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Everything posted by Pris-

  1. Yesh, Marcus.. even when he's not wearing the hat and looks a bit like this --> Did anyone mention Jaco already? Or is that like trying to ramming in a wide open door?
  2. [quote]....music is about just that making music, not how fast can I play it.[/quote] Isn't that just 100% well said?
  3. This is going to sound silly... but the safest way is just to use sommink like olive oil, or sunflower oil. And then you can remove the grease after, with washing up liquid. It takes a little more effort than the more aggressive stuff, but at least you're sure your bass is safe.
  4. When and where is this? Never been there, wouldn't mind to check it out though.
  5. :wub: You're so helpful! Thank you very muchly! I'll check the websites you mentioned. I'd like the stuff to be of good quality and the prints up to decent standard. I like dem bassplayers to look[b] Good[/b], even after a couple of washings. I'm definately going to set it up, will keep you posted. Thanks again!
  6. I'm 2,500?! WIKKID! Do the member numbers work summat like nectarpoints...? Yesh..? :brow: *waves*.. Heya Lurker.. uuhmm.. I mean Dood! Yeh, I remember you. You were the lurking guy at Basstech, weren't ye..? Me'heh!
  7. Hey Bassheads, I'm playing with the idea to open an online shop with stuff like bass T'shirts, hoodies, tops, prints, mugs, other merch.. y'know. Im just wondering if there would be a market for it, as I don't want to be stuck with loads of stock. What are you guys saying, would you be at all interested in stuff like that? Lemme know! Easy, Pris
  8. Me'heh :blush: I know, I know.. Thanks for the welcoming words! -x-
  9. Call me slow.. hehe.. but better late than never, right? Just thought I'd let you know I've finally arrived here too. Great place, well done Kiwi and Ped! (And all rest of the broadshouldered bass studs that helped building this community..) Hope to find the time to stay close, but not promising anything as of yet... :blush: Easy, Pris
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