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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. [quote name='Gust0o' post='617483' date='Oct 5 2009, 02:46 PM']According to the above it's the patent number, not the serial - as they only began using that in 1990, which would understandably, not allow for an 87. I don't know [/quote] Which puts it at pre 1990 then. I know the vendor to me had it for 10 years and he wasn't the original owner. Other than that, I'm in the dark. Putting some new'ish strings on now, and ordered the Servisol to attack the pots.
  2. If you're trying to get a market price feel for comparing elsewhere, I can give you the heads-up for Harrogate. We pay £30 for an evening, for a fully equipped room. That's EVERYTHING except the instruments (includes drums though) . There's at least four places we can hire at that price in a three mile radius.
  3. Tuned up, plugged in, EMG's sounding nice, but pots need a clean. On the age front, I'm a bit confused. Modulus say: [i]The first two digits of all Modulus serial numbers indicate the year the instrument was manufactured. For example, a bass with serial # 930111 was built in 1993, and a bass with serial # 020343 was built in 2002. Modulus began using serial numbers in 1990, so all basses before that time bear only the Modulus patent number.[/i] My serial starts with an 87 ...so is it an 87?
  4. I was trying to keep the box for another day, so it took ages to open. Inside it was a hard case. Inside that was a wrapped up mummy. Once the wrappings were removed, I found this ... (waits to quickly upload a photo0
  5. Sorry, this is taking longer than I thought. If I ever buy shares, I'm going to look up whoever makes Gaffa.
  6. I can't believe I've not opened it yet, whilst choosing to post this snap instead. Give me 5 mins, and al will be revealed. I hope I'm not going to be disappointed.
  7. Hang on, UPS have just pulled up outside...
  8. (in hushed tones) It's my day off. I am about to achieve a quest. A delivery is due any moment. I've lusted for one of these, and posted on Basschat to see if anyone has one I can try (to no avail). They don't come up for sale in the UK very often. I can't afford it, but an ancient eBay search popped up and I had to act. I have a notice sellotaped on the front door "I'm in, so knock hard", I daren't go to the loo, no music playing, porch door open to aid hearing knock at the door.
  9. A clarification, which I hope aids your sale: I was the first owner of this gorgeous bass. When Crazykiwi got it from me, he changed the pre-amp. Do you know if it now has the Tonepump restored, and if not, what it has inside now?
  10. As mentioned on the S.E. Bass Bash thread ...if anyone's going from Yorkshire, could I give you my MPG Level 6 to take down? Various folk in the south have expressed interest in it if it wasn't so far away. I can deliver to you.
  11. Anyone going from Yorkshire? If so, could I give you my MPG Level 6 to take down with a big FOR SALE sign on it? Various folk in the south have expressed interest in it if it wasn't so far away. I can deliver to you.
  12. Niche idea suggestion for a guitar cab, Alex... Build a combo-sized cab that incorporates an out of sight class D power amp. Then have a cut-out section of the cab for slotting in a L6 POD. You wouldn't be the first to do it, but you'd be the only European manufacturer.
  13. +1 for Indie ...well worth the money.
  14. If there's a chance, I'd like to play pass the parcel with a Big One. Am in Harrogate, but visiting family in Swinton tomorrow afternoon, if that's any use.
  15. I can trade my sexy sixer!
  16. Is there anything in my humble list below, that you'd be interested in trading on?
  17. +1 for D'addario nickels. They feel soft, which I appreciate when using fingers instead of a pick. Also, they are'nt expensive and I like the lack of textile winding so that fraying doesn't make the bass look tatty. And the different coloured ball ends are a nice touch too!
  18. [quote name='BassBunny' post='609731' date='Sep 27 2009, 12:22 AM']Phil, Confused. According to the e-Bay posting it was sold.[/quote] The buyer has retracted.
  19. And now it's off the Bay and still looking for a discerning new owner.
  20. The studio I have been a couple of times recently has this old Ampeg amp in it. On the front it says V 68 240 watts R.M.S. My googling efforts haven't been fruitful, so to satisfy my curiosity I wondered if anyone here could enlighten me?
  21. [quote name='markl' post='604651' date='Sep 21 2009, 03:39 PM']No worries on thread hi-jack all here to help each other. This might help on your Q-Tron problem though [url="http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/electro-harmonix-24dc-100-520-p.asp"]Effect Power Supplies[/url][/quote] That's a good link, cheers. However, I have a couple of 9v pedals plus a Line6 tremelo pedal, so I'd quite like to feed 'em all.
  22. [quote name='alexharvay' post='604577' date='Sep 21 2009, 02:30 PM']Again, I will recomend the [url="http://www.diago.co.uk/pedal-power/pedal-power/overview.html"]Diago[/url] (like many other, I'm very satisfied with it). Check out their [url="http://www.diago.co.uk/powerstation_compatibility.html"]compatability table here[/url] to see what all their different adaptors will and won't power. An expensive option I know but I'm glad I went for it.[/quote] It's a neat compatability table but it rules me out for the Diago...I have an Electro Harmonix Q-Tron, and I can't find my chuffing mains lead for it! Sorry, don't mean to hijack your thread, markl. It just might be we are in the same boat.
  23. Eamon, I can't reply via eBay because I already had responded ...to your question about shipping to Kildare, so I hope you see this! It's looking like £30. Cheers, Phil
  24. [quote name='Bassassin' post='602501' date='Sep 18 2009, 08:15 PM']These are mid/late 70s - later Columbus copies (branded Series 2 &3) are Korean-made. Not 100% sure but the MIJs look like they came from the same Rokkomann factory that built Maya & El Maya. Considering how common Columbuses were, there's not very much info about them. I s'pose with the ashtrays if they look consistent with the age & wear of the rest of the bass then they're probably the ones it came with. J.[/quote] Thanks Captain. I'm playing it right now, and it feels like it has just been brought home from the shop, brand new. The only I.D. on it on the outside, apart from the headstock logo is the neck plate that simply says "Made in Japan".
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