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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. What's the link for free online subs please?
  2. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='262766' date='Aug 14 2008, 10:16 PM']There's one on the earlier pages of this thread. I think it's either G77's or OBBM's. Edit:- Yes, it's G-77's. Beautiful green tint to it. Bottom of page 1 [/quote] Thanks. It looks cool. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of a rumoured six string Streamline, but I wonder if a wide neck will be at odds with the slim concept.
  3. Any of you Status owners got a Streamline to show?
  4. Looks like I'll be putting this on "A well known auction website" then.
  5. Pictures as promised. Hope they put you off
  6. Last night, we were auditioning a drummer in the music room of my house. He looked at my guitars and asked if I was a collector. I pointed out that each and every one was very different and there were no duplicates. 1 x 4 string fretted 1 x 4 string fretless 1 x 6 string fretted 1 x 6 string soon to be fretless 1 x electro acoustic fretted 1 x electro acoustic fretless plus a telecaster, electro-acoustic guitar, electro-acoustic spanish, and a mandolin. See. Each a different tool, and only one of each sort. Unfortunately I've got to sell a couple right now, but that's for financial reasons and one day I'll have my tool kit fully stocked again.
  7. [quote name='shark' post='261079' date='Aug 12 2008, 06:52 PM']Just to make sure ... The colour is 'natural' not white or ... Thanks. André[/quote] Yes, it's natural. I'll do some better photos in natural light in the morning, and post them up. Hopefully they will put buyers off and I can sell the kids instead.
  8. Oh, price! Sorry. I'd like £200 + a tenner towards postage.
  9. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='260949' date='Aug 12 2008, 04:06 PM']Sounds wonderful - I'm pleased the cabs did the job for you [/quote] Thanks Alan. You were right. That tweeter doesn't need fixing. The speakers reproduce very high frequencies very nicely on their own.
  10. I'm still 'coming down' from using my new Euro 6 on Sunday night's gig. I thought I'd be too gushing if I wrote anything sooner. The EMGs and pre-amp, matched with this amazing creation of crafted wood, created a totally superb sound. I'd never gigged a six string before, but it was no problem. I used the low B much more than I thought I would and it made me wonder why I hadn't explored decent five-string basses before (I've played only four-string basses for the last 35 years). I used the Shuttle 6.0 and the two 1x12" Bergantino's for the first time and they deserve full credit too. The amp tone controls were set on neutral and the cabs are so transparent, they push out exactly what is put through them. And despite playing with my loud band (Chainsaw), I hardly had to have any volume on. I don't usually get anyone comment after gigs to me, but after this gig I got two seperate guys come up to say how great the bass sounded. Part of my Euphoria has to be caused by the clearance bargain price from Reverb of £499. Warwick, be very afraid!
  11. This is a highly reluctant sale, but I've just bought a new sixer on the understanding with the Mrs that I have to sell somethings to pay for it I bought this new about four years a go and have recently put some new bronze strings on it. Now I know that everyone says their bass they are selling sounds great, but this one really does. It has the usual built in pre-amp with EQ etc. Condition is pretty good. I used it on this demo recording done in the same room at home as this photo was taken. Maybe you'll let me buy it back in years to come when I'm richer and nostalgic?
  12. I've heard tell, that Danny Thompson has two double basses ...one called Victoria and the other, Albert.
  13. [quote name='Wayward-Wanderer' post='250219' date='Jul 29 2008, 09:57 AM']Interested in trades/part trades? Do you have any pictures with the LEDs on?[/quote] Sorry, no trades on this, as I need to pay for the Spector 6 I just bought on a card. I'll try and take a pic of the LEDs though!
  14. What a coincidence. I don't think I've ever given a bass of mine a name before, until last night! I was gigging with my brand new Spector Euro 6 and thinking how incredibly throaty it sounded. Then seconds later, I was thinking how low and deep it went. Then it came to me that I should call it ... yes, you've guessed it, [i]Deep Throat[/i].
