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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. [quote name='XB26354' post='564446' date='Aug 9 2009, 08:49 PM']Sure! Briefly, I've been searching for a fat-sounding bass with a bottom B. I've tried many basses but there has always been some kind of compromise - the bottom sounds great but the top end is too thin. I've been through most makes. The p-bass is totally passive and the pickup is not close to the bridge, with the result that the whole thing has got a rich, fat tone. The B-string also sounds just like the other 4-strings (a first for me with Fender!). Anyway, back on topic, I'd only consider trades for a decent 6-string (ie not Ibanez, Yamaha, ESP etc.).[/quote] Cool. I'd like to try one of these new P Vs. Meanwhile, I do have a top-end 6-string if you're interested! Sale thread link in my sig.
  2. Could you tell us more about you epiphany? Maybe on a review thread?
  3. I've not been bumping this lately because I'm not in a hurry to sell. However, I'm having a GAS craving for a 5 string Modulus!
  4. [quote name='dood' post='563876' date='Aug 8 2009, 11:26 PM']Nice one B2BM, reviews are always welcomed! I'm going to move this thread to the reviews section...[/quote] Sound, Dood. Alex, you are technically spot on, about disconnecting the speakers. This mere (and perhaps lazy) mortal would rather just plug in the headphones, either at home or whilst configuring EQ before a gig, without having to remove two speaker connections, as well. However, it's not a deal breaker and there's far more things to worry about in life
  5. yeah, the lighting does suggest a new fretboard! All I've done with the fretboard is to give it a Dunlop clean. I'd love it to get darker, but there it is. This particular bass oozes character, and it feels like putting on an old slipper. I can't believe the funky sounds I'm getting from this pasive plank. It has grabbed my heart, and all other basses in my modest harem look upon dejected and rejected. Guess it's that 'individual instrument can have the mojo' thang, as opposed to it being worthy simply by brand and model.
  6. I've had my 6.0 since June 2008. I happen to think it is still the best head I've ever had. This thread is intended to be informative to future Shuttlers, including a 'warts 'n all' about any shortcomings. If you are/were a Shuttle user, please add your thoughts. Here's mine... [b]Pros[/b] [list] [*]Louder than a Vulcan bomber [*]Great range of tone [*]Stupidly small and light [*]Useful functions, such as the mute, effects send, tuner [*]Actually works as a studio pre-amp [/list] [b]Cons[/b] [list] [*]Tiny feet, meaning it doesn't sit well on top of cabs with strap handles + this can't help cooling [*]Noisy fan [*]Headphones socket doesn't cancel speaker output [/list] Apart from these criticisms, I'm still amazed by these little amps, as are the rest of my band.
  7. Modified your bass? Let's see the [i]before [/i]and [i]after [/i]pics. Nothing in between ...just how it was and how it became. I'll start the ball rolling with the well road worn 1996 American standard V that I bought recently, which I then changed the control panel, knobs and scratchplate...
  8. This was bought from Turnkey 22/3/2007 for £247.65. I've used it for recording two conferences and a bit of home bass recording. Comes complete with all original box, manuals, CDs and USB lead. Excellent condition. Suitable for Windws XP. Edit: I've just got the packaging out, only to find stuff I didn't know was there (doh!). This includes MAC OS X V10.4 Pro Tools install disk, plus a sealed Ignition pack of goodies (see label below). Looking for £150 + postage. FWIW I'll be in London next week and Devon the next, in case of personal delivery/pick up.
  9. [quote name='benzies123' post='562291' date='Aug 6 2009, 09:44 PM']Have you had a defret job done yourself in the past? I don't think i'd get flats if I did defret, I had a go with some on a fretless before and it really wasn't my bag.[/quote] Yes, just a couple of weeks a go. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=56446&hl="]See this thread[/url]
  10. [quote name='benzies123' post='560494' date='Aug 4 2009, 06:27 PM']I am considering it, it depends whether I come by money or this bass sells. Do you by any chance know how much a defret job would cost me? Thanks[/quote] It depends on the bass, the luthier etc. I've seen quotes range from £80 to £125 for a professional defret. Remember, you are effectively getting a significant set-up within the price. This could involve filing the nut, shimmying, fretboard treatment etc. I think your Hudson is crying out for a defret, and you'll not regret it. But put flats on when you do!
  11. It's a Triumph! Well, a Norton at least. Great job and tons of graft, no doubt. Are you going to become Yorks4stringer now?
  12. Here's a pic of it before the operation. I had thought about a defret before, but one of the winning characteristics of this Indie was its lack of subtlety. It is near 11 pounds in weight, with most of it being the ash body. It felt like playing a precision ...wide string spacing, chunky frets, good full sound. So I couldn't see it becoming a fretless. And then one day I thought it could work, and before I knew it, it was with Jim who turned the job round in 24 hours. And I was amazed ...kind of like a sex change! I've just come back from playing a semi-acoustic gig with it tonight, and it felt beautiful. The Status flats, now installed, were just gorgeous to play.
  13. Jim Fleeting recently did a defret for me. I'm as pleased as punch with the result. Converting my existing (and effectively usurped and no longer needed) Indie 6, has saved me shed loads in buying a good six string fretless. Jim used this job in his blog, entitled... [url="http://luthiery.co.uk/2009/07/26/six-string-bass-defret/"]How I Defret a Six String Bass[/url]
  14. I reckon a defret on that could work a treat ...all your needs met!
  15. Yep, you should check out the Ibanez SR500. I've a SR505 and that seems slimmer than a typical 4-string neck.
  16. Jim has existing designs for EA basses, both modern and traditional, though as far as I know he hasn't built one yet. He does build acoustic guitars, and is a bassist himself, so I'm sure he'd deliver what you want and to your exact design requirements. If I was in your shoes, I'd draw up a spec, with some sketches or images of existing instruments that you want to use for design cues, then send this to three luthiers. One of them, at least, is likely to be on your wavelength.
  17. Funnily enough, i was talking to Jim Fleeting about building an electro-acoustic 5-string yesterday. Try him.
  18. A decent five string electro-acoustic bass guitar (if such a thing exists)
  19. Does it come stringed with Bootzillas?
  20. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='549320' date='Jul 23 2009, 07:31 PM']We're bringing along a sax player too (basically cos we thought we may be drummerless, but now sorted). Will be our penultimate gig with Rebecca [i]who is leaving us because she has been asked to donate her vocal chords to Madonna as all those ciggies have taken their toll. Whilst Rebecca will be speechless for the rest of her life, Madonna is giving her the previously adopted child as a new one has just been brought in.....[/i] NB All text in italics is totally untrue.[/quote] Hope it goes well Keef. I'm doing the Wedding Anniversary thang, so can't make it. We used to play there years ago ...and you really do play through a hole in the wall! Hebden Bridge, I like it...the land that time forgot Ironically our next gig (Chainsaw) is at a pub in Pateley Bridge, run by the landlady that used to have us at her previous pub ...The Hole in the Wall, Hebden Bridge.
  21. Seems not a bad deal. I used to have the four string version of this.
  22. T'is time, me thinks, to share my recently acquired Japcrap porn...
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='544606' date='Jul 19 2009, 11:57 AM']I have that book, if you want to borrow it let me know and I'll send it up.[/quote] Very kind of you to offer ..but I'd like to buy 'n keep. Thanks to all suggestions, it has really helped. I looked at a few bookshops today, just to have a flick. Nothing to be found, though I came across a whole hardback book [i]just [/i]on David Gilmour's black Strat!
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