and we'll hopefully get you on the Student List for free entry, though this is subject to availability. Please use this free offer responsibly as it's meant to benefit the unwaged music-learning student and there will only be so many such seats available.[/quote] Just wanted to doubly make clear that once added to the newsletter subscription, you then need to email me with ZON in the subject field so I can send you the redemption code! Ta, Phil
  2. Thought I'd see if a fellow Basschat member wanted this before I 'bay'd it. It's in nice condition except for one significant ding on the front - above the pups which I've tried to capture in the bottom picture. £140 picked up. Will post for £20. Sorry, no case.
  3. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='988022' date='Oct 14 2010, 01:29 PM']Phil, I tried subscribing to the newsletter a couple of days ago but have had no confirming email. Should I try again with a different browser? Or should I just PM you my home email address? Jon[/quote] Can you PM me the email address you used for the newsletter subs please Jon so I can see if it registered? Thanks, Phil
  4. A week to go. Tickets are selling steadily and there's already enough coming to make a decent audience, but there's room for more without getting crowded. Don't forget the Basschat discount deal, plus the free Student List (see post #38) It should be an inspiring evening and not one that comes around to often. Phil
  5. [quote name='funkyspuke' post='984551' date='Oct 11 2010, 04:18 PM']I was with ChrisDaBass trying out the Alleva's & Fodera's .. we were the giddy two who couldn't stop drooling over that Fodera NYC in red! haha[/quote] It was great to meet you and all the other BC folk ...and for those who weren't there ...here is that Lady In Red
  6. Do mention your avatar name when coming up to the Bass Gear stand ...I always like clocking fellow BC'ers. I'm being helped out on the stand by the very kind Yorks5stringer and Molan. See you there! Phil
  7. I know I may be accused of saying this anyway (if not thread hijacking ) but yesterday I stuck "Michael Manring" in to the Last.FM radio thing and I've been astounded by the rich vein of bass guru recordings. Being instrumental, I can recommend it for having on in the background whilst 'working'.
  8. Good to see the discount deal mechanism is working (see post #38).
  9. Yes, I'm pleased to see you're coming Dave. Thanks also to the other BC'ers who have decided to come too.
  10. Tickets are now on sale. Just go to [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/zon-basses1/michael-manring-zon-clinic-21-october-2010-ticket/"]The Zon Bass page on bassgear.co.uk[/url] [list] [*]Venue: Swallow St George Hotel in central Harrogate (handy for trains and buses too) [*]There's hotel parking and near by street parking [*]Mingling starts at 7pm (cash bar) [*]Performance starts 8pm [*]Subject to audience numbers, seating will be 'cabaret' style (i.e. at tables) [*]Tickets in advance at £10 BUT see special deal below [/list] £10 per ticket in advance or £15 on the door ...if it isn't sold out. [size=4][b]Deal[/b][/size] If you are a subscriber to Bass Gear's e-newsletter then email [email protected] using the email address you used to subscribe with and put ZON in the subject field. You will (within 24 hours) be sent the redemption code that gets you 50% off at the checkout. This applies to multiple tickets purchased online. Don't tell the touts [b]Students[/b] If you are studying an instrument/music at school or college then email [email protected] and let us know where/what you are studying and we'll hopefully get you on the Student List for free entry, though this is subject to availability. Please use this free offer responsibly as it's meant to benefit the unwaged music-learning student and there will only be so many such seats available.
  11. Just to say that I have just come back from the venue which is now sorted. Later today, I'll sort out the online ticket purchasing, but here's what is known right now: [list] [*]Venue: [url="http://www.coastandcountryhotels.com/England/Yorkshire/hotels/The-St-George-Hotel"]Swallow St George Hotel[/url], Harrogate [*]There's hotel parking [*]Mingling starts at 7pm (cash bar) [*]Performance starts 8pm [*]Tickets in advance at £10 BUT subscribers to the Bass Gear's (free) e-newsletter will get a 50% discount. [*]A limited number of free tickets will be available to students on a full-time bona fide music course [/list] There's a batch of Zon Basses in California right now being boxed up to come over and be on display at the event. Hell, you can even buy them! Better still, Joe Zon is going to be attending too Hope you can make it, as I truly think it will be worth it. Phil
  12. One of the most readable threads on Basschat for ages. Got a horrible feeling it's got some stories still to be added.
