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Everything posted by Musky

  1. Congrats on resisting an urge to post this Dad... I couldn't.
  2. In keeping with your second suggestion, how about: For the love of money - The O'Jays Money - Pink Floyd Money - The Beatles Money Money Money - Abba Money for nothing - Dire Straits Might be erring slightly on the side of a hard sell though.
  3. Musky

    Comments 2

    It's a Hohner B Bass isn't it? What sort of opinions are you after - the B Bass was well enough thought of for the price at the time. May be you could tell us your thoughts as you've got it in hand.
  4. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1421585652' post='2662888'] Haha he is a chap Well, anyway it's inspired me to try and record something in that style so I'm off to Chap Hop tally-ho. [/quote] It is rather jolly. Pip pip!
  5. Well, according to his wiki page he's described as Steampunk/Chap Hop, although a quick youtube of both those genres seems to throw up stuff that doesn't have the same blend of styles as Professor E. So maybe it's just him!
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1421544313' post='2662658'] Well according to published figures, Ticketmaster turned over £77,899,000.00 in 2013. That's a lot of VAT and business tax there. It's going to take a lot of persuasion to slaughter the golden goose that just keeps giving... [/quote] Point taken - that's a big chunk of cash, but it doesn't tell us anything of Get Me In's turnover nor of the proportion derived directly from Ticketmaster providing tickets directly to Get Me In. It's probably fair to assume it isn't peanuts though. And that's the point really. The market is far from transparent. HMRC said in response to that C4 programme that they were unable to take any action on individuals or companies using these secondary sites because they didn't know who they were. There must be an awful lot of tax and VAT avoided that could easily be collected by implementing these amendments, but nobody can do anything but guess the tax revenues evaded due to the opaqueness of the market. I feel it's generally a good idea to to know who you're buying from (something that is regularly recommended when trading on this very forum) to allow me to make a decision whether I want to buy from a fan, tout, company or criminal. I'd also quite like to know exactly what it is I'm buying and whether that purchase will get me into an event, and that's all these proposals address. And Milty is right, many Conservatives argued against the proposals on the basis that the free market should decide prices and that people should be free to sell tickets on the secondary market. That the amendments didn't attempt to curtail these freedoms seems to have evaded them, unless of course they were simply trying to obscure their real reasons for voting down any changes.
  7. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1421532631' post='2662500'] Whilst not trying to justify ticket touting, I can see the rationale for using the ticket agencies. Rehearsal space, publicity materials, venue booking fees, transport costs, PA costs - the list goes on and on and will have been paid for upfront. You decide you need £90 a ticket to cover those costs and make a suitable profit. Then you have a choice - you can either pay people to take that money for you and deal with any complaints plus credit card fees and tie up some more money in the process - or you can sell the whole lot at face value to an agency and get your investment and your profit back in one hit. The actual mechanism is very similar to a supplier - retailer relationship, but the 'trade prices' are advertised on the product being sold. [/quote] That's all fine and is what has been happening ever since I can remember, and very likely a lot longer. What is new is the agency then putting only a portion of those tickets on sale at face value (plus their booking and admin fees) and selling the remainder at many times face value (again plus their cut for providing this wonderful service). These are tickets that have never been available to anyone, the proceeds of which are lost to the music business, as the the secondary side of the agencies put absolutely nothing back in. All the amendments just knocked back in parliament were intended to do were to make the process transparent. Apparently they would prefer people to remain in the dark over precisely who we're buying the tickets from.
  8. [quote name='GremlinAndy' timestamp='1421511846' post='2662142'] Not heard the soundtrack separately but after watching "Birdman" I was totally blown away by the score. I don't think it would hold up without the movie, but in the context of the movie, it was like the punctuation in a novel! ...in as much as on its own it would be a bunch of apostrophies and full stops, but by the same token, a novel without its punctuation would just be incomplete. Brilliantly appropriate. [/quote] I know what you mean, but that bloody drumming was like a running comma!
  9. Another great leap forward in the battle against institutionalised touting. Not. http://blog.dice.fm/post/107997788494/the-consumer-rights-bill-and-what-you-need-to
  10. Never seen one of these before - promotional items apparently - but I prefer the Supro/National take on the map of America.
  11. [quote name='howdenspur' timestamp='1421438092' post='2661339'] Bolt on as opposed to set neck? [/quote] Yes, but replaceable sounds better than 'bolt on'.
  12. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1421432923' post='2661238'] Thanks Jon. That's a good example of a tale of two Japanese brands. What does it mean by 'maple replacement neck'? [/quote] The original spiel from Aria on this included 'replaceable neck', along with 'flat ash body' etc. Someone should buy this before a bid is placed. I wonder if he'll post?
  13. I've been listening to the Oceans 13 soundtrack recently - some really nice bass grooves on there. Music by David Holmes. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akVNmTPa2jo[/media]
