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Everything posted by Musky

  1. Probably just fed up with being told he doesn't actually want what he wants and gave it up as a bad job. Seems to happen in some bass shops as well.
  2. [quote name='Noisyjon' timestamp='1417965277' post='2625501'] Try John Henry's and if they can't help they will certainly know someone who can [url="http://www.johnhenrys.com/"]http://www.johnhenrys.com/[/url] [/quote] I was just about the suggest exactly the same thing. I'm pretty sure I've seen unloaded amps and cabs for hire on there before, though the current website doesn't give any info other than to assure us they've got a crap load of stuff.
  3. Weight. Although you'll know all about it as soon as you pick it up if it's a heavy one. A good idea to keep an eye on the neck pocket for gaps if it's a three bolt neck as well.
  4. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1417819285' post='2624402'] You might have a guitar playing the same line as the bass? [/quote] [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1417822998' post='2624445'] from listening id say thats a guitar probs Pat's and nate's bass (slightly dirty) playing the same riff not just the bass sound andy [/quote] My thoughts as well. Just to be clear here, we are talking about the chugging bit starting at 0.34?
  5. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1417641871' post='2622653'] Absolute zero would relate to resistance. Cable resistance is insignificant compared to both pickup impedance and amp input impedance, so tone wouldn't be significantly affected. [/quote] [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1417689607' post='2623009'] Plus, if either capacitance or resistance is zero then the value of the other is irrelevant, tonally. This cable claims to reduce the apparent cable capacitance by a factor of 10 in a 20 foot cable, and I have no reason to doubt that it does. However, is it, for the average player, worth the hassle of having a special cable and more batteries to worry about? If I were that bothered about my tone then I'd probably go wireless, with the added advantage that that brings. [/quote] Cheers chaps, I've just learnt something. I'd always been labouring under the impression that the resistance of a cable had a significant effect, so I'm happy to be corrected.
  6. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1417634338' post='2622541'] After some digging around, it seems the "Zerocap" cable might be legit. The idea is described in this patent application [url="http://www.google.com/patents/US8246384"]http://www.google.co...tents/US8246384[/url] Apparently it uses the "driven shield" principle which is already used in precision measuring equipment. Don't think I'll bother though. [/quote] I'm not doubting their claims of zero capacitance, but the claim that there is no difference in tone regardless of cable length is clearly pants. Unless you're using it at almost absolute zero.
  7. Typical. A dirty great bass stuck front and centre and they manage to marvel at his house keys, credit card and every other damned thing without even casting a glance towards it. Words to live by - everyone always ignores the bass.
  8. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1417635925' post='2622578'] Yeah i get that, but say thomann sold one you then have a world wide audience for them. Plus since there isn't any at present. And people love that kinda thing im pretty sure there is a good market for them. [/quote] Thomann don't really have that much of a market in the States (the biggest market) - they're just not that competitive with domestic sellers, especially when you factor in shipping. Ashdown on the other hand do have a genuine worldwide market for the CTM15, but I'm not sure these are flying off the shelves. Things could be different for a pocket money priced combo, but I don't see that a decent one could be produced for the money you're talking about. Guitarists buy the low power combos because they can be wound up to saturation, distorting speaker and all, at reasonable volumes. Bassists tend to prefer a bit more headroom.
  9. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1417554723' post='2621745'] Just found this. There's some kind of in-line mystery box. Total bollards? [url="http://www.aqdi.com/zerocap.htm"]http://www.aqdi.com/zerocap.htm[/url] [b]ZEROCAP cables sound the same regardless of length?[/b][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica][size=1] Yes. There is no passive 'premium' cable that can make that claim. Say you buy a 10 foot 'premium' cable for club use, and a 20 foot cable of the same brand for large stage use. The longer cable will have [/size][/font][/color][i]double[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica][size=1] the cable capacitance and will further murder your tone. All ZEROCAP cables have the same sound, regardless of length, as if they were not there![/size][/font][/color] [/quote] Complete bollards. Totally ignores resistance.
  10. VLE is a treble cut - turning it up cuts a greater range of the treble frequencies. VPF is a mid cut - it might boost the bass and treble as well.
  11. Actually Vince Power was brought in after more people bunked in than paid for tickets in 2000 - MDC were seriously hacked off that Eavis had done little to prevent people getting in for free and busting the official capacity for years. In short, Eavis wouldn't be getting a license under his own name. The deal with Vince Power was for 10 years from 2002 and so came to a natural end. It's still not Eavis's name on the license.
  12. He's in the slot that's come to be called the legends slot, so it seems to be a reasonable booking. I won't be watching him though, when I eventually get a ticket.
  13. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1417366868' post='2619599'] There must be some decent covers of the songs on Let it Be to swell the ranks... [/quote] How about Laibach's cover of the entire album? I seem to remember One after 909 was pretty cool. Edit: It is. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKiNm5WL2xg[/media]
  14. IEC mains leads are all the same (it's an international standard) and only the plug differs for the pattern used in various countries, so I'm assuming your's came from overseas. You'll be fine with the one from your CTM 15 but you might like to check the fuse rating first.
  15. Louie Louie by Richard Berry - all the covers are better. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-2CKsaq5r8[/youtube] Well, almost all.
  16. Musky

