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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. A question for you pedal experts... I've got a Dunlop DC10 power brick and want to power seven 9v pedals from it. Sadly, I've lost the cables and need to order. Should I buy seven separate cables, or can a single daisy chain lead work from just one of its outputs? https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.audiofanzine.com%2Fac-pedal-adapters%2Fdunlop%2Fdc10-dc-brick%2Fuser_reviews%2F&psig=AOvVaw3BdX8P_FD4oup2bzf3YqYY&ust=1588188509674000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNDa8u_ui-kCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  2. I was thinking about this to buy but today I remembered my SansAmp BDDI has templates in the manual for simulating classic amps. I dialled in their suggested "Bassman Style" and it sounds so good that I'll pass on the Joyo now, though I'm sure it's pretty cool too.
  3. Only tested at home. Great on fretless bass and lush on guitar. However, I've got duplication and am after an Acoustic Simulator stomp, so this has to fund it.
  4. Just the sort of advice that I was after. Thanks!
  5. I have dragged myself into the 21st century by putting pdfs of song sheets on my Samsung galaxy S2 tablet which is mounted on a stand. I need to follow music sheets playing numbers unfamiliar to me with a new Ceilidh band I've just joined. Is there an app that allows me to sequence the song sheets in order of the set list?
  6. Gigging this Friday with a dep, but still looking for Keith Moon.
  7. It's a blooming long drive between the north and south of Devon!
  8. Trio doing Stevie Ray Vaughan, Hendrix and the like, seek an energetic drummer. We rehearse in Landscove near Totnes.
  9. Oh, I wish I hadn't sold my Moon JJ4. This thread is getting me all melancholy.
  10. Heck, I'm so out of touch. I didn't know there was a new Reidmar that could do 2 ohms. Looks like I'll be selling my 750 to get one, now! Thanks, attackbass
  11. I love my Reidmar 750 but I'm frustrated that it doesn't go to 2 ohm. Has anyone used one as well as having had experience of gigging the TD660? I'm considering switching so I can have the option of adding to the 4 ohm Neoline 212 that I've recently purchased on Basschat. Opinions welcomed
  12. Sold now and on its way to a Basschatter 😎
  13. Well I thought this was a keeper, but I'm now in a new band and I need a 4 ohm single cab (which I have now got) so am having to let this go. Built like a tank but still lift-able out of the boot. I have had it for nearly three years and have loved how it can take a low B and plenty of volume. In the interests of transparency, I bought it after it had a replacement new PJB driver professionally fitted (top left). It is slightly greyer than the rest. The cab comes with a padded cover. It's in VGC. Power rating: 400 Watt Equipped with four 5" PJB Piranha loudspeakers Impedance: 8 Ohm Frequency range: 35 Hz - 15,000 kHz Weight: 18kg I'm in Devon, but will courier.
  14. Only selling because I've now got a Crowdster without a humbucker (as I've no need for it). Do look at YouTube and https://www.andersonguitarworks.com/ 2009 Excellent condition Kao top Straplops Nice strings and well set up Tom Anderson hard case Will ship at cost Try before you buy welcomed
  15. I'm interested but can't see a way to collect, as I live in Devon.
  16. Has Tommy stopped making his cabs then?
  17. Thanks. I've just spotted that it's a 4 ohm cab. I need an 8 ohm to match my 4B.
  18. I've enjoyed owning and performing with A4, A5 A8 and A12, as well as a superb Shifter 5 bass. I have a feeling I might still have another Godin one day
  19. I had one of those. Sold it about two years ago. Godin make damn good instruments.
  20. Cheers, Frank. I'm normally black or white about selling, but this sweet instrument is very grey! Phil
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