  15. I am sharing this info on BC, that is in their email newsletter that I opened this morning, and is not posted on their website. It might be of interest, that's all. [size=3][color="#0000FF"][font="Arial Narrow"]"Late in 2007 Rondo Music started accepting a limited number of custom guitar orders for customers with very specific needs. The number of orders grew very rapidly and our factory was soon overwhelmed and we stopped the program. For a limited time (through Monday August 11th), we will again be accepting custom order quote requests. Only existing Agile and Brice models may be customized, and custom models start at $500. Custom order quotes take significant time and effort, so there is a fee associated with the quote. Click this link to find out more if interested: [url="http://www.formsite.com/rondomusic/customorderform1/index.html"]http://www.formsite.com/rondomusic/customo...orm1/index.html[/url] The program is not listed on the web site and is only available to subscibers.Meanwhile we also have some great deals on some of the SX SST Ash body models:"[/font][/color][/size]
  16. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='257287' date='Aug 7 2008, 03:11 PM']Hello mate - loving the spalted 6. I'd try Axesrus for your knobs - reasonable selection methinks. Hope the Bergies are serving their purpose. Alan[/quote] H Alan, The Bergo's are being tried out for the first time in anger this Sunday (Chainsaw @ The Roman Bath, York). Sound great at home with the Shuttle! Now that our Tom is awake (works night shift) I'm going to plug in the Spector and get a sonic fix. :brow:
  17. [quote name='Mike Brooks' post='257293' date='Aug 7 2008, 03:16 PM']£400...is that right...or did you mean £499? At £400 its almost worth buying another...........[/quote] Ooops - correction. They are at £499, I read the SAVE price. Sorry. Here's the link to 12 pages of clearance stock... [url="http://www.reverb-store.co.uk/landingimages/reverb.pdf"]http://www.reverb-store.co.uk/landingimages/reverb.pdf[/url]
  18. Suggestions are welcomed for where I can source some gold knobs to replace the black volume/tone ones on this Euro 6. Presumably they simply pull off, as I can't see a screw. PS They still have two Euro 4's left at £400 each ...one black cherry and one natural maple
  19. Well, I've now joined the Spector Club. Amazingly, I've just realised it is the first brand new serious bass that I've bought in nearly 30 years! This spalted Maple top Euro 6 still had the ticket on it of £1099, but it was on the clearance list for £499! (Stockton on Tees) Here's a few hasty snaps...
  20. I'm off to Reverb Stockton first thing tomorrow. They have a Euro 6 Spalted Maple top waiting for me to try. I'll let you know if I buy!
  21. [quote name='BassManKev' post='255732' date='Aug 5 2008, 08:21 PM']not really my thing, but how does it sound?[/quote] Ah, now BMK you touch upon one of my pet subjects. He had a sophisticated bass playing through a Trace head and a Trace 4x12 but there was no distinctive tone coming through. It was tight and audible, but no more interesting than something coming out of China that costs under a ton. And here's my point... OK, the feel/playability may be enhanced by a fancy bass, but in general I think the gigging bass player has to recognise that fancy gear CAN BE wasted in the mix. In a loud band and particularly when using fingers and not a pick, your subtle wood types, deluxe strings, pre-amps, and amps with more knobs than Eton, will not get you much further than if you used equipment costing a fraction of the price. Different in a jazz or semi-acoustic set-up, I grant you. But we rock bassists can be guilty of getting sexed up over boutique gear that frankly is guilding the lilly. There. I've got it off my chest. It's funny how I see things a bit differently now, since hitting an economically challenging time!
  22. I saw a Spanish Ska band in Majorca last week, at an open air festival in Pollenca. The bass looked tasty, but not one I recognised. Just before I was going to ask for help on BC to identify it, I stumbled across a similar one on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jerzy-Drozd-Excellency-6-string-bass-Roland-GK-3B_W0QQitemZ130243537917QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item130243537917&_trkparms=72%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318"]ebay[/url] It appears to be a [url="http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/excellency.htm"]Jerzy Drozd Obsession Excellency[/url] . It may be customised as it's sporting a pair of barts. Anyone know owt about these woody wonders?
  23. [quote name='BassManKev' post='253542' date='Aug 2 2008, 10:49 PM']bump, maybe back for sale (i 'as an odd 'ankerin for rob's Warlock) £200, let me know if theres any interest[/quote] What is the string spacing at the bridge please? Any pics? Thanks, B2BM
  24. Er, I think this kind of fits this thread... True story. House party in Woodley, Berks in the mid 1970s. (me thinks, the Woodley Wine Circle, but it might have been the local horticultural Soc, I don't know, I wasn't there but my [u]parents were[/u]), My late mum told me the next day that she was chatting to a nice lady at the party and found that they had in common that both of their sons played in bands (me in teenage amatuer rehearsal bands). "What was her name Mum?" "oh, 'so and so' Page". (I've since forgotten her first name) Yes, it was [i]Jimmy's [/i]mum. After all that PIAT D'ORE, MATEUS ROSE, LIEBRAUMILCH, BLACK TOWER & LAMBRUSCO, all bands probably were about the same!
  25. So, what did you go for in the end, xgsjx?
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