  13. Have let the fingers do the walking today. The result is a short list of at least four candidate venues ...all hotels in central Harrogate. I'll be checking each out tomorrow, so all being well I'll have made the booking and have posted the details here by early evening tomorrow (Thursday). Thanks, Phil
  14. [quote name='owen' post='970192' date='Sep 27 2010, 11:15 PM']There is a US J5 from the same year on here (http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=97782) but the machines are too small for the holes. I have tried some Gotohs and they just get lost. I have a set of bog standard Fender-esque Schallers but the backplate is too big. There seem to be 3 holes for these, two towards the tip of the headstock and one towards the nut. I REALLY don't care about authenticity, but wondered if anyone could shine a light on what might fit there? I can do pics if it helps.[/quote] Just checked the afore mentioned J5 pics and also my '96 US Jazz which is also for sale. They both have the same kind of Gotoh tuners, so I guess these would be the natural choice if you can get them.
  15. The event date has now been revised, due to the way the rest of the artists' commitments have panned out. This will now happen on [b]Thursday 21st October[/b]. The date change has meant a need to change venue too, so as soon as that has been sorted I'll update you. Thanks, Phil
  16. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='970663' date='Sep 28 2010, 01:57 PM']Any further/definite details on this event yet? I'm well-keen, but I need to plan in advance cos I'll be driving down and back up on the night. :wacko:[/quote] Sorry. I'm waiting too! There was some discussion from the artists about fine tuning the date. I'll chase and get back as soon as I hear. Phil
  17. I'm in valve heaven with this Denis Cornell all tube head.
  18. I bought this Fender American Standard Jazz 5 after seeing what a nice sound that Zsa Zsa got with his in the Hamsters. It feels old and worn in and looks it too. The body has a fair few dings (not by me!) but then it has probably done a fair few gigs since it was made 14 years a go. Of all the Jazz basses I've had, this has the most honkiest sound. Personally, I love the sound of the neck pup on its own when played with gusto ...more like a Precision sound. The neck is great, with no issues. The whole instrument was given a set up recently by the guy who does them for Bass Gear. It's a through-body strung job and has Fender wirewounds on which I think suit it just right. I have modified it by getting a black scratchplate made for me in the States and by fitting a black control panel and new knobs. I still have the white scratchplate and chrome control panel if the buyer prefers. I'll sling in a basic hard case too. It has a gold Fender 50th Anniversary sticker on the back of the headstock, which of course doubles its value Since I got my Shuker P5 recently, this bass is not getting a look in. I don't mind if it doesn't sell, as it makes a nice passive spare to bring to gigs. It's up at £650 on www.bassgear.co.uk but I'd listen to offers. Please, no trades! I can post for £20 or you can collect it from Harrogate. Any questions, please ask. Thanks, Phil
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' post='961241' date='Sep 19 2010, 03:20 PM']Why Harrogate?[/quote] The guys are flying in to do the Manson's show, + something in London and our event only. Bass Gear are hosting the event as we are a Zon dealer and are based in Harrogate. It could be anywhere in the north really but Harrogate is only 15 miles north of Leeds and is within about 90 minutes or so drive from the Manchester, Mersey, Sheffield and Tyne conurbations. Being on 'my patch' means I have a better acquaintance of local facilities, that's all. Next time, we'll see about doing it in your back garden
  20. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='959613' date='Sep 17 2010, 04:17 PM']If this does take place can you be sure to have a good tuner available for Mr. Manring - he seems to have difficulty in this aspect whilst performing. [/quote]
  21. Bass Gear is organising (along with Zon Guitars) an evening of sublime sonic bass beauty that will feature [url="http://michael-manring.com/"]Michael Manring[/url] and [url="http://www.myspace.com/alexanderbershadsky"]Alex Bershadsky[/url]. Details are being sorted, but it is most likely to be held in Harrogate on the evening of 19th October. I think there will be a nominal ticket price involved but we're trying to keep this genuinely low. I was torn between waiting for more details to be known before posting this or just getting the date out quick, so interested folk can get it in their diaries. So, you can see which thought I went with! Now, I've got an intimate venue in mind but it would be really good if you could do the poll thing so I can always change venues to suit numbers. It won't commit you. NB: These things don't crop up too often, especially up north, so I hope we can have a good turn out as it could encourage more such events. Thanks, Phil
  22. A certain luthier, who should know (guess who), told me about JJB's EQ.."treble and bass full on, no mids"
  23. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='952996' date='Sep 11 2010, 06:41 PM']I'd snap this up if you were nearer - let me know if you happen to be venturing anywhere near the M25 anytime soon![/quote] ...or Yorkshire. Paul makes a great bass.
  24. [quote name='dood' post='951340' date='Sep 10 2010, 12:23 AM']What's the name of that 'law' that suggests the perceived desirability of a commodity goes up as it's price does?[/quote] I think you are thinking of the Giffen Good paradox. One of the few things I remember from doing A Level Economics. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giffen_good"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giffen_good[/url]
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