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  1. Well this has been an exhausting ride. I seem to have Wasapi working again. So everything seems to be running fine. I'm sure some new weird thing will crop up, technology after all is confusing and strange Thanks for the help
  2. what do you mean external audio pcs?
  3. I just tried ASIO again, and it works. No latency everything sounds great. Except audio doesn't work outside of Reaper! I can't play yt clips for example without an error message. What in god's name is going on with all this. It's like Chinese water torture
  4. Thanks, I seem to have the midi controller working now. Onlya fter removing the drivers from the OSC list. I've no idea if that will permanently fix things, but now it's working. However, the latest problem is getting the correct audio driver. Something has changed in the WASAPI settings because i just get an error message telling me "wasapi error: could not open input device". I don't know what that means or what it's referring to. I haven't changed anything in windows at all.
  5. I'm about to lose my mind doing all this. You get one thing working and then something else doesn't. Ok, under sound devices i have SE49 (my keyboard) and "high definition audio device". It tells me the latter is working properly. I can hear stuff when i run audio anyway, it just seems that Reaper wants to play silly buggers. I had it set to use the WASAPI audio driver which was producing low latency results and was fine. But I couldn't get my keyboard to work. However that now seems to be (for now) solved after I deleted the driver i'd installed to get it to work. It should be able to run just as plug and play anyway. Unfortuantely WASAPI stopped working from an input perspective. I got an error message saying 'can't find input device' with only the 'default input device' to use which wasn't getting any sound. Although I have headphones plugged in the laptop seems to have two separate settings regardless so having them plugged in doesn't override the output, you have to, if possible, choose headphones. That would be fine if it didn't keep flipping between those two choices on its own. So now I've chosen DirectSound as my audio device and i'm back to having latency. I don't really understand ASIO as it doesn't seem to work at all. I don't know what input/ouput option I should choose and messing around with all these options seems to affect other options. I can't just go back to WASAPI either, because it doesn't seem to work. I've no idea how any of this works or why it's happening. It makes no sense and to the best of my knowledge i have not uninstalled or deleted anything
  6. it's whatever came in the laptop. I asked about soundcards when i discussed buying laptops in my other thread and was told it shouldn't matter
  7. I also can't run ASIO. Nothing comes out when i press play. under enable inputs it just says 1:1 and 2:2 under output range it says Not Connected 1 and 2 respectively. There are no other options for either. I can only get this work under WASAPI, but I cannot get my midid controller to work at all. It doesn't even play now. What do i do?
  8. I don't want to start another Reaper thread, but I've been installing my MIDI controller and even though it appears to work. I still get an error message saying Reaper canot open the device everytime I boot up Reaper. I dont' know what to do about this or whether this is even a problem, it is annoying though. I don't recall this being a problem before.
  9. Thanks, I 've set it to WASAPI and it seems to work except....even though i can use my controller and the latency is no longer an issue it keeps telling me it can't open my midi device. Does anyone know why this is? It's actually working (or seems to be) Thanks for the replies
  10. I'm using a Nektar g49 (iirc). connected directly, no interface. I'm only using softsynths anyway. I get an error message now when i boot up telling me it can't open midi devices even though pressing a key on the controller produces a sound. Not sure why that is. I had it all working before, this is most frustrating. I don't know what i've done wrong. EDIT: ok i'm looking at thee pic and my drivers weren't set to ASIO. But when I try it tells me no ASIO drivers are available. Is this something I need to download?
  11. Using my new laptop (RIP my old one, it just died) and I'm trying to set up my midi controller, I seem to have it installed but there's considerable latency when I play it. I use softsynths (arturia and uhe stuff). Some of them can be used in standalone mode, outside of the daw (reaper), and I don't notice any issues there so hopefully its not my computer. Can any Reaper experts help me out here? This wasn't a problem on my old computer, but it is here and I don't know what to do. Thanks
  12. Sounds great thanks
  13. So to be clear, I'm listening to the reference mix while mixing/mastering?
  14. I just use headphones. I don't have monitors or even regular speakers, which I doubt would be idea. For now that will have to do
  15. Excellent advice, thank you.
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