    RedSub BEQ-2

    [quote name='Corvine' timestamp='1416785436' post='2613638'] Yeh, i think they're a pretty decent bit of kit considering the price, only if you're expecting it to sound exactly like the Sans amp equivalent then you'll probably be disappointed. [/quote] Yep, that blind test over on Talkbass found that to copy the BDDI set flat the BDI21 had to have the treble and presence up higher...
  17. You're better off adding another cab than buying a more powerful amp. Adding an identical cab will have the same volume increase as doubling the wattage available, added to which you'll have more power available from your existing amp. But before you buy anything try playing with the EQ - more mids will help you cut through much better. Edit: Wot WoT said!
  18. [quote name='BigAlonBass' timestamp='1416867986' post='2614615'] Screw that! Get on to the Charities Commission, and DEMAND answers! "You're calling me a thief" followed up by "We really can't tell you how much he donates" leaves a HELL of a lot of scope for money to slip into back pockets. You've played this Gig before, so you have a vested interest in knowing if you or the Charity have been ripped off, especially if it's happened more than once. It's typical "bureaucrat speak", practically the same as when Politicians "can't comment on individual cases" when EVERY case is individual. (edit for typo) [/quote] Not really. If someone chooses to donate to charity that's their business. Others may not necessarily agree with the aims or methods of a particular charity and do not always look kindly on those who support them, which in turn could have financial implications for companies or directors of companies that donate. Or they might simply just choose not to publicise that they do a lot for charidee. Ultimately publicising donors could affect the income for that charity. Asking the promoter for the accounts of previous events is a different matter, and I wouldn't feel comfortable playing a charity gig where the promoter was unwilling to provide them
  19. [quote name='James Nada' timestamp='1416681622' post='2612645'] Has anyone had experience with one of the hollow body (or semi hollow bodied) Harley Bentons? Im taking a keen interest in the Beatbass - (Mccartney Violin bass). [/quote] I seem to recall that they were flavour of the month on here (or one of this forum's previous incarnations) several years back. Not tried one myself but those that did seemed happy with it for the price.
  20. It looks quite like a Jaydee headstock, although as far as I know they were usually through neck. No idea whether John Diggins ever took on work to make just a neck for customers though.
  21. Glad it's worked out for you. Those Lytes are great players.
  22. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1416608862' post='2611976'] What do others think?. Can they hear it?. have you tried it without the extra cab?. We all hear things different ive sworn ive heard odd noises and others haven't and vice versa. And our ears and brains will respond with slight variation to others. Hence why people like different brands etc. It could be a case that the amp is putting out a frequency you just don't get on with i suppose. As i said before you don't need the stress and second guessing you should be enjoying playing. You have a lovely combo there but you shouldn't force yourself to like it. I don't see whats wrong with going back to Ampeg which you clearly get on with. [/quote] I've had similar experience playing in a large square undamped room with a very high ceiling. The band used to ask each other "who's playing that bit?" - turned out to be weird harmonics which sounded like another instrument. We quite missed the effect when we started rehearsing elsewhere. Boomy and woolly bass is usually a problem in the 50-250Hz range so reducing the frequencies in that range might help, as might moving the combo away from the wall and raising it. Just a question of experimentation. It's never going to sound like and Ampeg though, so if you like the character of the Ampeg sound that's the way to go.
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1416404917' post='2609822'] On the other hand. . . . these optimistic, exaggerated or just plain false specs didn't stop Eden and many of the other makes sounding great. I get that to many the paper work is important, but it's not as important as what the thing sounds like. [/quote] I agree with you Chris, but in that case they shouldn't be putting [i]any[/i] specs up. They're not going to do that though, as they know perfectly well that some people pore over the specs of various cabs to narrow down their choices, if not make their final decision. So instead they mislead or lie. I seem to remember Alex found himself in a quandary regarding this when he started up Barefaced - how to honestly give the specs for his range without resorting to BS or making his cabs appear a poor relation to his competitors. It doesn't make the blindest bit of difference to how the cabs sound, but it does for some people's purchase decisions.
  24. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1416318496' post='2608974'] So Bill, sorry if this is a slight derail, if you wanted a Amp with the most volume "out front", what measurement would you be looking at? SPL? [/quote] And to add to what the others have said, it's worth bearing in mind that many manufacturers are... 'optimistic' with their specs. A few years back when Alex pointed out that the specs quoted for a cab made by a respected manufacturer couldn't possibly true, said manufacturer did the decent thing, apologised and amended the specs. In mitigation they said they did it because all their competitors were lying as well...
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