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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='206075' date='May 25 2008, 06:06 PM']No, I can't do the 29th June as I'm gigging that afternoon. If the date of the gig or the date of the bash changes to a date when I'm free, then I'll go. I still don't have any tastey gear to show around regardless! ta, Jon[/quote] SNAP! My first Sunday afternoon gig of the year.
  2. [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/ShuteCentral/ElectroAcousticBasses?authkey=_wMHmztR8W0"]Here are some photos[/url]
  3. [quote name='artisan' post='194672' date='May 8 2008, 01:43 PM']ee there's always one lets just say it wasn't exactly in the same condition as it was supposed to be-played very nice though.[/quote] I'm glad you asked, Steve. I can't keep up with Neil's GAS attacks!
  4. I've played at the Baildon cricket/rugby club a few times. That might be a venue. There's at least half a dozen Bass Chatters in Harrogate who might come over. If I ever get my Genz-Benz Shuttle, I'll bring it along!
  5. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='192261' date='May 5 2008, 02:39 PM']have you seen this?? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Modulus-Flea-Bass-4-String-not-Warwick-Fender-etc_W0QQitemZ300221206099QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Modulus-Flea-Bass-4-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] looks really nice to me [/quote] I have indeed spotted this one. It lives too far away for me to go and try first, but I could go with it if I knew it was the right kind of thing for me first. Hence the appeal to fondle someone's locally.
  6. I like the idea of a Modules 4-string, but have never tried one. I just wondered if a Modulus owner in my area will let me have a play on theirs in their own home. I live in Harrogate, and work in Leeds. Then, if I'm smitten, it will be a case of finding a used one!
  7. They do not have a model number, but looking at an ad for HC555s, I'd say they are comparable. These ones are in natural finish. I'll get some photos up in a few mins
  8. One pair of Headliner Congas with stands. £100 in good and playable condition. Probably about five years old. Pick up from Harrogate, or I can deliver to Leeds. Pics will follow in a wee while.
  9. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='190071' date='May 1 2008, 10:01 PM']You could sell it and get a later version which doesn't have the problem. IIRC, Ashdown issued that statement after they had problems with active basses with 18V and higher. Don't quote me, but I think you should be fine if you just got the 9V. Email Ashdown and check.[/quote] Well, I've been trying out all sorts of scenarios, with Active on, and the sky hasn't fallen down yet. It just has one PP3 battery in the bass and the same in the pedal. I'll keep on with it and see how much we like each other.
  10. Thanks to you both. Plan A is to see how I get on using the Retro in passive mode. Off to find out now.
  11. I recently acquired a mint condition Crafter fretless. However, I've decided I prefer playing fretless with fret lines which the Crafter doesn't have. So I started to think I might get my much cherished Washburn AB10 defretted. Now I've suddenly gone and agreed to buy an AB10 that's already been defetted, thus saving me the bother. So ...if anyone's interested, I'll sort out photos and the like.
  12. Just got delivered, a used Sub Octave Plus. Not even got it out of its box yet, but noticed a sticker on the box about it not being suitable for an active bass. Ooops, that's what I bought it to use it with! Is there any use in keeping it? If I plugged in my J-Retro's Jazz Bass, will the sky fall down? Answers on a virtual postcard please.
  13. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='188449' date='Apr 29 2008, 09:37 PM']Might be easier/cheaper to buy a new neck with block inlays - think Mighty Mite or Warmoth do a Fender licenced one. With you on the look though - love block inlays. Why don't Fender do a Jazz with them as standard? They'd sell thousands of them.[/quote] +1 with blocks ..but pearl on rosewood, and maybe maple, but I really don't like black blocks. Personal taste issue, in case black block lovers are insulted.
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='185523' date='Apr 25 2008, 07:15 PM']Here's some TV logos: Introduced because they were easier to see on TV... apparently.[/quote] Fender Pheremones are speaking to me ...from the one in the middle. Cold shower time for B2BM
  15. [quote name='99ster' post='185066' date='Apr 25 2008, 09:13 AM']Introduced in mid 1966 (you do see ones with bound necks & dots inlays from early '66) - there's a couple of famous pics of Paul McCartney & George Harrison playing a '66 Jazz with block inlays at Abbey Road. Though the 'classic' Jazz basses with block pearl inlays on a rosewood fretboard & TV logo are from the late 60's / early 70's. Discontinued? Still making them in various incarnations right up to the late 1980's I believe - then brought back in again as 're-issues'.[/quote] Cool, thanks. But what's a TV logo?
  16. Bring a book, newspaper, laptop, or whatever keeps you quietly occupied when its not your turn. Also, if you need batteries in anything, check 'em before you go. i also recommend a thermos flask & water bottles. And turn your mobile off! Break a leg
  17. Perhaps it's something to do with my early days of being in awe of 'real' basses (i.e. not poor copies), for when I see a jazz with block pearl inlays on a rosewood fretboard I go weak at the knees. Can anyone tell me when they were introduced and then dropped? Hope this isn't hijacking your thread, but I'm impressed with the respondents knowledge on Fenders.
  18. My geetarist friend has just asked me if I still had shortboard for sale. I have told him I've sold it, but I have let him know about yours.
  19. [quote name='dood' post='183329' date='Apr 22 2008, 11:13 PM']Yeah we were a bit naughty eh!! Apologies! - I can understand how difficult it must be not being able to try any 6ers. How frustrating!!! I'm not really sure what to suggest, I guess what ever you do, it will be a case of having to purchase online to try out and hope the return policy isn't too heavy on the walllet.[/quote] On a serious note. Trying out by buying is fine, but much more cost-effective if going for 'previously Owned'. I get the old GAS like most, but I really try to buy Used, so if it doesn't work out, then I can move things on at more or less what I paid. Not only Used but also Top Brand. I have had some really nice old basses etc. that after a year or two I have sold for practically no difference. It's like having really cheap rental deals.
  20. What a load of tarts. He wants advice, and all you can do is try sell him your own 6-strings. Tut tut. Best thing to do is try em. And if that fails, I might be persuaded to part with my old Washburnn XB60
  21. +1 for the AW16G. One of my best investments from a usefulness point of view. Nice to have an analogue way of working, to produce digital results. Hope it finds a new home that creates loads of music through it.
  22. I'm "in between" tuners right now. I need one. I used to use a Korg that had L.E.D.s until it grew legs. At home, I click on www.get-tuned.com which gives you an audio reference.
  23. Where abouts in this fair but damp land are you and your sexy Status, please?
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