  14. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1421322011' post='2659773'] What's the impedance of the current driver? You might also want to pull the driver and weigh the cab/amp part - IIRC mine was made from thick MDF, so you may not gain a massive amount if you lose 1kg by fitting an expensive neo speaker. [/quote] +1. Before you go any further you should find out what the speaker weighs. Neo drivers are quite expensive and usually highly specced, which may well mean much higher power handling than you current unit - you might find that any recommended neo speaker is actually heavier. You shouldn't under-estimate the weight of the cab, especially if it's MDF.
  15. Westone Thunder 1A. BIN, but probably just a tad optimistic in the current climate. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-Thunder-bass-guitar-With-Active-Pickup-Made-In-Japan/291344591055
  16. [quote name='dangerboy' timestamp='1421248414' post='2658924'] That Longfellow is in my living room. [/quote] Glad you've still got it Steve. That's a strong candidate for my 'coolest looking bass ever' category. Although that Egmond is now sporting a Jaguar-esque vinyl covered body and looks pretty damn funky as well.
  17. What bass?
  18. [quote name='odyseus' timestamp='1421167055' post='2657939'] Hi Chaps I've looked at a few of Scott Devines free videos but I was wondering if anyone has signed up to the Academy and taken the Begineers Bass Course??? Is it truly from scratch? Or are there better alternatives?? cheers John [/quote] There's a few people in this thread who are subscribers and Hecket's [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/249946-scott-devine-online-learning/page__view__findpost__p__2612808"]post[/url] above describes doing the beginner's course, so perhaps you could PM him for greater detail. No video lessons, but http://www.studybass.com is completely free and very good for beginners.
  19. Reading thriugh this I'm getting the impression that the OP's difficulties are related to not knowing the songs properly, although there may be underlying timing problems as well. If you don't know the songs inside out you're going to have trouble changing chords on time. Following the vocals is a guaranteed way to miss the changes as they can play fast and loose with the timing - and as a bass player you can't. As a result you're going to be listening for cues, which will play havoc with hitting the changes. There's been a recent thread on remembering songs, but the gist of it is that you need to listen to them repeatedly until you know them off pat. Until you do that you'll never make the changes on time even with a metronome.
  20. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1421026980' post='2656416'] 50's influence, something with plenty of bottom end and around £400 to spend? I'd be looking at an Epiphone Jack Cassidy. [/quote] I was thinking along similar lines with the Rivoli. Or maybe one of those Harley Benton Gretsch lookalikes, which look very nice but I don't think anyone from here has tested one of them out yet.
  21. I've got a Dano 63 which I really quite like, and might go for a Mustang or Musicmaster if I fancied another (either Fender or Squier versions). But seeing as you'd like the Spector perhaps the Warwick Rockbass Corvette Basic shorty might hit the spot, visually at least. http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_corvette_short_scale_nt_active.htm
  22. Or a Longfellow.
  23. Jon (Bassassasin) has got one of these - actually a Track 2 I think - so he'll be able to give you some more details. The bridges are about as strong as plasticine and are often bent or otherwise broken so keep an eye out for that. You can pick up replacement 3 point bridges but that's a possible expense to be aware of.
  24. I'm going to go with White Cloud's suggestion (sorry Lozz ). IME pickups don't really sound dirty in themselves but will affect how it hits the front end of an amp. You could get the same effect by turning up the input gain (which you may or may not like) but an overdrive/distortion/fuzz is an all round better route to take for dirt IMHO. If your looking for tonal changes pickups are a good place to start, and I'd agree with Lozz's comparison of the DiMarzio and SD.
  25. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1420492402' post='2650044'] It would and probably a good idea. It is sadly bigger than the pedal in question and would negate the point of the exercise (which I guess I haven't made too clear, my bad) in that I am looking to turn a big rig sound in to a small pedal board. It's an exercise in back saving! [/quote] Pandora PX4d? Though that's still not great on a pedal board and you'd still need a loop pedal to kick in your effects. I always loved the sound of my Marshall 4x12 guitar cab, but seeing as it's way too heavy for me nowadays I'd been half-heartedly thinking about knocking up a 1x12 that might replicate the sound (albeit with lower volumes). So I spent a lot of time looking at frequency responses of various sims (mostly because that was the only way of seeing a cabs response - hardly anybody goes to the trouble of actually measuring a cab). What I found was that most sims just bear a passing resemblance to the general shape of a 4x12's response and do naff all for the upper range character that makes these speakers so nice for guitarists. It's the digital stuff that gets you close. There's an actual measurement of a Marshall 4x12 [url="http://www.aikenamps.com/index.php/frequency-response-of-a-marshall-4x12-cabinet"]here[/url] and some modelled ones at the bottom of the page [url="http://www.hexeguitar.com/diy-cabsims_e"]here[/url] - they're far closer to the sound of these speakers than all the plots above. In short, if you'd like the tone of these sorts of speakers you'll have to use them or go the modelling route. And you'd still have to figure out the best way to leave the bass untouched.
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